Dev Blog: October Balance Pass!

199x posts are brisc
177x posts are arrendis

376x posts largely in support of all adjustments in this ‘gas pass’. except when they aren’t, but especially when they are. and only when it matters to the game, but when it doesn’t also.

238x posts are me. 199x of those are in direct response to something stupid said by one of the two mentioned ^^above(apparently, my ‘betters’). the rest are attempts at dialogue amongst my peers.

of the remaining people posting, I would say its at least 7-1 opposed to Something getting broken here. that’s being generous to supporters of this patch, and letting brisc and arrendis have their opinions included.

I thought I was hanging on your nuts?? now im a dingleberry from your ass??
lol Im just happy to be here as a productive member of the community! :hugs:

I would name call too, if I was losing an argument as badly as You throughout this thread.

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Just my contempt for Scooter. Although anybody posting on a forum alt is probably on that list, too.

Last time I checked, these changes are going through. So, yeah.

:heart: im here for you bro!


because of you and your behavior in the initial 1K posts here.

says more about ccp and you, than it does me or anyone else in this thread.


They got me !! - Once again I had the slightest hope that CCP would take notice of anyone posting on the forums, but no, all that happened is I get to give up my favorite solo ship.

With his understanding of game mechanics Brisc ( asked about effect on solo ) should know that the most effective SOLO ECM ship post patch will be the VNI:
Room for plenty of sensor damps to make the drones jam attempts easier and large drone bay - most of the time your victim will only get to shoot your drones. The VNI is the new falcon.

ECM drones will milk even more tears and will be next in line for the nerf-bat.

Edit : That’s me done no more post on this topic

Great, then use that.

CCP noticed folks posting. I don’t know why the idea that since they didn’t do what you wanted they weren’t listening or reading gets ingrained into folks heads.

Can someone confirm whether or not the ECM change applies to ECM burst modules? I haven’t seen anything definitive yet.

One more post then - just to answer:

How obtuse can you be - I fly a Rook NOT a VNI

I don’t want to fly a VNI pretending its another ship. I want to fly MY ROOK and this change breaks the game for me in that area of play

Take note this is the ONLY change of all the changes made by CCP that I cannot adapt an existing ship (Rook) to work with.

If you’re so smart - post a fit where the rook will behave like a ecm drone /sensor damp VNI - in that it jams the opponent and they can’t target your ship


well, tbf, its guna be difficult to adapt a ‘comabt’ interceptor to fly nullified. just thought id add, since your leaving me here to fend off brisc’s bad intentions by myself :confused:


This is probably the worst argument you can make.

You’re basically demanding that you want to be able to use a screwdriver to cut wood.

Don’t use a screwdriver to cut wood. Use a saw to cut wood.

soo the rook isn’t the saw anymore? the vni IS? so use the VNI? rofl who’s being obtuse bro?

Did they not state they were going to buff the ECM-focused ships or did that get canned? I’m confused because that’s the first thing I said and the first thing addressed in the original dev blog announcing it.

I don’t know why I am bothering as it seems I am too late. I’ve been playing EVE on and off for over 10 years, and during that time I have flown ECM ships frequently as fleet support since it is one of my favorite aspect of EVE. In my opinion this change to jamming is completely ludicrous and unbelievable I don’t even know where to start.

Every races’ electronic warfare provides some form of escape mechanism.

Minmatar: Web target(s) and fly out of point range and warp away.

Amarr: Drain cap until tackle drops.

Gallente: Scram and target range damp.

Caldari: Chance to remove their lock.

With this change an ECM ship has zero chance of escape if caught and now with your only recourse to FORCE hostiles to shoot at you no one is going to fly these suicidal ships no matter how much you buff their tank. In a fleet with logistics to jam out enemy logistics is their only place…maybe.

I’d have taken a softer approach. When jammed you lose all locks but you can relock only the jammer. This makes permanent jamming significantly more difficult but still enables ECM ships to flee and allows scan resolution and sensor strength to counter jamming. This even makes ECM battles more dynamic. You can counter jam to regain your sensors.

ECM drones should just break locks on successful jam. No one thinks being hard jammed for 20s by a drone is a good idea.



Thank you for your service in making null sec a more terrible place again. We appreciate your service for making EVE a better place.

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not after people figure out to put target painters on their logi instead of sebo, and assist drones or sentries to logi. anything that jams logi will b tp’d and dead in seconds. hell, with this in mind ecm may not even warrant primary anymore… silent buff mayb? kidding. no, its just bad. tbh, damps will take the place any ecm boats currently occupy.

this has been mentioned, and I agree that it would be better than the current model in patch notes, but I really don’t see ecm being broken. repeatedly ive suggested that if someone can post specifics on a scenario where ecm is especially broken, there surely is a lighter touch means to achieve Real Balance. but that’s just the word they are using to describe the action, not the literal intent. obviously.

except ecm drones are a tradeoff from a dmg drone, and their jam chance is an utter joke. and they are slow. and they are 2 shots for a smartbomb (flimsy as fuq). all that aside, what you suggest is still Better than what they are going forward with atm.

You’re welcome. As always, I am committed to doing what’s in the best interests of all of my constituents.

Thank you for your continued support, and if you have any further issues I can be of assistance with, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours truly,

Brisc Rubal
Kakakela, Lonetrek
District Office

a well thought out response. If only we could get the same from CSM or CCP devs eh.

“disagree strongly”

-sorry you clearly have an agenda, your responses make it quite obvious, your sarcastic signature block just highlights how arrogant you are.

Does it not occur to you that the reason this forum thread has so many posts, is because players (CCP’s CUSTOMERS), are genuinely upset about some (or all) of these changes, a little more understanding, and tact wouldn’t go amiss.


The reason this forum thread has so many responses was explained quite well by Scooter before - about four people have half the posts in here.

I have said over and over again that I understand that some players are unhappy, and that some are concerned that this will impact their playstyles. That happens in every change. All I can say is that I still believe that the majority of players will benefit from these changes and they are not such massive changes that they will have the massive impact that some fear they will. I suggest everybody go on SISI and try them out, or wait until live and then see what the differences are, and provide feedback.

If this stuff proves too big a change or has too damaging an impact on folks playing and enjoying the game, I’ll be the first one to champion rolling the changes back. But I don’t think that’s going to happen.

As for the rest, folks want to come at me, I’m going to absorb some of it, but eventually I’m going to respond. If folks want a civil discussion, I’m fine with that and I will never be the first one to throw a stone.