Depths of the Abyss

Please add battleship abyss, would love to bring a rattlesnake or marauder there :smiley: Would also give marauders a good pve activity to do, l4s are too easy for them!


New stuff. going to have to dig into this on sisi!

Unable to access sISI server. The account password has been prompted to make an error

The fact its called Tier 0 means it wasnt even part of the original plan, just something cobbled together to make sure more premium ships got farmed.



in SiSI loot is bad, ran 30 t5s there and got like less than half trig survey when i went ā€œOMG they nerfedā€ and ran 30 on TQ to check

Hi there!
Spent like 8-9 hours doing lvl 6 electricals:
-Old spawns are still okay, doable.
-Edencom spawn was easy
-Drekavakā€™s RR are real. Are they supposed to be like that? cause itā€™s feels like a bigger DPS test than BS.
-Sansha spawn - you dead. They canā€™t be kited or mitigated. Tryied like max tank Gila and Phantasm - both just dead. Am i missing something?
Aniways, itā€™s great to see more abyss content. I wish you guys bring back suspect for high tier abyss and manage those bots doing gammas in Gilas, but itā€™s just an opinion. So far, this expansion looks neat!
P.S. Speed couds are buggy - sometimes NPC just goes WEEEEEW back and forth and you canā€™t kill it - guns just miss it, drones go WEEEEEW with him. I mean, they having a blast, but so does my ship in the end.


I am pretty sure these arenā€™t bottable, itā€™s just capable players, probably.

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T3 and Gamma 4s are. Sorry to say. You can try cheking and you will be suprised (upset).

My blingy ishtar with hydra set can easily do these (tier 6). Takes more time, and those wrecking shots hit harder. Looking at around 100 mill a site on the first two sites. Loot increase is mainly from Surveys. I used blue pill to try, and may need to use that more often I think.

There was a cloud that made me do 500% speed I think. Could be useful for speed tanking.

Hope T6 are going to be challenging has I do T5 with a cheap vagabond 375m with ship/fit/implants with a success ratio over then 99% , People complaining with their pimp ship lost -> learn to fly friends.

That is how i lost them (bugs) : The ship jumped into abyss without me !

Imaging calling out people and promting himself in a same post

Would be nice if CCP returned the old abyss pvp gate at the end of Tie 3+ sites again, would be interesting to see how mny superbling Tier 6 Gilas take the wrong gate

Disappointed to hear that tech3 dessies are able to get in.

Guess we havenā€™t learned after all. Let the farming commence.

Yes, but when can we live there?

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Little demonstration and thoughts on T6. Loot about 2x more than T5s, which is damn good. The tank requirements are not too crazy, my T5 gila handled it well in the vid below. What is crazy is the amount of dps you need to run these consistently. Even with full blinged low slots of ddas and near max skills I had 1 minute to spare in that videoā€¦and I got somewhat good spawns.

I think these could be run more consistently in frigate trios or destroyer duos where your total dps is higher. For the good old Gila, it seems quite difficult.

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Is this true deadspace that other ships can get too or more instanced content?

It seems like they are saying deadspace but the features sounds like an instance?

Sansha with 4 phantasms 5 damp frigates? My bad that I donā€™t have sensor boosters?
What am I even supposed to do? All those questionsā€¦

The rewards are the same as a T5 abyssal site with a chance to get a capital mutaplasmid, this reward is not nearly enough for the amount of risk you have to take to complete the site.

The red loot should be significantly increased at least twice if you want players to risk their blinged ships and high grade implants.

Trigs donā€™tā€¦ so probably not?

T2 dessies arenā€™t very good for pve other than boosts afaik, and T1 dessies just arent that good at all. Itā€™d be very underused if you had no good destroyer options, while you can just use a mighty assault frigate or cruiser

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