Well…I’d still drink with him at the pub/bar/whatever. Salvos can be goddamned obstinate…but it’s just the forums.
My point is it will give him a very good flavour of what delayed local would be like. It wouldn’t be drastically different experience for the PVE player.
God man I would buy him a drink, even two and as I am a Yorkshireman that means something…
To keep the game interesting.
Both would still occur with delayed Local intel.
Potentially even more than now.
I think you have grown used to immediate Local intel, and lost perspective of the advantages, alongside disadvantages, that delayed Local intel provides.
Or potentially make it unplayable.
How would PVP increase with ISK and resource generation decrease? That makes no sense at all.
Delayed local doesn’t provide any advantages for a PVE player.
No, we would fall further behind on the production side and ISK generation.
We do every so often catch them while they are on the PvE ship, but after that we try to kill them after the deed, the time difference may not seem like much, but it all adds up.
Apologize for your personal insults, and I will begin responding to your posts.
I understand.
Thats why I say this rot should have been ripped out years ago.
Now its so widespread that the entire structure is at risk.
But you have wasted a lot of my time so I don’t think I can do that.
I’m sure some play styles would need to be adjusted but that doesn’t mean that the idea should just be dropped. It could make for far more interesting game-play on balance.
You have been fairly insulting too, don’t get like Ima mate. Earlier in this thread you started on me when I explained the vulnerabilities of the VNI, you started telling me I had no idea how to use a VNI. This gets you that sort of response, it certainly made me react to you.
Why is this necessary when W-space exists?
Ive never insulted you personally.
It isn’t necessary, but could be very interesting. I might even go back to Null as a result of such a change.
Do I want to go down this rabbit hole:
- Easier to catch people more explosions more green on kllboard
- Easier to get away as response slower
- Don’t have to jump in ceptors and tackle so more DPS
I don’t know, makes it too much like the perfect execution style of Black Ops drops, which are fun every so often, but get a bit samey especially if you drop on people who have no ability to react to your drops.
Makes it too easy, hell I love Fraternity space, those guys react so well and it is a blast.
But there are a lot of players like me that PVE so they can buy expensive ships to fight with. I do not want to spend all my game time running anomalies because it’s boring. Making it harder for me to generate ISK just means I won’t play.
I dont believe that Player NS cannot survive without immediate, automatic Local intel.
I know, whereas I think it would make 0.0 worse.