PLEX is a consumable, non-expiring product with a set exchange rate. It is the equivalent of putting dollars in your i-tunes account… but instead of giving you a 20 dollar credit they instead gave you 500 “apple credits”. Someone else paid for the I-Tunes card and gave it to you. Those credits weren’t free… they created income for Apple. Then you can spend your i-tunes balance (or if they changed the name to “apple credits” you’d spend those) on various products available in their store… or you spend PLEX on products available in EVE. Those products include MCT, Omega Status, Eve-store things and character transfers in eve. For apple they include music files, movies, books or games… or subscriptions to application services.
Don’t be confused because apple uses currency denominations and Eve uses “PLEX”. It’s the same economic process.
I wander how CCP will earn $ when pilots pvping in low sec in frigs and cruisers will no longer need to maintain Omega status. It looks like all my frig/cruiser fits will work with the new Alphas.
Will they add new P2W shop items? I can already see 10% damage boosters for sale…
You are quite correct but you’re just masquerading ignorance as pedantry. ISK IS money whether or not it is currency. Money is a store of value and ISK has value to people. So what if it doesn’t have meatspace value. It has value to those of us who play the game. That makes it money.
Your mom paying your subscription or buying and giving you PLEX is not the same thing as buying PLEX in-game. Your i-Tunes analogy only holds like your mom gifting you an i-Tunes card.
Also if i-Tunes were to ever go bankrupt, even though they say the money deposited into an i-Tunes account is non-refundable, the outstanding account balances are a legal liability (services paid for but not yet rendered) that would be addressed by a bankruptcy court. The same would be true for Eve subscription accounts, if CCP went bankrupt and you had used 2 months of a 12 month subscription they would have to legally answer for that debt (unrendered service). That is not true regarding any PLEX ever sold.
Once the PLEX is sold, for real world money, the financial transaction is complete. Everything that happens after that is fictional transactions, in a fictional economy, for fictional items, with fictional currencies. I don’t know why it is so hard for you and others to know the difference between the real world and the fictional world, the fiction portal is another section of the forums.
PLEX, like everything else in the world, has a real world value, it has a price tag that we can say it costs to buy. Buying it, with real money, is paying CCP, CCP doesn’t get paid when PLEX is sold in-game, CCP doesn’t lose any money if PLEX get destroyed.
I have never said it doesn’t have any value to players. Only that it isn’t “paying to play”, it doesn’t have any value to CCP, it doesn’t pay any of CCP’s bills.
Everyone in Eve pays ISK to play the game, ships, skill books, PLEX, etc. So either everyone who has ever spent ISK in-game is “p2p” or “p2p” means paying real money outside of in-game transactions. Almost every otehr game ever made has in-game currency that you can use to buy things, that doesn’t make any of them p2p.
p2p is paying real world money to play a game.
f2p is playing without paying real world money, often through in-game grinding for premium items.
In-game PLEXing fits the second definition, not the first.
But you do spend something to f2p. You spend time. Whether people spend time at a meatspace job or time grinding, both end up converted, eventually, into value in CCP’s bank account. In-game ISK is a converter of time into PLEX and without that time spent there would be no market for the PLEX. There are conversion ratios involved but ultimately it’s all a market. Without that market for PLEX, CCP couldn’t sell the PLEX in the first place.
Yes, that was a typo, you are correct on what I meant. I’ll edit the post for anyone who reads it later.
If you read all of my posts here, I think we are agreeing.
My points have mostly been that f2p is not some magical gift from CCP, it’s because it will make them money. That was true eight years ago when they released in-game PLEXing f2p, and also last year when they released Alpha Clones f2p.
This started because someone said that unlike CoC you had to “pay” to access all of Eve, that simply isn’t true, you can access all of Eve just by “paying time” (i.e. grinding) without actually paying any real world money. (Once again if time is “paying” then you would also have to “pay” to access all of CoC.) Then it got jumped on by the PLEXed Omegas who insist they aren’t f2p and that they are better than the cheap Alphas who aren’t willing to pay for the game.
I am differently not arguing against the value of time. Just that we can’t accept “time” as “payment” or we lose all meaning of the word “pay”. It’s like when fat girls try to say “everyone is beautiful”, it doesn’t actually say anything about “everyone” it just gives “beautiful” no real meaning.
You still misunderstand. ISK and PLEX are both currencies within their contextual confines, where as skillbooks are not. The fact they both (in different ways) unlock skills is beside the point.
That’s implied context. What they’re actually trying to explain to you is that beauty is not necessarily just a visual / weight thing. They’re explaining other meanings of the word beautiful to you with the implications of the comment
Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose,
Nothing, it aint nothing if it aint free.
And feeling good was easy, Lord, when it was red on blue,
You know feeling good was good enough for me,
Good enough for me and my alt Magee.
If you were to train all the skills in the new Alpha set from scratch they add up to 20.5 mil SP.
So for an older player who has a 200 mil SP character, crossed trained for all 4 factions he or she will automatically have the maximum skills allowed.
There is no having to choose.
For a new or existing Alpha player hoping to train up the new 20.5 mil SP maximum, it will take a little over a year of paying for Omega.
I think these changes do open the door for significant new numbers of players (if advertising is done right - by telling lots of little white lies) to enter the game.
Returning players may actually find the changes encouraging - After years of paying to train up skills, you can now sit back with what seems a reasonable skill set and not have to outlay another cent. Plus you have the option of extracting all excess skills and converting them into isk to minimize the need for making income to buy what you fly…
Where I see many of these new players will drop of is when they work out it will cost them at least *1 year of Omega subscription time to benefit from the changes (*is actually 14 months with a brand new character).
On Crimson Harvest - I’m sorta glad they did it this way (here’s the event - Now go buy the rewards). I won a 5 bil isk bet about Devs monetizing events.
Anjyl Took
I have never said it doesn’t have any value to players. Only that it isn’t “paying to play”, it doesn’t have any value to CCP, it doesn’t pay any of CCP’s bills.
Actually you’re somewhat incorrect here.
Without people buying plex in game with isk, whether to plex an account or purchase items from NES, it has no value. It is only by it being consumed in game that CCP can use the money used to purchase it to pay bills.
You are also incorrect about “paying to play”, my time has value (It was free because I mined the ore - Is just not correct) - Without players buying Plex by spending time playing the game, there would be no plex market.
ATM my time spent earning isk is valued at around 180 mil isk p/h = 58 plex = roughly $2.50 US p/h.
You would never see any kind of refund in that scenario, the end users never do, in the event that they went bankrupt there would be a lot more people ahead of players in terms of recovering costs and even they would be out of pocket, as stated in the EULA there are no refunds in regards to unused time and unless you’re a major creditor for CCP you’re not going to see anything from the sale of assets in the event CCP go bankrupt, the same would apply for itunes if apple went bankrupt, at the end of the day, real money was paid for that plex, it doesn’t matter if YOU didn’t pay any real money for it, the game time was not “free” it just had no RL cost to you, it still cost you time in order to buy it, i mean you can argue this all you like but at the end of the day, there is zero difference ingame between omega via subscription and omega via plex, someone still gave CCP money for that omega game time, alpha accounts are the only true free accounts as CCP do not make money from those, if you have omega then CCP made money