Dev Blog: October Balance Pass!

While your argument initially holds water, relying on a limited release hull to solve a problem seems shortsighted.

But hey, we can tell all the Caldari pilots that they still have a taxi ceptor in the Whiptail once their Raptor loses immunity, right?

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Thereā€™s something called tyranny of the majority. Thatā€™s what this is. Because goon bloc is massive you get disproportionate representation. You are not 50% of the player base but organize in a way to essentially make your votes count for more. Stop pretending this csm is even remotely representative of the playerbase.


There will be no reason to fly a combat interceptor full stop if these changes come in, there are numerous faction frigates that will do the job they are left with much better. The only reason they were in any way useful was nullification.

Also, no taxi for Caldari any more, better cross-train those racial frigate skills guys and gals.


No other space is as tightly populated, ratting massively, producing massively, mining massively as Delve. It is the prime example why Claws are needed to introduce at least a little bit of risk to null sec when the safety of the space os so enormous.


Megathrons roll holes pretty good last time I checked, so do bhalls, apocs, etc.

Its not like the only way to play this game is to be 100% risk adverse. I hear WH space is dead af, maybe not being able to be so risk adverse will help?

Adapt. Or Die.

ECM changes are okay, but definitely agree that ECM ships NEED a buff to compensate. Griffin Navy is next to useless. (EDIT, forgot about the Widow. Now literally only useful for bridging, and not even very useful at that. Well, maybe a sufficiently blingy active tank fit could still work too.)

Inty changes, alright, I can dig this. It messes with me a bit because I usually use Raptors and Crusaders to travel with, but ok, I can adapt. Intys in general need another buff though, or their use is gonna drop extremely sharply. (EDIT, example, the Crusader is literally trash for anything except travelling)

IMO the Crow could use a buff to compensate, either another lowslot or an agility buff maybe. Could nerf tank (midslots) slightly to compensate, maybe move a midslot to a lowslot. Otherwise you risk locking out every toon who has only trained Caldari interceptor from travelling, and luxury yachts get pricy. Yes, it only takes 7-9 days to train another racial inty, but I donā€™t think that that is a healthy response/attitude for CCP to haveā€¦

That sound you just heard btw? Thatā€™s the sound of every wormholer screaming in rage because CCP just told themselves to go F themselves in particular with the 500MN Nerf, no matter the intent. You can go on all day long about how ā€œrolling HICs were never an intended usageā€ but youā€™ve left them in the game so long that they became an intended usage de facto. This isnā€™t a small thing CCP. This is a huge deal, and nerfs wormhole space massively. RIP Bombers Bar Armada fleets along with the rest of Jspace as well.
Others have suggested viable ways to implement a 500MN HIC Nerf without penalizing a whole group. I hope you listen.
NOT a wormholer btw.


you could have adapted to 500mn hic or die, but no u had to bitch about it and get it changed so whats wrong with whā€™lers crying about something thats a geneuie needed.


I gave you a like because this post was even funnier than the proposed changes being put forward.


Iā€™m representing the entire player base here, not INIT.

Itā€™s not that the counters require skill, itā€™s that they require luck - essentially the other guy has to make a mistake, and short of doing something stupid (like warping to a gate at zero), theyā€™re not going to be catchable. That creates a riskless PvP situation, and the power of combat interceptors in groups coupled with their speed, maneuverability and nullification makes them difficult to deal with.

Only a large group with solid intel channels and pre-positioned assets has a real shot to stop an interceptor fleet on a roam. Thatā€™s a broken mechanic. Nothing should be that slippery and still extremely combat effective. It doesnā€™t create fights, itā€™s just creates frustration.

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Is this real life?

Itā€™s so easy to do what we do, you just have to try.

Then there will be more places like delve, and then the problem goes away, right?

Yeah, my alt has already started training for maledictions

not , you not


The normal non-capital counters do not require luck. They require a fleet to counter a fleet. Claws and Corms do not require luck, neither do RLML ships on a target that the Claws tackled.

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This ECM change is also completely ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  from the standpoint of ganking carriers. If I drop the standard blops gang of 50 bombers and 2 falcons you can no longer kill carriers. The carriers can volley the falcons off field and start massacring bombers. This essentially makes delve even safer as the only way that you can kill anything in delve is blops, which are now useless. Well done CCP, making space even safer. These ECM changes are great but need not to apply to fighters.


Hell no. That makes all the issues even worse.

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ECM will become fleet only feature to jam logis. R. I. P. combat Rook and hunting Falconā€¦
Combat ceptors will die, long live Dramiel.
IMHO, if untargeted warp disruption shall reduce alignment for combat ceptors(for instance 1,9 sec align time in bubble become 3,9), that would be a better dessision.


I hear Horde has quite a few ratters. Maybe you should unblue literally everyone else and shoot them instead. Thatā€™ll give you all the targets you could want.

So you admit here, that anything which does need some effort and a brain to counter and canā€™t be just doomsdayed away has to be removed from the game?

Your advocated changes make nullsec ratting space and botting safer. Period. There is only one group benefitting from that. You are part of this group.


I dont give a ā– ā– ā– ā–  about 500mn hics, thats what supers are for.

BUT at the same time its pretty funny to see when the rest of the game gets a QOL adjustment to make things more fair all the no effort players come out of the woodwork to cry instead of trying to think of a new thing for ccp to nerf.

How is that pay2play?