Dev blog: Balance Update With EVE Online: Lifeblood

The Rifter only had 4 high slots to begin with, 3 turret and 1 launcher. So according to that Dev blog, they are removing a high slot and adding a low slot. Since the Rifter has bonus to small projectiles, they’re obviously removing the launcher slot.

The addition of a low slot to add another damage mod won’t help if a tackle ship gets in close under it’s gun range. Currently the Rifter high slots allow the ability to fit a rocket launcher on it which helps take care of that issue.

What I see is the Dev’s wanting to turn the Rifter into an armor tank arty frigate.

Do not confuse slots with hardpoints.

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The Arbitrator is going to pick up an extra launcher slot as well to make missile focused fits stronger.

So how about giving Amarr alpha’s actually some missile skills to train into and not making this balance change a complete waste to them?

Speaking of alpha’s skills: Please make alpha’s competitive in at least one thing!

Give them the option to at least max out all the skills and modules of T1 frigates, so they can actually properly enjoy PVP and who knows, actually come back as omega for more.

There’s a reason player numbers are back to pre-Ascension update again: The NPE is still horrible and playing as an alpha is just way too handicapped and therefore frustrating as an experience. To the point I simply do not recommend friends to play EVE unless they’re willing to pay at least 3 months of omega upfront. Well guess what, nobody of them pays that money upfront to figure out if they’re going to like this game.


no comment about buff for Corax?

To Team Size Matters
Great work on this blog, I like small change like this on overall

Keep up with good work!

OK, you’re right.

Currently the Rifter is able to fit 3 turrets and 1 launcher.

Since they’re removing a high slot and the hardpoint options will remain the same, the Rifter will then be limited to either fitting 3 turrets exclusively or go with 2 turrets and 1 launcher.

Even with an extra low slot added allowing an extra Damage increase mod to be fit, the removal of the high slot means a lower amount of damage application mods can be fitted, thus it’s an overall nerf to the ship.

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My main concern for dragoon is if it’s used for its ewar role, it doesn’t really have the neutimg effect one would like. I’d love to see the dragoon switched over to use weapon disruptors. This would make it more menacing in its support role and bring it close in line with its big brother the arbi.

Corax can get into Small plexes as well

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The drop in mass is nice, but the main issue the corax has is fitting space. It still needs significantly more powergrid to be anything more than a reliable rocket boat.

Also, in regards to the points being raised about the arbitrator’s missile buff being wasted on alpha clones, why not just buckle down and swap its tracking disruptor bonus for a 10% or 7.5% per level bonus to neut range to give it consistency with the geddon and dragoon? The 4 mids don’t lend well to it supporting in a tracking disruptor capacity apart from its t2 variants, and a neut range bonus would make it much more competitive in a variety of situations where it’s currently passed over for virtually any other t1 cruiser.

The Arbitrator Launcher? Who puts launchers on a boat that is made for Brawling with nuets like its T2 counter parts.

Who even uses the Bellicose? lol.


I hope the BC and Bs update will include massive HP or an agility boost. Theyre both way to slow and squishy compared to a few frigates that can kill them.
Bs should be the “caps” of sub caps and able to swat small stuff away no problem

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Also get rid of missile for amarr entirely.

They say secondary system but it’s third lat time checked with all the drones? I wish amarr were strictly lasers with more damage from lasers and forget drones and tertiary missile launchers. Biggest thing holding me from a sacrilege is id have to train missiles but I want to be pure amarr. :expressionless:


RE: Vexor

Is there specific reasoning to the -100 PG. That is not “a little pressure” on fitting, its a f*** ton. Its is 1/8th, or 12.5%. You lose a gun even if you fit the smallest of T2 medium hybrids.

I’m concerned that there is an overemphasis on fits that do not use high slots for guns, which free fitting room, ON A SHIP BONUSED FOR MEDIUM HYBRIDS. That is like saying “A Small Gun Maller can fit 2 1600mm Steel Plate IIs and that’s to much!” If people are willing to sacrifice 30-60% of their DPS potential (in most common fits) then they might be ok with a little bit of a retarded tank, we shouldn’t punish those who try to actually fit normal size guns in high slots to punish those who don’t. Now if we had triple reppers with dual cap injection and medium guns this would make more sense.

I simply fail to see how 1/8th isnt too heavy, why not 5% or even 10%?


What would Marauders be for then?

marauders should be for “punching up” imo. they don’t see much use outside of lvl 4 mission running (and even then pirate battleships are far more common) I would love to see a focus shift that turns them into “cap killers”

somewhat like the tier 3 battlecruisers that can fit large sized guns.


Not Happy Jan! nerfed the tristan and vexor, may I remind the team that gallente ships have high tank and fire power possibities for good reason, don’t nerf their only advantage.


Agreed. It should be 10% at most

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well it is 10%
vexor has 1000 pg
unless youre an alpha and then it has 960

A Stabber with 4 720’s and nothing else on all L5 skills uses 99.89% of its grid.

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Why on earth would they make the Alpha selection better?

Surely by making ships better and giving them a better selection of roles they are just giving them less reason to sub?

Any improvements should be above what Alphas can use.


That was very well said and I agree 100%.