
I assume it was the TTT that blew up in Perimeter.

:laughing: Good one. I feel better because of these types of posts, thanks.

That sent everything to asset safety, it was not low power.

Shrug… I heard people pulled stuff out of the wreck. I wasn’t there though.

Let’s keep this on topic.

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Wow, that was quick too. They must be watching you. I saw you post though.

Tinfoil hats on sale at Dodixie 15% off. Free for the first 100 customers.


@Frank_Zappaski if the items end up in asset safety, if you didnt take any action following the email (5 days to make a decision) then after 20 days your items will show up in an npc station. If there is an npc station in the same system youll only have to pay 15%. .5% would have been if you made a decision.

Which if you been playing for years as you said, you should have been familiar with how asset safety works

They’re now being sold with 50% markup. .01 isk me bro.


I mean OP way way before CCP changed how asset safety rules worked the general consensus was that NPC stations are your safest best. They still are!

Trust me dude I lost an incursion vindi when I was on break when CCP did that. It’s rough but I recovered.

Things change. Mechanics evolve. Life moves on. It looks like you handled it well. You can build your assets back up man. Plenty of ISK out there and through the credit card. :sweat_smile:


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