DED agents are removed. Why?

Recent mission running.

Adding my experience on this, I returned from an 8 year break 6 weeks ago and as fortune would have it headed to Maspah in Derelik to raise my DED and concord standings. I worked my way up from LVL 1 security agents in the area through a Lvl 3 to finally the only listed LVL 4 security agent.

Here are my standing increases, note the huge 3+ rise from the storyline.

I needed a break from the grind so went a few jumps up into Minmatar space to test out a Rattlesnake fit for Angels.
Today I returned to find no agents at all in the system and all the other agents gone. What a let down but at least I got my DED standings to 9.7 (with Connections lvl 4) The cool thing was seeing the sea of “+” signs on the list on the left, every non pirate faction was rising with every storyline. My Concord standings are now at 3.98 again with connections at 4.

I want DED security agents to become a permanent thing. For Lore reasons being liked by all factions for hunting pirates really brings RP to a new level. Also unlike IRL cops CONCORD has a 100% accuracy rating.

CONCORD arent the police, and Capsuleers arent tools of the Empires.

Learn your lore before claiming to know what good RP is.

I make my own lore I always have I’m an independent capsuleer after all. I realize that is not exactly how that works but my personal RP includes being a pirate hunting bounty hunter explorer of wormholes.

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I thought you were about to say space princess.

If you make your own lore, you shpuld probably avoid CCPs.

Its rubbish.

CONCORD still arent the popo though.

I get that chill my friend you are just acting like you woke up hungover.

Ach yesterday I broke my toe.

Fine now.

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Serving as the police force, the long arm of the law, CONCORD acts as an unstoppable force of consequence for anyone breaking the law in high security space.

I know this is eve uni and not ccp, but it sure looks like Concord is the police/law enforcement.

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Tell that to FacPo

You know

The Police

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DED is law enforcement FacPo is a player term for the response you get when you have very law Security Status or Faction Standings. I would argue DED is police and FacPo is more like the Gestapo/ Secret Service attacking preemptively.

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Is that what the Secret Service does?

Facpo are the general cop on the street, Concord are the SWANT guys that shoot particularly naughty people in the face.

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None of these are in any way analogous to police. They are more like dumb flying monkeys.

Maybe, but its not CONCORD that hassle you on suspicion of crime (Sec Status)

In fact once CONCORD are done with you, they couldnt give a fig.

Given CONCORD cover acts SPECIFICALLY regarding Capsuleer on Capsuleer violents (and violence against empty wrecks too for some reason), Id say your analogy was back to front.

There isnt any real world organisation that reflects CONCORD as there are no super-humans to control.

Happy to meet you aon a compromise though;

FacPo are the cops, and CONCORD are the MPs?

So then eve uni is incorrect?

Haven’t come across SWANT before. Is that Special Weapons And No Tactics?

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Yep, that’s them.

obvious bait is obvious…

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