[December] UPDATED: Jump Fuel and Jump Fatigue Cap changes

You say that like it isn’t part of the goal.

Increasing the cost of playing the game for the people who actively PvP/caps and blops. As well as those that run logistics for the benefit of those that run 10+ accounts to afk in Orcas in highsec belts with ice drones and 172,000m3 ore bays… Not a change I can support.


Far be it for you to deign to engage in Eve PVE.

Once again we see changes implemented specifically to benefit the rich mega blobs.

Such a shame our Devs are so out of touch with anything other than blob rule when it comes to “game design” - Changes like this bring turning TQ into Serenity (2 massive blobs control the whole map) one step closer.

What amazing insight our Devs have into the game they design (yes I’m being sarcastic)

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So are there no ice belts in 0.0?

Industry much…

i guess fozzie has a vested insterset in the game to the point that he has to change it so that his in game char/corp/allince can actual make isk.

why dont you back off the cap hating and go back to your low sec ways. and actual work on bug in the game that have been in here since 2003, but that would make since.

my question to you is dont goons have enough isk making, oo that is right you pulled there moons away but i see that you probley will return them since you fix the game in there favor her soon to keep your cash flow coming in…

i see this being another t220 issue.

why dont you revert the changes you made on the ice mining excavators, that would make MORE profitable. but you like to be dicks.

DO you guys really look at he items usage or just come up with some random bull crap? POS have not been used for a long time and the market has correct from you guys screwing with it.

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Which blobs are these?

Ironically, all my mains and 1 alt per account have near perfect mackinaw skills and 2 are near perfect orca/rorq pilots. But I still feel this is a negative change, ice is far more lucrative already in highsec vs ore. So negatively affecting the player base that requires active on the keys playing for the benefit of the netflix watching community is a bad idea.

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How exactly does this change help us make more money? We import more trash than any other region in Eve. We pay the most in JF fees, as an extension of this. Aren’t we being affected the most strongly?

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Hey, at least he’s trying. I can’t fault him for actually putting words into action, stilted and ineffectual as it is – that s​hit’s leagues above the average person whining in an MER thread on bad forums.

So here’s how you go further - once POS’s have some replacement for beachhead like activities.

  • Jumping requires a 60 second countdown timer until you jump - it can be interrupted by a HIC infinite point/scram: This adds risk to capital movement and more importantly super capital movement and reduces the threat of instant reinforcement/hot dropping that has been cancer since carriers were put in game.

Jump drive activation would cancel a tether

Supers/titans should not be able to tether on an astrahus

No logging off safely while tethered - self destruct activation cancels tether

Capitals need to be treated like big diesel powered loud machines and not like sneaky stealthy fast moving raiders. When you move it should be obvious.


Wow so defensive
He didn’t say it would make you more isk - You’re reaching
You may import more trash than anyone else - The reason being, you have more people to feed than just about any other group. You also make more isk per person in your region than any other region.
Truth is; Goons being the biggest blob in the game, can more easily absorb the additional cost to logistics compared to smaller groups.

The member base of the large blobs (like your’s) will be far less affected by this change than a small groups members will be. You can spread the additional cost over many thousands of players - A smaller group can’t do this to anywhere near the extent the blobs can.

Which blobs are these?

Ahhh lets see…

Name Goonswarm Federation
Ticker CONDI
Members 34672

Name Pandemic Horde
Ticker REKTD
Members 13807

Name Test Alliance Please Ignore
Ticker TEST
Members 11508

Name Shadow of xXDEATHXx
Ticker X.W.X
Members 7720

Per Dotlan, sort by members - number 1 has more members than those ranked 2, 3 and 4 combined. I am comfortable calling that alliance a “blob”.

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You said there were only two blobs, yet you listed four alliances.

I knew somehow a positive change was too good to be true. Thanks fozzie, you really are as bad as people have been saying.

■■■■■■■ over Blops AND JFs at the same time? That’s impressive, EA’s got nothin’ on you.

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I’m sorry, I must have written something I can’t see in the post.
Could you be an angel and quote where I said TQ only had 2 coalitions (blobs) for me?

Also, could you explain to me how listing alliance numbers in any way relates to coalitions?

I mean if you’re going to respond to a post, it would be really nice if your response was relevant.

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You said the game was heading towards two blobs. Obviously, you’ve named my alliance as one. Am I to assume that the rest of the game is the other blob? If you don’t like blobs, maybe remove some blues.

It’s the pretty clear inference there that he’s saying the long-term plan is that this will benefit us financially.

To be fair, he also called the blob “your’s”, which isn’t even a word. So I don’t know that you should be looking for coherence here.

I think the issue is we don’t care, cause we know how to mitigate it.

Well maybe Devs already work towards bringing TQ to Serenity level, where 2 powerblocks control everything and plex price is not an issue for anyone.

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do you have any data on how often the fatigue cap gets reached? would it not be far more effective to either increase the range by 1ly (to allow more routes) or reduce the initial fatigue to 40mins (the latter would really help when it comes to moving ops not taking up my entire day)

I can tell you my personal user experience is not good when I see a post for a move op and it’s 1 jump then the FC says “ok guys come back in 1hr” as if I can spend my entire day coming back to my computer for 20 min increments. as I understand it Fatigue was supped to prevent all the alliances from dogpiling every time a fight happens but IMO the way it exists now it just discourages all alliances from ever leaving home.

and for the record, I agree fully with the intent of the system, but I feel it’s too punitive on personal time, shouldn’t a single 4 or 5 hr play session be enough to cross the map and then do something the next day

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