Delay Local

This is false, and has been stated as false repeatedly.
Hunters would no longer be informed by instant Local intel whether there are potential targets in the system, nor whom they are.

D-scan and probing will not tell you who they are as instant Local intel does.

Prey already always have the advantage of the home-field.
How well they utilize that, is up to them.

With delayed Local, EVERYONE gets local intel.
Just not immediately.

Its up to you how you handle your own intel sourcing, until the delay expires, for everyone.

Incorrect. D-scan will tell me ship type. Local won’t tell me that. And I don’t care who my target is. Just that they are a target.

And there is no extra burden. Knowing the name of my target is one of the last things I care about.

What advantages are those?

D-scan mechanics are not changed by delayed Local.


Are you seriously asking me what the home-field advantages are for locals in a system they reside and operate in?

Yes. What advantages. Either list them or I will assume you are using that phrase because it sounds good but means nothing to the issue being discussed.

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I will list them, but first, answer this:

Do you ask this because you genuinely do not understand what advantage locals of a system they run/operate in have (ie: you are clueless and need education), or do you doubt that I can answer this question?

Which is it?

It is a third explanation, that you are just saying it so that it makes your proposal sound better.


Then let me show you to be ignorant, dishonest and false:

Home-field advantage offers:

  • Pre-established bookmarks and safes
  • Friendly citadels to dock in, reship in and from which friendlies can deploy as support
  • Local corp support for defense and intel

The interloper has none of those advantages when entering a hostile system.

I cant believe you are so naive or disingenuous to not recognize that a player in their own system where they operate has advantages that an intruder there does not.

Yes, and those advantages do not dissuade hunters. In fact, those advantages become less advantageous as a result of your change. If a hunter is about to get me (e.g. he is warping to me in between dscan cycles or has a cloaking ship–unless cloaked ships show on dscan) the delayed local makes my bookmarks and safes less viable. Similarly with using a citadel or station to reship. If I don’t see him coming, then the fact that I have combat ships in said citadel is of little use. And my buddies will be as ignorant of him as I am unless they or I catch him on dscan. All of these advantages remain, but they become less helpful.

So…you really haven’t helped your case, IMO. If anything you’ve shown how you’ll weaken PvE which is important for the in game economy. We need production to have a slight edge on destruction. Without this, then the game will be imbalanced. You claim that more destruction makes subsequent production more valuable, but you are forgetting that production only takes place by being vulnerable to destruction. Too much destruction and trying to engage in production becomes pointless. We do not want destruction to have the edge. We want the reverse.

I know you won’t agree here. Heck, I’m not even sure you can apprehend the point I am making. Giving destruction the advantage is not unlike eating your seed corn. Sure you’ll eat for now, but when it comes time to replant and grow more corn, you’ll be ■■■■ out of luck.


And Salvos will make a post saying, “But those advantages are still there,” in 3…2…1…

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So basically you’re taking issue with the fact that someone actually lives in their space. How dare they have citadels to use, I don’t as an invader. How dare they have friends who can back them up, I’m a solo player and don’t need no friends. Guess what, part of being an invading force means you’re not going to have those “advantages” unless you take the time to prestage which comes with all the logistical issues that come along side it. And might I suggest making some friends? If you want to take on a power bloc, you might want to consider bringing some help.

As far as your bookmarks, that’s just part of preparation. Nothing is stopping you from having bookmarks in enemy territory, I have bookmarks all over eve from safes to perches to instas. Way back when I cared I’d fly around with my alts setting up all these bookmarks before going back later to try and catch people and be hard to catch. Just because you can’t plan your activities ahead of time doesn’t mean you get to count it as some advantage they have over you.


I’m happy for you to use your definition. It just isn’t reciprocated.

Being hunted and running away is PvP too, so a big NO.

I never said that PvP has to always be non-consensual.

Instead, you want CCP to reduce the effort. Which Is a legitimate view, just not a good one.

No, I just want to balance 0.0’s reward risk ratio. I’ve said it half a dozen times in this thread.

Any pretence to the contrary is a dishonest ad hominem.

Have a proper and honest conversation and maybe something good will come out of it.

I never stopped. I’m still hoping your apparent shift from that is temporary.

How does this make the pvper use more effort? Won’t they just do what they already do?

They’ll have to look for targets even if the system is empty.

It’s a fairly small thing. The point is that removing Local would balance 0.0 with W-space. It might even balance it with Lowsec.

If you jump into a system and see a name, you still have to probe them down to see where they are or guess jump to possible locations. It would seem that this would get old for the pvper if every system they had to do this especially if the PVEr follows salvos own advise and gang up/watch the gate or aren’t there in the first place bc the risk reward isn’t good enough to be out there.

It’s not as old as everyone docking up before you even get into the system.

If you look at the top of the thread before the kids added about 800 inane comments to it, PvPers seemed to like the lack of local plenty.

No, if you look at everyone prior to my initial post in here it was largely people who do sparse solo or small gang in FW using small T1 hulls and faction frigates. Hardly the people you’d look to as being knowledgeable about anything EVE outside of the bubbles they live in, let alone the effects such a change would have on everyone’s game play. Even after my post for at least 3 days it was the exact same trend.

You’ve heard the saying about opinions right? This is no different. And even fewer opinions here take into account any other play style than their own and very little, if any, forethought into how each environment interacts with another.

Trust those of us who have actually debated, and seen this debate countless times over the years. Nothing good would come from the complete removal or delaying of local for either party. We all even got a perfect example of how the player base would actually react to such a change, seriously, all you need to do is go look at eve offline’s numbers during the time when local was not working properly and think to yourself, what would happen if that trend became a permanent change. K-space and WH space are two separate environments with completely different rule sets, they were created and balanced with this in mind. You cannot suddenly start ripping aspects from one and moving it to the other and not expect it to throw things out of balance. Nor expect the players who reside in those areas to not react or move elsewhere (quit even) if they changes are not welcomed or feel forced.


You may look down your nose at them, but their view is at least as valid as yours. And most of the posters in the thread want to get rid of local.

Nothing good would come from the complete removal or delaying of local for either party.

This is just obviously wrong and is such a ridiculously precious statement, you deserve to have the piss mercilessly taken out of you for days.

We all even got a perfect example of how the player base would actually react to such a change, seriously, all you need to do is go look at eve offline’s numbers during the time when local was not working properly and think to yourself, what would happen if that trend became a permanent change.

Is 0.0 really full of carebears?
And how many players have quit because the PvP in this game sucks?

What you want to be true is irrelevant. In looking at the numbers the response was pretty clearly bad. You have to deal with how people are, not how you want them to be. The former is being realistic, the latter is magical thinking.


If nullbears cant sort themselves to PvE with a 30s delayed Local, they arent doing it right.

Shouldnt be that dependent on immediate Local intel, alone.

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I largely did not bother logging in while that was happening, apart from going on a couple of roams and on those roams we found nothing to kill…, was an epic fail from my point of view.

It is full of people carebearing, not carebears, there is a difference…

Capital PvP is awesome fun…

You don’t understand that the balance is already there, same for Salvos.

You are fogetting cyno’s and hot drops like most WH-bears…, it does matter mate, this is why I often see WH’rs hugging their holes like mad…

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