Dev Blog: October Balance Pass!

Yes, at the absolute last resort, the changes could be rolled back if, on the whole, CCP thinks they’ve made the game worse for the bulk of players than it was before. They aren’t going to do that, however, unless there’s nothing else they can do because they acknowledge that ECM was a problem before and that’s why they agreed to change it. If there was no problem, nobody would be asking for these changes. But plenty of people did, which is why they were even in CCP’s radar to fix in the first place.

So when I come asking - because Rise specifically asked us to do this - for feedback on how some of these ships can be buffed to be more useful in the new meta, I am NOT looking for more “you shouldn’t have done this in the first place” and related commentary. That’s not what I asked and not what they’re looking for.

If that’s all you’ve got, then don’t bother responding.

Folks have an opportunity now to provide feedback on what they would like to see on these ships to balance out these changes and provide that feedback. If nobody wants to do that, fine - CCP will do whatever they want (or nothing).

I’m just the messenger here.