the thing is the ECM “adjustments” are for those we’d classes as "noobe’, “idiot”, “moron”, etc… and those on the Council that want to shift balance in their favor and screw to game balance.
these are standard real-world things.
though from a balance point of view there was nothing wrong with it, maybe a few minor adjustments to specific things that have been voiced over the years.
the thing is anyone using ECM modules are sacrificing slots to mount them, and the same is true of those intelligent players that mount ECCM modules.
the only time these modules give a benefit is in one of two situations;
one: you’re the only one with the module/s mounted, so you sacrificed a slot or two to get a leg over your enemy
two: you’re in a fleet and what you’ve sacrificed benefits the fleets operations.
so yip the ECM “adjustment” is a joke of the worse kind.
and the Precursor “adjustment” is just as bad, remove a lowslot which allows these ships to cover the short-fall in CPU and Powergrid, to gain the “suggested” extra midslot.
yes the extra mid-slot is great, but not at the sacrifice of limited lowslots on an armour tank focus faction ship is completely stupid.
if CCP plan to bring this to the live server (yes it’s already on the test server, and yes I’ve played with it), I hope they counter the power and CPU issue for the lost of the lowslot, many have questioned why not use a highslot instead.
though using highslot just opens up another can of worms, this does raise the question where’s the missing 13th slot that all frigates have?
compared to the Amarr Punisher or Gallente Atron, the Damavik is well below the slot allocation.
Punisher 4/2/4/3 = 13
Atron 4/3/3/3 =13
Current Damavik 3/2/4/3 =12
suggested Damavik 3/3/3/3 = 12
and the Naval frigates, before anyone brings up what I found out in the Triglavian tech topic which highlights the Percusor ships are akind to Naval version ship and the Hydra and Tiamat are specialize faction ships (Covert Ops and Force Recon), the naval frigate mostly have the 13 slots also, unlike the 12 slots the Damavik has.
for more proof;
Vigil Fleet issue 3/4/3/3 = 13
Caldari Navy Hookbill 3/5/2/3 = 13
And strangely the Hydra has the same number of slots as all other Covert Op ships with 14 slots
Hydra 4/4/4/2 = 14
Pacifier 4/4/4/2 = 14
There are some standard frigates with as low as 12 slots and other up with 14 slots, the average standard for standard frigates is 13 slots. Faction frigates are 13 slots average.
@CCP_Falcon is there any reason or information on these changes, as in what benefits are to be gained, how does these effect current game balances, in a positive or negative way? Why are are these changes being made with no research been done into what effects these changes will do.
has CCP stuff up their own design balance???