Devblog: Changes To The Recruitment Program Coming Soon!

The last few weeks have proven they have no idea how to fix player hemorrhaging and are just flinging dung at a wall desperately to see if any of it sticks. I bet Pearl Abyss has some serious regrets.


Well, seeing as you’ve just alienated a load of your core subbers, I guess you do need a new recruitment program.


Totally sucks. No other words. If you expected the streamers unsubscribe this game, you’ll get it.


lol, lets take away t2 medium drones, from alphas and give part of this sp to new alphas…

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For new players SP is great but as you skill up/older characters that SP becomes less of a reward. I like omaga but then 15 days…

Feels a bit like its always good guys that are being punched in the nads because of a few abusing the sysyem.

Also - Hi my name is Duke and I am a recovering greedaholic, I like blasters in the face and miss old broken EVE!

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If you want to change something then how about we get some more “milestone” rewards. I done my best to recruit people not for the plex or skill extractors but for the Concord ship BPC (mainly the Marshal) and there skins.
Now I have it there are no more rewards to push for. CCP GIVE ME SOMETHING TO PUSH FOR AGAIN!! lol

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I kind of disagree here now as after listing to the Talking in Stations Interview, things become a lot clearer and it sort of feels like they do have strong future plans.

That’s exactly why they’re making the change. More free SP and more free omega time handed out, less free plex handed out… trying to slow the ISK flow down, same as with all the faucet nerfing,

The problem though is that they’ve ALWAYS talked a good game. Implementation on the other hand has been absolutely awful, and they rarely show any understanding of why any given implementation is poor.

I mean, even in this TIS interview, they act like all of these current problems just came out of nowhere instead of being actual design decisions they’ve been pushing over the last years, with players telling them over and over again what is wrong with proposed ideas that they implement anyway. They’ve made the bed that has led to these problems and don’t even seem to realize it.


Into my second year and really only started to expand within eve over the past few months.

I should really sit on the fence a little longer to take an even larger picture, though so far I am pleased with various changes even though there was one about offtopic my Vexor’s thread I had posted involving the (6x Destoyers vs the Single Vexor)

Though only saw a minor issue compared with the whole game in general.

To be fair their horrible decisions are much more noticable if you’re into null/sov politics. They’ve made change after change that has pushed towards stagnation while completely ignoring any feedback on the releases. It’s to the point now that sov mechanics are such cancer that even most people interested in the sov war are burned out.


It must be hard to be you… the struggle is real.

One million SP reward to a new recruit is nice.

4 days of accelerators to the recruiter when the typical Level V train is way longer…nice for players still starting out, nearly useless to vets. I suggest 50k SP to 1mil SP based on whichever PLEX package a recruit purchased, because insta-train = insta-yummy, and a scale of reward commensurate with your cash boost makes good sense.

15 days of Omega time to people likely to already be playing Omega accounts…not a bad gift for most. I think it’s stingy. GIve 'em a month, it’s one a one-shot anyway.

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CCP talks about this as the first 30 days experience and are trying to improve it by giving new players more infomation to work with, if your son took only 5% of what he had into low knowing that he had a good chance of loosing it he wouldn’t have raged as hard, its a part of the game that needs work and is getting it.

Maybe let him try in a few months time I think they would have done some massive changes by then, if you don’t believe me look at the latest interview from CCP :

I have been playing for less than a year, and have somewhere near 20 recruits, a few of which have upgraded.

I really like the idea of the recruit getting more EXP, but I’m not so keen on losing the PLEX reward. Alpha recruits aren’t likely to generate any ISK for a while, so, the PLEX helps to fund their training. 350 PLEX isn’t even enough for the recruiter to subscribe for a month… and so really it’s just a small bit of ISK to help the new pilot and reward the recruiter.


My son joined under the buddy program and didn’t get anything I can see any chances to to help that problem

Nice changes CCP… but isnt the main reason or 1 of the reasons for loosing players that are new is the training time due to the Magic 14… they are essential, so why not give that instead of the 1 mill sp. i know its alot of SP. but then they at least have the basic skills needed for every ship. or you could add missions to new recruits as Rahne mentioned on TiS cast. and doing those mission will give the magic 14, and ofc to lvl 5. no veteran player should be bothered with this in anyway, cause the new players still need to skill up for ships. anad the more people in eve, the more fun we have- :slight_smile:


Не ребята. Пока действует БЛЭКАУТ никого приглашать не буду(хотя кандидаты есть, но я их отговариваю играть и рекомендую им другую игру)


looks like recruiting new players and sharing the isk from selling the plex will no longer be viable. So no more point in making such offers in the forum here or anywhere else :frowning:

I just don’t understand why the plex is beeing taken away as reward. Where is the problem? How is it even possible to abuse? I mean, the recruiter does not get rewards when useing plex to omega the account.

Or why not make it so that if you recruit yourself, you get omega instead of plex and if someone else subscribes that is not you, you get plex?


giving a whole lot of free skills and cutting out a gameplay mechanic(s)? next thing is to give um some titans, their own piece of space and a screen that says “THE END”.
days of Omega sounds ok for both parties.

make your game good and you wont need to lure people to play it. although, as the game is fundamentally bad, i cant see this happening.