Dev blog: Introducing Resource Wars

That’s how dungeons in mmos work.


Who is the CEO of the Emperor Family corporation in game? … Jamyl Sarum

When has any empire star system changed hands? (not the pedulum war tag)

Any veteran who quit 10 years ago would recognise highsec, nothing has changed.

These things better be more worthwile than the :diamonds: NPCs that drop nothing except for the hauler…

It’s nice to create new high sec content and all. One time its a brand new AI that calls reinforcements etc… Another it’s a brand new site…

But in the end, all of this is wasted if they are not worth the time and / or the risk.

That aside, sounds fun!

EDIT: Crates though… That’s just lame. Give us the damn loot, don’t sugarcoat it in the same RNG machine that the competition is using. Crates are probably the new buzzword for marketing but that doesn’t make them good.

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I live in hi sec, I call for new stuff in Hi Sec…and as allways, CCP dosent give what we look for. We allways tell newbros dont mine, and now you send them streight into a…minig OP?..No, not good. A PVP barrier? NO! instead of letting the miner harvest the reward…you pay them in LP which needs conversion with ISK…for SKINS and stuff? So all HI SEC is good for…is mining? Thats Null Sec. Mining pve…isent the right direction…in my view…but hey…i have been wrong befor…

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I hoped for stuff alla OP Highlander…you know…combat stuff…but its maybe really just me.

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What kind of difficulty can we expect from the most difficult sites? One thing that is currently missing in high-sec is small-size PvE (~2-5) content that is worth running.

You can do L4s in a fleet, but beyond one combat pilot and one salvager, the clearing time drop quickly with combat pilots and you start spending too much time warping around, so it ends up being better for two veterans to both solo missions instead of teaming up (also see the emphasis on warp speed for optimized mission runners). Content that is worth doing together for a few decently decently skilled battleships, or a larger fleet of newer members, would be great.

Also, if access to higher level sites is gated by standings, which the new players won’t have, and lower level sites will have lower rewards and caps on the ship sizes, how are new players (low standings) supposed to team up with veterans (fly big ships and want big rewards)?

Of course, the vets can compromise their returns, but wouldn’t it be better to have a feature that encourages bringing new players along for harder sites? Something like being able to use either personal standings OR averaged standings over the fleet, would enable new players to join hard sites when with vets, or just run sites of their level otherwise.


Fair, but practically speaking this still isn’t a big deal. You can still catch people on the gates and screw with them there, and there’s some significant potential to cut people off with this exact mechanic by taking up one or more of the gate slots and potentially blocking people out of their Logi support if that’s something these sites require at the high end.

Overall I’m not that concerned based on the design already presented.

For those complaining about crates… What if you bought a fully fitted ship with the skin in the cargo hold?

In reality, that is the reward. It’s a ship with modules (probably meta level 3) and a skin. It’s thrown in a box to make life easier. It’s easier than changing the LP code. It’s also easier for the developers to change the box content if it needs a rebalance.

I get we don’t want random loot crates that have percentages to drop various items. That is a pain. But if there is no randomness as has been stated, call it a loot crate, box, ship-in-a-box, whatever it’s just an easy way to give out a proper reward.

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I’m also concerned about this capacity for obvious reasons.

You need to be told that eve is not like other MMO’s? And eve players are not like other MMO players?

Nobody ever said they always manage to get the attention to detail right. :wink:

You may like to think EvE is some special snowflake in the mmoverse, but it’s really not.


What about making the underlying mechanic (mining) requiring more than 1 brain cell (or 0 in case of bots) and 0.02 apm?

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It’s not RNG. It’s ‘here, this is how we give you multiple items at once in the LP Store because the code’s stupid old and fixing it would mean you have to wait longer’



I am a little depressed by all these called pirated worrying about this cap. It will hurt PvP. No sage pocket in hi sec… Whine. Complaim. Moan.

Not one of you have said… Gee, let’s fill the sites and ransom them. You want this site… Pay us 20 mil and we’ll warp off. Heck that could be done with Alphas even. So why all this hate for a mechanic you could potentially use to harass others?

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Thats the point dumb ass. It will be exploited, at the expense of new/solo players/those without alts.

Edit- of course depending on exactly how it works. But colour me skeptical.


Trust me, Eve players aren’t that different. A little more analytical on average maybe, but the differences from the general population of MMO players aren’t all that major.


We already have random-reward crates. The SKINs from the Discovery rewards for one.

My main concern here is that we now have something entering the game that takes a potentially substantial amount of minerals to build that wasn’t made by a player.

Are the ISK costs in the LP store going to be tied to the market in some way, or is there potential for inflation to push ship prices up past the price these crates cost and then we’re back to refining shuttles and insurance frauding Rokhs on the Jita undock?

They really are. Been a part of groups of all sizes in EVE and in theme parks, from soloing and duoing in both through small gang work in EVE and regular guild-sized content in EQ, WoW, LotRO, SWTOR, right up to being one of the people running a 2000-player raiding org in WoW and part of the directorate of the largest alliance in EVE.

Yeah. EVE players skew toward the more mature, more intelligent, more unrepentantly assholish end of the spectrum, but fundamentally? No difference.


Don’t forget the boxes the NPC haulers drop in NPC Mining Operations!

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I mean if we’re getting into that then technically every NPC ship you blow up is a random reward crate… the opening process is just extremely violent :stuck_out_tongue: