do I need to go back to the top of the thread to prove yet another of your ‘points’ wrong? anyone else care to beat me to it?
You mean post 6 where the insults at the CSM start before brisc is even in the conversation. Or the insults in the replies to the very first post they makes?
Sorry Scooter but people were throwing mud at the CSM right from the start here.
If your comments here are on behalf of CCP then you’re not doing them any favors by dismissing all the feedback as just “six guys” and someone up your butt.
If not, can we also hear from CCP on what they think of the commentary?
I waited 1k posts. he earned it. and then some.
I guess that only with goons in CSM and some of their pets who are sharing their mindset, he is not out of ordinary in that group. Most likely your hope for decency and reason is futile, at least for now.
@Brisc_Rubal Just wanted to say Thanks for all the work you and the other CSM’s did to help balance out the game.
Thanks for your honesty, finally…
Since “constituents” in the current american and british politics means “those that voted for me, screw everyone else”
U R destroying the game for some null sec comfort …
Its ridiculous. This Patch is utterly BS and every one who is still playing this game instead of sitting in a space coffin knows this.
With the whole patch u are strenghten the strong and make the weak even weaker.
You support AFK mining and ratting and damage the economy even more.
You just gave Interceptors nullification so finally somebody was willing to fly them. Combat Interceptors after this “patch” will be as useless as before and u wont see people using them anymore.
Also you take freedom of movement from players and make nullbear ratting afk ISK grinding even more easy. Again: You are helping to destroy the economy with this patch.
Someone said “we dont care about interceptorfleets” - if that is so, why the nerf? Not true at all.
Rorqs DIE to them and even if not - AFK ratting and mining is DEFINITELY stopped cause of FEAR (of cyno, losing excavators …)
Answer the following questions:
Why should a player use a combat ceptor insead of a navy t1 frig or an AF?
Why do u remove the ability for solo pvp in a recon cruiser just for ONE race?
(besides that you are helping isk grinding carriers to have a better chance vs dropping bomber fleets)
Why do you remove an easy and accessable way to content in this game (ceptor fleets roaming null)?
This patch is just a quick shot cause some people cried loud enough in your ears and convinced you that player want to have this… but its not.
I only read about 2000 of the comments in this blog in this forum which is utterly useless (and a waste of time, cause reddit has much more users and devs apparently dont read here or dont give a shit… anyway I read 1980 more comments than any dev cause no one answered all the good questions and reasons to stop this BS patch… and its still coming)
Talked to some of my gaming friends who dont play eve. From time to time I try to convince them to start playing. Some of them where laughing to me on comms one said “yeah sure, I invest xxx Euros or wait 1 year until I am finally no longer just prey to older players, ive read that they now even nerf accessable possibilities to participate in PVP for new players” … and he is completely right.
Anyway, new desktop PC incoming and its time to move on from this “…”. Alt account runs out around 15th October, and this, my main will be unsubbed right now.
Thanks for nothing
Ask yourself why you dont have new players if you do patches like this.
It is unfortunate that these changes are going through. Taking nullification away from combat ceptors due to the claws being “op” could of been fixed with tweaks to bring it in line. They didnt handle the hic changes well and this could of been prevented if a mod/ script was added at the same time (at least they are working on it.)
I am concerend on the ecm nerf but I definitely will submit my thoughts once thjs change goes through (I’ll see how it works begrudgingly). Best we can hope for is a reroll of this bandaid and a real rework.
Like dam man, the poor navy Griffin got shafted hard by this. Rip so roaming in it, they could at least change the bonus to ecm burst cycle duration.
Tdlr, can i have your stuff if you do leave??
My comments aren’t here on behalf of CCP. I don’t work for them and I don’t represent them. I represent the players and I am here defending changes that I agree with and supported.
You’re welcome.
My constituents aren’t only the folks who voted for me - I couldn’t possibly know only who those people are because of the way voting works.
My constituents are all the players in the game because that’s the entire electorate. That’s what I mean when I say that.
Apparently most are for changes - and a I of FW not. The Griffin Navy Issue I sold all
U have to ask u’re self just one question Brisc, do this changes improve game for all the players or just to the null players in home area (so they can rat in peace) … and ofc does this do any good to solo or small groups or just +100 fleets … sadly, again, only null gets love.
on the other hand, there are ships (used properly) that are ecm resisted … why the f. nullers don’t use them instead crying out loud as babies for some ecm drops on ratting ships that don’t have that option . the more i think of this changes, the more I am pissed. U R gonna screw widow pilots, explo- ceptor pilots, wormholers…etc… for what? for crybabies that are geting angry for someone messing with their nirvana-ratting… the worst patch ever… and there was some bad ones, but this is the king
Like I said, I think most players will benefit from these changes. Most players aren’t in nullsec.
Most people are not in null but null gets all the love… All “benefits” together can be applied only in null and that is a fact. But who cares what general public has to say … it is all decided already so GN
Interesting, how do ceptor nerfs, and HIC changes benefit players not operating in nullsec/WH? Do you even think before you write?
How will most people benefit from the change to Claws if the change only affect null sec (W-space is null sec as well) because nullification does not matter anywhere else? You don’t make sense again. Getting a theme with you.