Dev blog: Black Desert Online makers Pearl Abyss to acquire CCP!

What is stopping PA from forcing their will onto Eve if its different then ours?

Hot potatos don’t sell this well :slight_smile:


Is this the AMA session?

Id recommend it is run in its own dedicated thread, not at the tail-end of a 1.7k threadnaught.

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Hell yes, 425Mil is almost Jita scam level.


Go to UK and you’ll see how hot potato are seling :joy:

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Two things, CCP and the player base.

If PA wants something neither CCP or the player base is willing to accept, then they’ve paid a lot of money for IP, which has lost its value the moment either walk away from it.

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Falcon is going through the 170-ish posts in the other thread and Guard is taking on this beast of a thread :slight_smile:

Nope. CCP has no position or rights. Both were sold. The playerbase might, but well, this is PA. Not a single instance of response to customer communications or pressure.


Divide and conquer :stuck_out_tongue:


It’s coming, sooner or later, along with all the rest of a massive p2w model.

Recognizing an extremely likely course is not “panic” (in the end it’s only a game - no panic necessary) nor simple “resistance to any change”.

This will be a total paradigm shift for EvE. Like it or not, sooner or later.

Personally, I plan to stick around and see what happens… (assuming there is an EvE to stay in - sooner or later-…Pearl Abyss owns CCP 100% now and could make absolutely any decision they think is in their business interests…)

At the least massive monetization of EvE is coming. Our new Korean overlords have earned a reputation for intensely monetizing their own flagship game and are paying a lot for CCP. Does anybody really think PA will not want to recoup their investment and more? How do you suppose they are apt to do that?

Perhaps there will be a game called EvE Online going into the future. It will certainly not be the EvE that has been. Whether or not that is a good thing is up to the individual player one supposes.

Some of my EvE buddies have already left, some have already decided to stay for a while and see what happens. Whatever does happen, EvE has been a lot of fun.


Oh yes. The moment the devs leave and CCP becomes an empty shell does PA have nobody to develop their new game. They’ll have to get busy themselves. And when players walk away then they’ll have to find new ones first. So in the end would they have to develop an entirely new game, because who wants to play an old one when you have to start all over again with getting it of the ground?

Devs are humans too. Where are they going to suddenly walk to? Lives, kids, mortgage? Also, EVE’s pretty well packaged. It no longer takes the old spooks to figure out the POS code :stuck_out_tongue: Costs such as those are rapidly decreasing.

Finding new players isn’t that hard. It’s done every day, by the thousands. Retention/acquisition isn’t an art, hasn’t been for a long time. It’s the retention that became the challenge, not the acquisition, and in a F2P model that matters a lot less than someone with concerns would really want. Because it becomes more and more about the short sale cycles.

I’m not saying there aren’t risks or pressure points. But over time those become marginal. And CCP has done most of the groundwork for that.

If making games is what devs want then they can always make a new game and create a new company. Don’t act as if we didn’t have free will. Companies are only labels. The people behind those labels is what matters, and they cannot be bought.

Ofcourse we have free will. So do staff, they are humans too! :slight_smile:

But look at this:

PA is a publicly traded investment management agency …

As I said, they are human. They are just like their customers. Koolaid, exposure, repetition, frogs, etc.

Neither ccp nor we players have any say in the situation, sorry.

Devs want jobs at least as long as possible so they are not going to quit suddenly en masse over…what?
Players of course always have the option of leaving…but really…not sure PA would care all that much considering the overall numbers.

We have no leverage.

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I suggest you stop looking at it if it makes you worry.

Or just stop worrying - works for me. Get popcorn instead. :popcorn:

It isn’t about leverage.

Look, EVE is a game. And something more.

But it is a choice of fun. If it is fun, awesome. If it is not, then don’t play. If you think it becomes fun again, play again.

There’s nothing wrong with any of that. Sure, EVE changes, but it has always been changing.

Nòoooooooooo! You forgot to send me your ISK!:cry:

@CCP Why did the Share holders of CCP sell

Wrong topic … AMA - CCP Acquisiton by Pearl Abyss! Starts at 16:30 UTC!