Actually, it is. “Burn Jita”. “Monocle Gate”.
Like, I don’t need to have people rioting in their streets, but they are ways of quantifying it. And, “it sucks to be jammed” ranks right up there with literally everything else in this game that disenfranchises you in the moment. Disrupted, jammed, neuted dry, damped, awoxed, corp theft, hot dropped, endless bubble camps, podded by smartbomb, camped in station, etc.
Hell, even the wardec change had better reasoning behind it. You notice I haven’t been up in arms about that because they justified it and did the best they could with an urgent matter.
The ECM change was never justified nor was it urgent. It was pointless, reckless, and caused a lot of grief with the community to no discernible end other than, “Hey we did something!”, that I’ve already covered.
I also think you’re nuts for being in the camp of wanting this done to other EWARS. Not only would such a change further damage community relations and complicate ship balancing costing them untold amounts of dollars to fix, but it’s also to fix someone’s feelings of, “but ECM got singled out!”. Doubling down on your failure may make you an interesting artist in the history books, but it nets you no brownie points here.
And they still didn’t define the problem in a way that differentiates it from other “problems”. “Bad feels” isn’t a concern by itself. Does it become a concern when the problem gets large enough? Absolutely! Now tell me where that line is. Because we have a massive AFK cloaky thread, threads about local intel, and hotdropping just to name three. Tell me about your bad feels about ECM any day and I can show you about half the EvE population being upset at one of those three. So tell me where ECM had this defined “problem”, what made this “problem” worthwhile to address, and why failing to address it now counts as success.