Actually CCP made the money the second the plex was purchased and will have already allocated that money for something, they actually make more from the plex remaining unused because they haven’t had to provide any services for that purchase, they don’t lose anything by you sitting on that plex
I think mining barges would’ve been better instead of battleships, but that’s just my uninformed opinion.
And with the way the list was set up, it’s skill name, the max rank Alpha clones will be able to achieve, the skill category, then the multiplier? Does this mean that as Caldari, I’ll have a lot more drone skills?
But… more than the current Alpha is coming out in December tho…
So I think they’re moving into that direction since current Alpha required a much more investment into proper usage and many newcomers prefer to drop a ball at that point and not to log in and extend to Omega. But having tasted almost half of what available makes people get more addicted and stick to the injectors which grants more interest and cash flow of newer Alphas. So this game is no longer a sandbox its somehow turned into something different.
Actually if you want to get technical about it (like you did). Plex is a service, until it is used it hasn’t redeemed its value in $. It is known as “deferred income” for accounting (able to spend it) purposes.
This was all spelled out on the old forums some time ago but you could look here for a bit of an explanation. Toward the end of the thread… Look for in-game purchases not yet consumed, ie, Plex.
it is an older post but I’m pretty sure things would be much the same accounting wise…
I believe in the recent financial statement that is no longer the case, But I may have misremembered, But pretty sure.
There are quite a few reasons why one would NOT want to show it as an outstanding liablilty, I wouldn’t want to make the assumption that it was to prepare the company for sale, But the amount of plex in game, the slow redemption rate, and the main In game purchasers being speculators and those using it as a wealth store would scare the willies out of potential buyers if they still showed it as deferred income.
I would like to see Cyno at 4 for alpha clones. This would be great
With plex now being considered an ingame currency for multiple things, not just game time, its now likely to be considered as given out to players immediately, given there are no refunds and unless a chargeback is issued the customer got the ingame currency they were expecting and the transaction will be considered a done deal
Back then plex were pretty much a single use item with the option of swapping it for aurum, in this case its automatically swapped and can be used for numerous ingame products and services
Its a 20mil cap assuming you have those skills when you lapse, why exactly is it ridiculous?
Are you expecting to be literally handed the ability to do everything as an alpha?
Yes please, give my BLOP’s ships an infinite number of free cyno alts that i can have scattered about the universe with 3 per alpha account, i cannot in any way see how this could be exploited at all
Now that there’s even more skills to keep track of can we pleeeeeeeeeease get an Alpha skill filter on the character sheet.
Of course they are, alphas have been whining that they don’t get enough for free from the first week they were launched…They’ll never stop either.
Finding a post showing any gratitude for what they get is difficult, there are some, but the vast majority are like the post you replied to.
It’s just a matter of time when EvE will become true F2P. I don’t buy the explanation behind this change. This is market probing. If it goes well next thing will be F2P with paying for SP gain.
As I said it was an older post but as plex still needs to be consumed to be considered “sold” and it isn’t consumed until it has been used (to purchase game time or products from the NES), I imagine the accounting side of it would be the same.
Plex technically isn’t an in-game currency - There is actually nothing you can use plex for via the in-game market other than to exchange it for isk.
All plex transactions are carried out via the NES, which is still independent of the game (the same as it was when Aurum was the accepted currency).
Just because you can’t do plex -> commodities transactions on the market doesn’t mean it’s not a currency. After all you can do a plex -> commodity transaction on the plex store. You can buy stuff with it, it’s a currency. Before the microplex transition, it could have been (badly) argued as not a currency, but now there’s no doubt (even then there were other things you could buy with it, other than just game time.)
As far as accounting goes, I’d expect plex to be treated as gift cards. They would represent a debt: money received for goods not yet provided. Which, is the same thing as a currency (paper money started as representing a debt in gold or silver owed.)
But the whole point of that pointless discussion seems to be “should plex paid accounts be considered second-class customers?” And that? That’s just stupid. As everyone loves to point out, CCP gets paid more for plexed accounts than it does for subbed accounts. For services rendered, they get more $. It would be a dick move of them to provide lower quality service at a higher price point, but I guess that would be up to them. Plexed accounts are paid accounts through the supply/demand conversion. Drive away plexed customers, lose the demand for plex, drop in price in plex means less incentive for $ customers to buy them to sell, so less $ for CCP. CCP does a lot of dumb things though, including firing their guy who’s job it was to understand this stuff. So… maybe they’ll do something stupid again.
Actually, no.
Money is a commodity. Currency is an accepted equivalent of commodity.
ISK is not a commodity. End of story.
I find this sad since I have paid over 5000 euros to CCP during past 14 years.
Sorry @CCP_Falcon I’m still not resubbing until you give me back my Golem.
Stupid drifters…
Please fix the table formatting and skill naming.
Small Railgun Specialization
Medium Railgun Specialization
In the meantime,