Democratic Deficit in the Minmatar Republic

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t neccessarily approve of the way the Minmatar Republic is run. But even as an (allegedly) immortal being I have a finite amount of care to apportion to the many imperfections of the world. The Republic has signalled quite clearly that it doesn’t want the Federation telling it how it should run its government, and that’s perfectly fine by me. There are bigger issues in the universe that are far more worth my time to worry about.


A lot of things are in deficit in the Republic!

Things like food, soap and rust remover!

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But unlike you, we don’t lack in wit.


Who needs wit when you have a tongue conveniently placed in your cheek!


I Think Elsebeth Rhiannon would be a Great Sanmatar.

Primary Reason why I think this is True, is because when I suggested it to Her, she said “What ? I don’t want to be Sanmatar !”.


Considering that being a Sanmatar involves getting the seven Tribal Chiefs to stop throwing chairs at each other, sit down and talk things over, then having to act as middlewoman between the Chiefs and the cluster at large, I can see why she doesn’t want to be Sanmatar.


Elsebeth would crack a whip, she is F-ing bad ass. I have had the pleasure of serving with her when she was Gradient and that woman takes names and kicks ass. She would have my vote thats for sure…

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Oh, I absolutely agree with you. My reasoning might be a bit different, but I agree that Ms. Rhiannon has quite good personal merits and would make a great Sanmatar. I believe her candidature will trespass tenfold even actual Sanmatar… he was a criminal and a raider, if I am not mistaken?

As for Anabella Rella as Sanmatar… was it a joke? Even a toddler who can’t even read would do that job better.

Look. I see where this conversation is going. Many of you have valid points.
Democracy is flawed.
The Malkalen Incident and the close call in Teskinin is proof that when a centralized Democratic government is in place, factions like Pure Gallente will try to nugde and de-stabilize intentions of the government.

Factions like Pure Gallente has its similarities with the Matari tribes. The difference being that the Republic acknowledge that there are different priorities in different areas of the population, and attempts to accommodate for it. The sad truth lies that the Matari has only suffered by others intervention.
Never forget The Day of Darkness.

The self righteous Amarr, decimated the Matari. What came after the rebellion can never be as before. What we need in the Republic is a re-vitalization of the values that made the rebellion possible in the first place.

We, the Matari, must honor our leaders. Most of all, our communal leaders. They are the ones that are in touch with the common man. They are the glue that holds our identity together. Our tribal leaders and parlament should be considered the boundary of external influence. The shield to protect our common heritage. I have spoken to many Thukkers over the years, and I find a deep of understanding of the Republics issues, but they see it as something we have brought on ourselves, by betraying our tribal identities. The parlament and the Council are tools to unite our awareness of New Eden. It makes us stronger, but it needs to respect that the Tribes are sovereign.

The Caldari has no purpose, other than profit, and it causes great abundance, but they are cold an cynical.
The Amarr proclaim to be of a higher purpose, but how come that their higher purpose haven’t brought them total victory? It seems that their “God” is just an excuse to commit atrocious genocide, and cannibalize the remains.

I like to consider the entire Matari people as my family. What matters to us is not “Freedom” in the Gallente sense, materialistic abundance as the State likes, nor is it some sort of Deity as the Amarr worships.

What matters to us, is each other. The ones we work with, the ones we have fun with, the ones we love to hate. What more is there to life? We are all experiencing the same thing, and only together can we be truly happy. The tribes are just a symptom of differences in general interests. I respect all tribes equally. Thukkers for example are very weird, but they are my weird family, even though they are out of the republic.

Nefantar are people I can never understand, how they can think the way that they do, but i respect it. Like i would with my own sister. My own heritage, Brutor, can be backwards, sure, but we are willing to fight for our brothers and sisters to the death.

I dont know… Sure… We have problems, but every Matari can make change in the Republic, if they set out to do it. Better odds than any of the other empires. So lets unite under our tribal banners and march together to preserve what we have. I know we can withstand the storms of New Eden together. If you dont want to, that’s fine. That’s an internal Tribe issue. Maybe even a communal issue.

No one should try to force Tribal co-operation. That in of itself is disrespect of Matari values. Imagine a close family member demanded, instead of asking, that you should help with moving… You would probably do it, but reluctlantly. If the family member keeps doing it, you are going to stop helping… But you would most likely help if the persons life was suddenly in danger. Its family. The same is true of the Matari people in general. I don’t see that changing.


No, U.


Come on, we all know Anabella and Elsebeth would be far better as Empress than Sanmatar. I mean, almost as good an Empress as I’d be.


Sorry, Miz, but Samira’s still got my vote for Empress.


I wouldn’t elect any of you in any position of power.


I wouldn’t elect me into a position of power.


If I understand the Republic’s current position, I fear that voting anyone into a position of power is somewhat moot.

You don’t vote for kings (or Sanmatar).


I’m honestly baffled how many of us think our opinions as non-Minmatars on a discussion panel could have any influence on how the Minmatar Republic should govern itself. How many of us are actively engaging within Minmatar communities that we think we can dictate what we think should, or should not, be done?

Which… are not at all the same thing. I mean, it’s been pretty well explained earlier in the topic. You should probably read before making statements like that.


And the Sanmatar is voted into power.

The voters are the Tribal Chiefs though.

Sure, there isn’t a ballot booth and probably nobody raised hands or anything, but I consider ‘coming to a consensus on who should be Sanmatar’ as the same thing as voting.


Maybe the three of you could be co-Empresses.

I mean c’mon, if one Minmatar Empress would start causing cranial detonations among religious conservatives, imagine what three at once would do.


This is the recipe for… sec… okay, napkin math says an Imperial civil war with at least six different factions while at the same time waging at least two externally.

I’m in. Let’s do this.