Depths of the Abyss

I don’t for a few reasons
1: Compared to AFs, T3D’s are quite slow, and this is a huge problem now that we have Angel Cartel rats in the abyss, who seem to be made as a DIRECT counter to the current frigate meta of kitey crap hugging the wall. The dramiels will give a typical interceptor a run for its money so forget about using a T3D to kite them, and they also have webs and scrams galore so when they catch you you’re gonna have a bad time, even in defensive mode.
2: 2 T3D’s deal less DPS than 3 AF’s unless they want to be in sharpshooter mode and sacrifice their most important attributes, speed and tank.
3: Cruisers are just so good that they can’t be phased out. Right now the frigates are actually mostly run solo or by multiboxers, and theres no doubt from anyone that a cruiser can solo higher than a frigate, and this won’t change much with destroyer abyssals. There will always be a “bring the largest ship possible” meta for the abyss because larger ships tend to be stronger and therefore easier to fly

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Yeah, forgot to mention lvl6 leshak spawn. Guess which ship can deal with 7 neut leshes (out of 9)?..

CCP, you made tier 6 harder than tier 5 - they are too hard! Too difficult to farm! Fix them!!

C’mon babies - they are supposed to be hard. These posts are ridiculous.

Git gud or stick to tier 5.


I think people are mostly complaining about how it seems like T6 is a Gilas-only domain. Gilas are unpopular rn because of how strong they are in the abyss, so when CCP announced T6 to challenge the T5 runners but it ends up pushing everyone even more towards the Gila than HACs or other options, a lot of people got upset. That said, theres no clear fix other than the obvious and classic CCP option of nerfing the Gila into the ground so some HAC gets a turn at the King Of Abyssals table, probably the Sacrilege.


The Gila drone bonus was a typo that CCP never fixed.

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If so then why didn’t CCP notice when they nerfed its HP bonus awhile back xD (I know ur joking btw)

Point still stands, the Gila is clearly superior in the abyss, especially T6 because you need so much DPS to clear the rooms in time, and people don’t like that

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Buff the stabber!!

There will be no destroyer filaments. All filaments will lead to the same rooms, but will be accessible by 1 cruiser, up to 2 destroyers, or up to 3 frigates

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Omega isn’t disappointing …

Thats what he means, I assume

one that doesnt use cap?

Seems like bit of a missed opportunity to me. Update seems to give more content to ships that already could reliably run T5’s. I think they should have designed this tier towards bigger ships. Meaning marauders or maybe even capitals.

And if it was geared towards capitals, you at least would have to be in low/null to enter new tier abyssals… (more people in low/null always better…)

If it gets used, what would be the difference between normal abyssal filaments and nullsec abyssal sites? What about escalations? Faction loot?

Maruaders and caps would make the loot obsolete to everyone else running it, just like the t6’s will, the guys that are fine with putting in 20bil will make it so no one else is going to make anything really as all the loot will be worth peanuts after this update.

Was testing and solo running c3 with a jackdaw netted about 80mil/hour which is pretty terrible might as well do something else, used eve appraisal to calculate the loot value.

Stabber is already strong get good.

Run some t5’s in one. Show me how it’s done.

I do it in a 400mil vaga its pretty ez, stabber is a tier1 why must it be able to do t5?
Stabber can do t4’s thou.

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I wasn’t really thinking about loot at all. It can be balanced however they see fit… Would have been a good way to give content for pilots that are flying these ships (not that much content for dread pilots for example and marauders seem pretty much useless these days too). Now its just more content for Gilas.

You will be surprised but wormholes are great for marauders and dread’s and since its blue loot this doesn’t devalue any other wh content so works out well.

Especially the paladin if you like flying those.

But personally If ccp ever do allow those into abyssals it would only be fair for them to not be spawn-able in high sec, same for T6 it should be low or null restricted.