The Arbitrator is going to pick up an extra launcher slot as well to make missile focused fits stronger.
So how about giving Amarr alpha’s actually some missile skills to train into and not making this balance change a complete waste to them?
Speaking of alpha’s skills: Please make alpha’s competitive in at least one thing!
Give them the option to at least max out all the skills and modules of T1 frigates, so they can actually properly enjoy PVP and who knows, actually come back as omega for more.
There’s a reason player numbers are back to pre-Ascension update again: The NPE is still horrible and playing as an alpha is just way too handicapped and therefore frustrating as an experience. To the point I simply do not recommend friends to play EVE unless they’re willing to pay at least 3 months of omega upfront. Well guess what, nobody of them pays that money upfront to figure out if they’re going to like this game.