The problem is that solo content hasn’t been expanded for years. Many players would just want more damsels to save, instead of all these fancy adventures. I wonder who have you been talking to, as the staleness of playing the same 400 missions over and over again is the first and main complaint of actual PvErs. And the problem is not that they’re old or the mechanics are simple, but that they’re always the same 400 missions since they haven’t been expanded in 7 years.
Yeah I seriously wonder who in heavens have you ever talked to as to think that there’s no need to just add more missions. Not new mechanics, no new AI, no shiney. Just more red crosses to shoot at for ISK and standings. Some may blitz them. Some may write the walkthroughs for them. Some may try to run them in T1 frigates. Some will just take the extra sand and do some more sandboxing according to THEIR reasons to play and pay and not YOUR design guidelines or whatever prevents CCP from just adding more missions.
Unless, you know, turns that the mission building tools developed some years ago have the same abbility to work as Drifter AI had to target logistics in Tranquility…
This is… actually really “GOOD” highsec content your adding to the game…
(Pulls out gun and points it at CCP) Ok you damn alien bodysnatchers! What did you do with the real CCP!? Those guys who only add nullsec isk firehoses, and meaningless crap to the game noone wants!? Talk!
You can’t warp within a site. You have to slowboat across the grid, which is thousands of km’s.
These sites should be excellent for recruitment though. Recruiter goes into site. spams requests to everyone within to join fleet. Run sites together. Hopefully gets a corp out of it.
What if only combat ships show up to a site for whatever reason. I kill every single rat waves and the the site expire even if nothing get mined? Do I get any reward? Bounties? Loot/salvage if I though to BM the site? Nothing because only one objective was fulfilled?
Sure a group could go in, but the sites are on very short timers and the site is set to explode at the end of the timer, then redistribute elsewhere. So even if you tried to stay in the site you would be left vulnerable.
Clarification please; the description states that a “strike fleet” is first formed and then everyone warps to the sites. Is this correct or can an individual just show up at a beacon and, barring a fully filled site, use the gate to join the currently running site?
Excellent news! Really, the more the Empires and the balance of power in New Eden is responsive to the actions of players, the more invested the players will be in the game. That includes the big blocs, too: we may be slower to respond to ‘your actions matter in Empire’, but give us engaging content, and we’ll find reasons to blow up one anothers’ titans over it.