Subscription based games are dead for YEARS now…
You just have not a trace of actual knowledge mr “2005 was all sooo much better”
Subscription based games are dead for YEARS now…
You just have not a trace of actual knowledge mr “2005 was all sooo much better”
World of Warcraft is still the most successful MMO and it is subscription based IIRC. Meanwhile hundreds of f2p trash came and died while WOW and EVE survived.
I’d rather spend $15-20 a month as plain subscription fee for a good game instead of being constantly pushed (or flat out forced) to spend more and more on lootboxes, cash shops, premiums, skins, unlockes et cetera et cetera, or being punished for refusing to do so.
This. Has. To. End.
You have no trace of actual intelligence to understand any knowledge to begin with.
Wondered when balos the ‘‘special’’ person would turn up. Just simply don’t reply to him. He’s a troll. Or worse actually believes what he types… oof.
Also. Eve a PVP game. XD
I’m really disappointed that of all the features and changes we could have , they are taking this direction instead.
Its %100 pure unbridled greed and a sign of the company that now is.
CCP likes to pi$$ off the community - they have always done it. I just find it astonishing that the community put up with it still!!
Ummm, WoW and FFXIV, currently the top 2 mmos on the market, are sub-based. Get out from under your “holier-then-thou rock” and do some actual research, instead of spewing personal views that you get from reading your newsfeed headlines from Kotaku, or some other irrelevant “gaming news” source.
Little problem with cause and effect there.
They’re not the top 2 MMOs because they’re sub-based. They’re sub-based because they’re the top 2 MMOs and can still make tons of money that way because the games are high enough quality and well designed enough to attract and keep players despite the subs.
EVE isn’t even close to being in the same league. Nor are virtually any other games. There are a couple dozen games out there that can do whatever they do and succeed because they are the best in class, most popular game of that type by orders of magnitude.
Saying “this other game does it (Minecraft, WoW, Final Fantasy, LoL etc.) so we can be successful doing it too” is just denying reality.
The reality is, EVE already was purely sub-based (with limited trial) and it was dying rapidly. Alpha/F2P breathed a few years of temporary life into it and now it’s back to dying a little less rapidly again.
This isn’t a ‘subs vs F2P’ problem. This is an ‘EVE can no longer hold onto its’ player base using an 18-year old engine and game design’ problem.
Exactly, high enough quality to keep people playing, and actually attract new players.
I’m not saying EVE should go back to sub-only, I’m merely pointing out the fact that going F2P isn’t the way to “fix” a game.
I’ve been saying, since people started the whole “F2P options for games are a good thing” bandwagon 12-15 years ago, that it was bad for gaming as a whole. Not a fan of it, and never will be.
No…it’s the ONLY one…
FF will not be in this state for long…
It will only end if you actually leave eve…
But don’t be surprised that,if you look for another game,they ALL have what you criticize here in one form or another…
No…it’s not…
Good riddance.
Who thought it was a good idea ? The people set to make real money from it.
I think you answered your own question, Lucas. You know exactly who thinks Hypernet is a good idea.
No, it isn’t. The most popular MMOs are either subscription, pay to play or both.
Let’s not go too far. I know gambling sucks but Eve is still a game where you can get some good pvp.
Oh there was plenty in that 1000 page thread, but then like clockwork once the feature they just loooove is released they… disappear completely. Until the next feature that has nothing to do with flying spaceships in space is floated and they’ll be back to shill again and earn their goodboy points from CCP [a subsidiary of Pearl Abyss.]