Dev blog: Introducing Resource Wars

The sites have timers that are triggered on warp in. They would have a very, very small window of time to do any of this before the site explodes and redistributes elsewhere.

These timers also mean players will be entering and leaving the sites (and out in space) a lot. They won’t be stuck inside 1 site for ages.


We only have Blood structures currently right? I don’t think it’s “pirate structures are in Goon space” but more like “Goons are in Blood space” kind of case.
Having Guristas building their stuff too will probably solve this.

Um… which alliance owns the Guristas space again?

Sure, but operate doing what? The ore is useless for everything but ‘finish this site’. Can’t refine it. Probably (like civilian gatling guns) can’t even sell it on the market. What, you’re gonna make tons of ISK putting it up on contract to people who just want to warp their own haulers into a T2-3 site to fill up the other hauler?

Somehow, I do not think that’s gonna be profitable.

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Can you remote repair the NPC Haulers?


They should not have a maximum capacity. That goes against the core tenants of what makes eve, eve.

…and right there is part of the problem. I’m willing to give this new HS content a fair tryout, but building a HS content development based on input from mainly NS/LS people (the overwhelmingly most prevalent type of player that attends those fests) is a receipe for another underutilized feature by a large percentage of HS players and erroneously gives CCP an idea on what so many players are looking for in HS.

Group content (hell, ANY content) added to HS is a plus. Thank you. However, catering to groups,of alts from NS/LS corps to duplicate the group dynamics they ALREADY have with their main toons, while ignoring a large group of HS solist/very small,corps who prefer not to join up with these alts, is a blueprint for losing even more players. Members of medium/large corps already have plenty of existing content that they do, both in NS and HS. What you have forgotten is that there is large percentage of the players who exist ONLY in HS and are very reluctant to join forces with unknown people.

The root problem is that both CCP and the CSM have had their preconceived biases re-enforced by getting suggestions and feedback from a group of people who play in the same style that they do. Part of the problem rests in the HS player not being aggressive enough in voicing their complaints/concerns, but the biggest error is that those in power failed to realize that they had to reach out aggressively to those OUTSIDE the powerful corps and their play style.

My fellow HS players and I will give this new content an honest try, but I doubt you are going to get anything other than the vast majority of the players that run them will be the same groups of people that already game together in NS/LS. This is only to be expected since you developed content based on your preconceived biases and re-enforced it by asking the wrong group of players. It is not evil or malicious, merely a common error that people tend to make; instead of looking outside your area/knowledge set, you got data from the easiest (nearest) group of people and people tend to be in groups that share a common interest.


Yes :slight_smile:


yes. I worded that wrong. but I was trying to make the point that CCP introduces mechanics/objects to the game that in a lot of ways are limited to a group of players. So everyone else bitches and cries about it.

The best thing we can do is, stay on top of CCP and hold them accountable for half baked/finished projects.

If that doesn’t work, more boxes of gummy dicks with a price tag!

We actually did speak to quite a few HS players and a lot of players who mentor/specialise in helping new players. That is why with this content, we reward everyone who enters and participates. Will other players be in the sites? yes. However, as you have a common/shared goal and everyone is rewarded equally provided they participate towards the goal - you can enter sites by yourself, do your own contribution and not have to worry about working ‘with the group’ if you don’t want to. However, we do also have a lot of completely solo content and not much aimed at new players for groups, so we wanted to make some group based activities that will let you interact as much as you feel comfortable, with other players :slight_smile:


Have you seen the size of Guristas space?

Deklein, Branch: Darkness, Blades of Grass, SLYCE, other GotG alliances.
Tribute: Mercenary Coalition / Northern Coalition. / PHorde’s active up there if they don’t currently hold any sov, Pandemic Legion, OSS.
Vale/Venal: xXDeathXx, DRF, various others.

This blatantly isn’t that, man. Solo players can come in, and get the full value of the site. Everyone gets the full value of the site. If Null worked like that, you’d see all 29,000 people in Goons crowded into a single anomaly, each of us whining about everyone else causing tidi. That very mechanic of “everyone gets full value” is aimed directly at solo players. It lets someone come in, with no connection to anyone else, and not have the people already there trying to run them off.


Why are you talking sense bad dev bad…

Need more info sounds interesting.

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They have to. Here, let’s game out what happens with no maximum capacity (and I use this example structure because if there’s a ridiculously exploitable mechanic presented, 2 things will happen: first, Goons will tell CCP ‘you shouldn’t do this, we’ll abuse it’ and second, when they do it anyway? We abuse it):

Patch day. 20 goons go looking for these sites, spreading out. When they find them, they bring fleets into each of these sites. Sites poof fast because hey, 250 people in 'em. Each person gets the full LP value of the site.

Repeat until every member of each fleet has enough for a dozen or so of the first SKIN package. (I don’t know if you’ve seen how ridiculously masochistic we tend to be on this sort of thing, but that’ll be the first day, I promise). SKINs go up on the market. Goons make obscene amounts of money because there are always idiots who will buy crap at the insane ‘first day’ market prices.

Then folks like you come and complain about how this is all just a way for Goons to make money.

Capping the number of people who can be in a site is necessary to prevent zerging it, especially when everyone gets the full payout value of the site (not ‘the full payout is divided between everyone’). Not capping it effectively means infinite LP from each and every one of these sites. The only reason my example has the goon fleets splitting up is because let’s face it, we’re too stupid to put all 2,000 people into one site at a time.

Don’t think we’ll do it? Have you looked at the Monthly Economic Report?


Ok. If the sites a short lived then perhaps this isn’t a big concern.

I’ll wait until the more detailed devblog before I get too concerned that you are throwing out core pillars of the game. :wink:

Looking forward to all the details and to trying out the new content!



Could these perhaps be expanded into NPC Nullsec?
The Pirate Factions only have missions for rewards currently and adding something similar to NPC Null would most likely add alot of content in the regions.

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You need to relax, and remember the forum rules.

If you don’t like this feature, then that’s fine, but stick to the forum rules and stop throwing abuse at people who’re conversing with you about it.

You can disagree with the nature of the feature and how it’s delivered all you want, but keep it civil, or you’ll be removed from the forums.


The sites reward ships, modules and other useful resources via LP.

We don’t know how much they will reward, but I very much doubt thry will be without profit or no one would run them for any length of time which would defeat the purpose of new PvE.

We have no plans for that currently


Are there mining hardiwires (like the snake.ascendancy etc sets)? If not perhaps these would be good rewards as BPC’s from the LP store.


Yes, but what I’m saying won’t be profitable is coming in and taking all the ore to stuff it up on contracts.

If you really think that farming the LP will be more valuable to the specialized miners who hoover down all of the high-sec belts in the first 2 hours after DT than, you know, hoovering down all the belts… you’re nuts. You know why they stop hoovering belts?

They run out of belts.

We need the details but I was envisioning a corp locking down a site by acquiring all the keys and running the sites as intended for hours earning LP while completely immune from a corporation that declared war on them.

If the sites aren’t easily locked down or last a short time this isn’t really a concern. But if you can hole up in one with your corp and farm in complete safety for hours, that kinda undermines a core idea of the game.

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