Delay Local

Just as it increases the time necessary for a hunter to ascertain if there is anyone in the system to hunt.

The burden is shared.

just that the hunter doesn’t need to do it, he can shoot first (warp to the site) and ask questions later (see if anyone is in local).

It absolutely isn’t.

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Hunters can already warp to whatever belt/anom they want.

That is not changed.

Hunters are as burdened by delayed local, as prey.

The hunter loses the capacity to immediately know if there are targets in the system, and the prey loses the capacity to immediately know if there are aggressors in the system.

Yes, but delayed local would mean that the target in a site has less time to spot the enemy. This is equivalent to “less time to warp off”.

This means that the hunter will have an easier time, cause he doesn’t need to wait for the delayed local.


Neither hunter or prey have less time to spot the other, than the other.

Both are equally delayed, insofar as Local intel.

that is true, just that the hunter doesn’t rely on the local intel in order to find targets. The prey on the other hand relies on intel to make it home alive.

Thats false.

With instant Local intel, hunters use that to ascertain if there is anyone, and how many, in system. Reciprocally, prey use the same instant Local intel to ascertain if an unknown/hostile, and how many, has entered the system.

With delayed local intel, NEITHER hunter or prey knows of the presence of the other.
Both must thus use other forms of intel gathering to ascertain that, until the delay expires for both, simultaneously.

The burden of the delay on Local intel, is shared equally by both hunter and prey.

The hunter doesn’t need to know this, cause he can simply check it out because PVE happens in static places. It doesn’t matter that you don’t know if there is someone in the system when you can check for yourself at all times.

If the PvE player wants to check for hostiles in the system, he needs to check the whole system at all times, hence he can not PvE.

This is as simple as I can put it. You can’t win this argument, cause your argument is bad (and false).

Don’t get me wrong, your argument that both sides are affected equally by a delay in local isn’t wrong itself. The problem is that the gravity of such a change impacts PvE MUCH more than PVP.

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Just as the entry of hostiles/unknowns also happens in static places.

It matters, a lot, for both prey and hunters, in different ways.

Just the same as the hunter needs to check the whole system, to find you.

Btw your irl example is false. Forests do not have jump gates lol

But it can not be checked at all times from the PvE places without removing oneself from the PvE place.

It doesn’t matter for the hunter, not at all. He doesn’t need to wait for local intel cause he can easily check the sites. In the same way, the victim can not do that because it would mean removing himself from the PvE. I don’t know why it’s so hard to understand that it affects PvE much more than it does PvE, and I find your lack of experience tiresome.

This is not true at all… that is wrong.

The gravity of the change is not in severity, but in changed meta.

The purpose of the change, is indeed to advantage hunters, so as to promote more PvP.

However the equity can be restored, by flying more carefully while running PvE in Player NS with better support and better recon, just as it will also require more effort on the part of the hunters to ascertain who is in system and where.

If you are in the last belt/anom/sig they check in the system, then yes, they had to check it all to find you, by which time you should already be long gone unless you are afk/botting.

another wrong statement, but I’ll leave it go, since you admitted that you want easier kills and more difficult PvE.


Never said it was, I was just explaining to you what you do to catch people, do keep up…

Makes no sense at all because I was explaining what the hunter does and I also explained the greater impact and ease of this in terms of lower truesec systems and smaller entities in nullsec.

So to help you I am attempting to explain the impact of this change in game balance, but you are trying to turn it into another point yet again. doh!


You arent understanding, that the equity with delayed local is equal.

Nobody receives the local intel, until the delay expires.
Its the same for everyone.

Infact it indirectly helps prey, because they dont have to panic when an unknown enters system with no intent to aggress, that is just passing through, and does so before the Local intel expires. They will have entered, warped to next gate, and moved on before they show up in Local intel.

Your explanation was false, narrow and incomplete.
Mine was better.

Its no wonder that you are against this change, when you apparently dont understand the impact it has on hunters as well, as their part of the shared burden of delayed local.

So says a person who has not hunted to someone who does…


No, your dishonest attempts only try to paint this picture. :slight_smile: Your intention is clear, you want to put PvE at a disadvantage and it’s ok that you have that oppinion. That doesn’t make your argument true though.

With that said, you even admitted that the aim of the change is to put PvP at an advantage which is exactly what your change would do. :slight_smile: