Devblog: Introducing the new EVE Online Forums!

Discourse forums uses a trust level system. The higher your trust level the more you can perform. It looks like you may have attempted to post too many videos, emojis and images in one go.

Give it a little while and that won’t be such a problem.

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That is probably it.

Oh please please please

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Don’t really like it but I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad change. Guess I’m just too fond of the old. Good work guys.

Working as intended then!

Ninja edit: Probably my first and last ever forum post.

As a possible workaround: Drag and Drop the Unicorn from the message before worked for me. :slight_smile:

Article with some hints for getting started and through BOTH tutorials. Yes there are two tutorials.


I want to be able to right click links and “open in new window” please.

What links are preventing you from this behavior?

Cool finally a forum that can be used in 2017.

AoE intruduced it’s very own discourse forum just a couple of weeks ago.

I just wanted to add a picture but it seems you have very restrictive settings enabled. Disallowing new users to post images. Shame one of the better functionality. :thumbsdown:

1-3 months is about average - the more you’ve gotten used to other forums, the more painful the transition is to Discourse.

All of them.

That’s weird, could you give me the name of your browser, its version, and a check if you have any plugins that could be affecting the behavior of the forums?

These new forums look strange, I guess it will take me time to get used to them. I must admit they are faster than the old ones.

So. Much. Faster. :parrot:

True, but they toned the colours a bit and things are looking better. :slight_smile:

Half of my screen is completely unused sidebars full of empty space (ok there are a few stars, but still…). Of the remaining half, a third of that is a scroll bar (do i really need a 4" wide scrollbar on a 30" monitor?). Why is the text area limited to ~75 characters wide? Are we going forwards or backwards?

[EDIT:] I just counted, it’s 100 characters wide… that’s almost double what my 5" Osbourne screen could display in 1982.

Google Chrome. Latest version.

Herpaderp Aldent - You need to build up “reputation” to post links or pics.

Do the tutorial, it will give you enough to post them…

Xuixien; Again it seems reputation helps with this. Prior to doing the tutorial links did not work in Chrome although they did in Opera

Confirmed @CCP_Avalon on a 24" monitor at 1920x1080 I have about 3 inches of space (stars) to each side of the forum area. Link attached to image