Dev Blog: October Balance Pass!

here come all the special case ‘fixes’ to the ■■■■ that wasn’t broken until this ‘balance’ :roll_eyes:

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yep, Team Burners missions still on old logic apparently LOL
Burner have a lock and burn towards you , you jam him and he starts to burn AWAY while still having a lock on you! This just rich ))))

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this ship


Curse u lost pvp, curse drain or cap u die, you can not use ecm

Lachesis you lost pvp, lachesis point you, danpener you, you die do not have tanke and there’s no way

Hugim you lost pvp, point and web you, you sacrificed the tank’s tank to put ecm, in none of the cases the ecm is effective, nobody will use ecm alone or in small groups

the solution and do not use ecm

feedback Ecm not working it was horrible this skill, which can be easily resisted because the chance of the ecm is not 100% when you fail you die

have thrown away a whole class of ships


aye, nothing to see here. working as intended. gg brisc and company, you bunch of trollz!

Just a reminder - it needs to be a solo fit

You should of done the same thing as you did with interceptors…

for example… T1 ships people can lock back… T2 ships you are jammed as normal.

Standup ECM you are jammed as usual.

T1 ships I would think are used more in fleet battles where the changes are intended… T2 ships are used for small gang and solo.

Honestly, I think you just wanted to hurt solo otherwise you would of introduced the buffs right away.

So from my post you don’t even comment about the suggested solution, instead focus on a one line asking about your motive.

You seem to be a troll and not here to help improve eve gameplay.

To be honest i have no time for your responses and attacks on other community members, i have no idea how you got your role…

But this topic has gone out of control with you being the main reason, insitting people to gwt angry with you comments and condeceding posts.

@CCP_Falcon can you please read through this Dev started topic, and address the issues listed here. As id hate to see this get an worse than its already become.


I’m sorry, but I don’t see a suggested solution in your above post. What I do see is you 1) claiming I’m ignoring feedback when I’m reading everything and passing along the stuff that’s useable; 2) accusing me of trolling when I’m simply sharing my views while others question my motives (like you did); 3) ping a bunch of Devs that have nothing to do with these changes while missing the one that does; 4) seem to think that I represent CCP, instead of the players; 5) seem to think that “Black Desert” (the company is Pearl Abyss, they make a came called Black Desert Online) cares what happens to feedback on the forums in this game and 6) the actual sale has still not yet been finalized.

None of this is going to help Rise figure out what can be done to make the ECM ships survive longer. It would be great for folks to focus on that, rather than critiquing my responses or misrepresenting what I’ve said and why I’ve said it.

Can someone please explain why release changes are shared here with open discussion? Just post it, lock and people can read it.

Never seen such an overwhelming negative feedback and actually nothing changed after 2600 post.


Follow the quotes back to the original post it made that you quoted.

Surely you can do that! Its basic.

What i pointed out is you seem to be solrely focused on comments made about yourself and not the comments about possible solutions to the whole ECM side of this topic.

There has been many suggested ideas from many people yet you and CCP failed to read or even comment on them.

As it is you focus on defending yourself, when you’d do a better job doing that by actually reading and responding to the suggested ideas.

Action spokes louder than words, and so from you’ve been words and no action. As defending yourself is only making things worse.

So i suggest reading through the toopic and respond to suggested ideas, and you might people may start respecting you instead of having a pissing fight with you.

Live up to the role you wanted and got, you’re meant to be here from the community, not sololy for yourself.

Is this for real? Does that still work on TQ like this?

I highlighted the part that makes them survive longer. Oh, and by the way: People have been suggesting for years and years that ECM should reduce number of lockable targets when ECM hits in addition to lock breaking. I guess this years old suggestion got lost when dear CCP Avalon transferred us into this shitty forum.

that should read “shitty forum CCP ignore” :slight_smile:


its honestly astounding isnt it.


I read every comment.

The bulk of the comments here have been;

  1. Don’t change it at all (and various reasons why it’s a bad idea)
  2. Redesign the entire system;
  3. Change it something thatbreaks locks, instead of jamming

And variations, including complaints about the efficacy of certain ships, and the like.

#1 isma bad choice because there are problems with ECM and many, if not most, players hate the mechanic. #2 is also not the best option because there are things far more broken than ECM that need fixing with more resources and this change will address the problem in a relatively easy way that could be done quickly. #3 simply duplicates modules already in the game,

I have been responding to ideas, and you can easily scroll up and see that. Not sure why you think I haven’t been.

If you have some actual ideas about how to balance some of these ships post-changes, feel free to post them.

No, it doesn’t work like that anymore. Rise noted that one of the modifiers a]was missing in Sisi and he fixed it.

As for the ECM change you suggested, I think that’s interesting, but it won’t fix the problem the solo pvpers have with these changes.

It would if you just get the numbers right…

ECM always hits.

If ECM Strength > Sensor Strength : Lower number of possible locks by 3 (per successful ECM module)
If ECM Strength < Sensor Strength, but > 50% Sensor Strength: Lower number of possible locks by 2
Else Lower number of possible Locks by 1

If you’re solo you would need two or three successful locks with higher ECM strength higher than sensor Strength to completly lock out the enemy.

Don’t want to lose all possible locks? Fit a SeBo for more Sensor Strength and you’d lose one less per successful lock.

In a fleet you can just stack ECM on a single target to get it neutralized with enough -1 Locks, but then you’ll only neutralize one target. The rest can still fight.

Can be balanced by changing the power of the ECM modules, and is fair in the sense that everyone knows ECM always hits (like other EWAR modules).

People can fit against it to be able to fight, or decide to not fit against it and take the risk that the ECM player has higher ECM strenght than your ship has sensor strenght.

At least that would make ECM not useless in Solo/Small Gang fights.

Oh, and your favorite: No RNG involved.

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Oh I forgot Standup and ECM Drones…

Standup could just lower Locks by 8 or so. Gets rid of most ships except Bastion Marauders etc, who would still be able to shoot the structure (while sitting ducks)

ECM drones should just follow the normal strength rules, which means -1 Lock per successful drone.
Drone Strength can be pushed up if they should have a chance for -2 (or even -3)

I wonder if there’ll be any comment for this suggestion, or if it just goes under like all the other suggestions on both threads.

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This is interesting.

Do you think these solo ships will last long enough - through two or cycles - or do they need a tank buff as well?

For solo players it would depend on the fit…
Do I take 2 modules? Or three? 2 would meam I can fit more tank, but the chance would be higher that I also really need it. I think in the end there wouldn’t be much difference to now regarding solo play, except the change from rng to a comparison of sensor strength vs ecm strength (and you hoping to be the one with the higher value)

This version would get you the chance to balance the ship in two ways. First the ECM Strength, which would make it easier or harder to remove locks from the enemy, second the ship tank itself to balance the survivability in a fight where the enemy still can lock you.

I’m not sure the ships would need a tank buff from the start then. You can later still slightly change the parameters, if too many ships survive/die.

Can someone from ccp please remove this utterly shitty october patch?? Please?!