so me fighting t2 or t3 destroyers in a taranis is not a fight?
im slightly confused at this point…
your against nullification ceptors because its not a fight and you have issues with them in delve? sounds like perhaps you should move to highsec maybe?
I’m against nullification ceptors because I think the idea of combat ships having both nullification and the ability to insta-warp is bad. Either one is just fine.
I’m against people going out looking to commit murder calling it ‘looking for a fight’ because it’s untrue.
These ratters and miners: they have high rewards and easily replaced their losses. If they dont want to be killed, there’s always hi sec. While we catch these in our roams (they’re available to be killed, why not?), we also fight a group of people who actually challenged us into a fight. And yeah we also have a dread who came to fight us, complete with dual web, neuts and ancils. We also have battleships deployed against us, Corm fleet, or t3ds. Yeah i’m pretty sure this is also a fight. And no, inties do not insta warp, they have 2.6 seconds align time with one nanofiber and 2.3s if you fit 2 nanos which means this would decrease dps tremendously. If we instawarp we wont sustain big casualties in our roams, the fact that we lose 20-50% of ships means that it’s not instawarp and we were countered regularly
Combat-fitted, no, they can’t. But I didn’t say ‘combat-fitted’, I said ‘combat ship’. As in ‘ships intended to kill people’. One or the other, not both.
And we have no trouble defending our space. Like I said, they just get killed in droves by BFGs on gates. It’s still a bad thing for the game. It produces unengaging gameplay on both sides, and contributes to the general ‘why bother trying something harder?’ atmosphere.
Yeah the fact goons dont even get bothered about the losses is quite clear about the high reward nature in null sec. They are quite adept at setting traps too and probably have more fun at trying to set these against inty fleets.
No, it just means there’s enough inertia involved that they haven’t stopped. People put up with a whole lot of crap in order to keep doing the familiar things. We’re creatures of habit and patterns. All of us. It’s how the human brain (the animal brain, really) is wired. People stay in crap jobs even when they don’t have to, because trying something new is scary. They stay in relationships that aren’t working because it’s ‘easier’. They don’t make lifestyle changes that would make them healthier and happier because they’re just stuck in a rut. And yeah… they keep playing games they’re not enjoying because it lets them keep hanging out with the same people, and it’s ‘what they do’.
Sorry, no, ‘they keep doing it’ isn’t compelling at all.
in our fleets we usually prefer high dps taranis and crusaders, claws not so much. and as Lugburz pointed out 2 stabs it would reduce combat capability quite a bit. getting below 200 dps is not as useful for this fleet where we hunt for capital ships
So more in general… I don’t really want to argument the whole patch actually, i don’t like the Nullified Combat Interceptor change, but what me really pisses off. There seems to be not even a short-term plan on how to make this Stuff working again. I mean if this patch goes live at it is, except some Solo or Fanboys, nobody will use Combat Interceptors since AFs are superior in nearly all aspects. The ECM change makes basically the GNI useless, and reduces the Widow to an Bridge Boat. And well, all of the wormholers get an massive punch in the face, because of an rarely used abuse of the 500mn/Hic mechanics?
That doesn’t really sounds like someone has thought about this whole stuff longer as i need to poop. All of this is probably painful, and hurts, but as stated in the devblog, it was there for years. Why not make a at least halfway proper solutions instead of this brainfart garbage?
i think introducing t2 bubbles that have a chance if catching ceptors would be a better all round fix.
ecm is fine, ive failed on all jams on just one target before… on a few occasions; i just think people havent trained their targeting skills… im going to want a refund on my grail set too CCP…
Literally I have more idea about this than you suspect. And I know the claw only has a 28km lock range. You don’t use them to do things at long range. And… yeah, no shite it kills off combat capability. The interceptor gangs that come roaming into Delve aren’t looking for fights. They’re not fitting for ‘combat capability’.
Take, for example, our good pal from this thread, Rivr:
I’ll give you good odds the rest of the interceptors that were with him (who went for the tackle and then lit a cyno to blops in the bombers) were fit just the same way.
And when we kill off these gangs, we don’t use two disco battleships. We use 2-3 BFG titans.
Yeah, pretty much. I don’t even think the changes to combat interceptors will do a damned thing about the gank-gangs that it’s clearly aimed at. They’ll just move to rocket maledictions or such.
if your not at kite range in an arty claw with a long point your literally doing it wrong… but hey, i get kills off idiots that try being at 0m so not gonna complain
also im happy that you have titans, you have plenty of isk to replace some small losses to a couple of claws.