Dev blog: Login, Database & Chat Issues - The War Continues!

It’s very reasonable for paying customers to expect a working product as advertised, especially from a large company with paid staff.

Mistakes happen, I get that. Getting 3 9’s of uptime is almost impossible – you get <9 hours of downtime a year if that is your goal. If you then choose to compensate customers effected by downtime or service interruptions, you should compensate all of the effected customers – not an arbitrary subset of them.

That being said, I feel as if I purchased a product with defects when I resubscribed. As far as I can remember, the Eve Client download has always been free – you pay for the subscription. I paid for a subscription on four accounts for 3 months and have had trouble logging in, socket closures, server crashes, local and other chat channels not functioning properly (leading to security issues in nullsec which directly impact gameplay), and SSO malfunctions which have prevented me from readily integrating back into and playing the game fully.

From my perspective it’s more than disappointing to read a press release that says I will not be compensated like other paying customers despite what a representative from the company said previously in public, and I think it’s reasonable that I would expect first a working product and second in a case where service was interrupted to a degree that CCP decided to compensate their playerbase that I too would be compensated.

CCP has had a history of having pretty darn good customer service from my experience, and I sincerely hope that this hasn’t changed in the time I took off from playing the game.

Im not sure you really can, things have to go in a certain order. All the time checks could make the multi threading just as bad as single,

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Any source for where someone from CCP said anything other than people hit by the patchday issues would be compensated?

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This clicks through to a comment from CCP_Falcon

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Yes it does, it does say they will be getting skill point compensation out soon™
However maybe it’s just me but I interpreted that as they would be getting the already promised sp out soon, not that they were promising more sp for those outages. It is very vague though

@CCP_Falcon, one question I don’t even see being asked, but one that touches on something quite important. Are the new nodes going to be used for as reinforced nodes for big battles? They seem to have better Intel CPUs compared to the standard Sol node (about 15% performance improvement at the very least from specs alone?)

Is that correct, or are you still going to use the current nodes for reinforcement? (was it Everest?)

I’ve actually almost given up on playing the game at this point. I’ve got 4 subbed accounts and can’t play a single one for more than like 15 minutes without a socket close… Basically eliminating any reason to have subs, this has been going on for more than 3 months whereas I’ve been playing since 2011 when there weren’t nearly as many socket closes even with more accounts running on the same computer. I don’t particularly give two shits about “compensation SP” I just want to play the ■■■■■■■ game… oh look, another socket close as I type this, this being with only one client running and a ethernet cable hooked into my machine.

That was the first mention of compensation that I had personally seen and it was in direct response to an outage, so for me it was not vague at all.

This is a customer service issue with botched optics on the resolution.

Thanks for hanging in there CCP. o7 Kick some bug ass


So… nothing for those who were dealing with your “database shenanigans” after March because I can assure you, up to like last week or so sure I had fun to get to know the W-space experience in Lowsec, and conversely get to see all the cloaky AFKers in a wormhole. Whee.

Thanks CCP.

I used to get socket closes all the time but since I had to change my ISP after moving house I’ve not had a single socket close in months.

Have you tried not having Netflix running while your mining ships labor away in the background? Might reduce the socket closures…

Socket just closed on me - just in the process of docking :frowning_face:

I’d been thinking about that but I live in a city with google fiber so I didn’t think it would be a single problem. And also in response to @QuakeGod I don’t tend to run anything else then my eve clients when I’m playing eve other than like Spotify in the background. (which either way shouldn’t be a problem as I’ve got gigabit service)

Good suggestions though.

Yup, there seems to be some issue currently. 1 ISK on someone being angry that CCP is doing fine.

Yeah that’s why it would maybe be best if you wrote to them directly and tell about your situation.

Btw, the script seems to still be running, not every active Account from that timeframe got the SP yet.

need more free sp

and here we go again :wink:
CCP trasnfer us 1mil free SP just for the extra future times of socket closed moments. Thanks!

CCP’s done it before. Look at the Incarna riots, and the following patches. CCP is rapidly approaching that point.

Socket closed for me… Could not auto-refresh token… No Login possible atm …

Yepp here we go again ~8000 Players dropped

“Could not connect to the specified address. Odds are that you have not established an internet connection, the server isn’t running, or the server address or port number was wrong.” Blah

and the Launcher… can I just get back the old Login Screen with the nice Fullsize Background Pic ?
Outsorcing and Cloud ?¿ realy ? Computing does kinda not work eh ?
and while on it fix the fact that the client with a char docked in Station uses more CPU then undocked and in Battle … how the f does that work ? mebbe get rid of blinky shiney addvertisement spam screens

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