
CCP makes more money and its not really gambling. No more than going to your friends house and using pretzels to play poker with.

Itā€™s encouraging kids to use their parentsā€™ credit cards to spend 1000s of bucks of cash. You knowā€¦ kinda like Star Citizen and horrendous P2W mobile games.

Also, those pretzels DID cost money to begin with, same as these hypercubes or whatsits, soā€¦ I suppose if the pretzels = PLEX, thatā€™s a pretty good comparison.

Sure it can. Just stop nerfing every doctrine people love to fly and instead buff the ships that arenā€™t getting enough love and attention, andā€¦ youā€™ll magically drive less players away.

Some of us peops who havenā€™t upgraded our PCs in the current console generation timespan appreciate that the game is still playable on older hardware.

Moan Moan Moan. If you do not like it or disagree with it do not use itā€¦ Simple


I think a bad aspect of it is allowing players to buy there own nodes. But that would be almost impossible to prevent since they could use alts.

Lots of bitter players in here. Try playing a wargaming game like world of warships for a bit. You will be so happy to come back to the very mild micro transactions and whatever else you find to complain about in Eve.

Iā€™m not sure about these hypernet things yet. Just looks like a dumb way to take one item and move it around for isk. For those that are into it I dont see much harm. As long as CCP dont directly create gambling boxes during events and the like. Ever again!!!

ā€œdont like it dont play it, dont like it dont use it.ā€ Year 2013 60k players, year 2019 37k.

That really works. :thinking:


There needs to be a middle ground of improvements where needed. And not change things for sake of changing things

As ccp cracks down on botting, we can see an appreciable downward trend in player numbers.

Pretty soon theyā€™ll all be gone. And it was only one real player. We were bots all along.

Are they truly serious about eliminating bots? I suspect it is mostly just for show. Subscribers are subscribers.

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I honestly have no idea. Iā€™m just a space poor that logs on to pew pew for a bit. I couldnā€™t care less either way.

Bots only made up for 62.17% of the player base. So nothing to worry about, really. Unless you are the one receiving funds from bots, then you will see a massive drop in revenue.

Well at least you are favour of one form of pvp lol

Her contact, Jim Beam

I think you noobs are cute, but I am sad you will never be able to enjoy Eve

Hun, Id invite you round for a real McCandless family christmas shindig if I could.
Maā€™s already got the crittervittles in the oven, and Deano and Uncle Sid are getting Billy to eat HyperMegaGlobalNet nodes.

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WTF? Talk english. This is an english speaking game. Anything else will not be tollerated.

Which word is giving you difficulty?

Anything IRISH is considered retardenlish

I guess thats why we didnt vote out old friend of Epstein Boris eh

Oh wait, that wasnt us lol