Devblog: Preparing For The Future – Retirement Of Captain’s Quarters & Twitch Integration

Your friends have it wrong. Most of mankind haves it wrong. They shouldn’t attach themselves to human form. They should embrace the glory of killing machines as any bona fide goodlife would.

EVE the friendship game is about people who identify themselves with faceless, anonymous space machines. And who dress them with SKINs. Like furriers, but with armor plates and rocket engines…


Psychoanalysts would have field day with you guys, and i’m not kidding in the slightest.


Who wouldn’t they have a field day with?

Is there possibly anyone at all that a psychoanalyst would be interested in?

CCP Darwin’s statement has absolutely NOTHING in it!
Yeah, we are sorry…
We don’t have anything…
This was decided [by someone], can’t do anything about it…

[quote=“CCP Darwin”]
“we’re definitely thinking about how to help players better identify with their characters in-game” [/quote]
yeah… right…


I dont think that living your life on two legs is optional. It is completely substantial to everyone able to walk, so in a way CQ made EVE more real.


You mean “would not” ? That’s an interesting slip there, why don’t you tell us more?

/me grabs pen&paper and corrects his glasses.

Jokes aside, the escapism is strong in this thread. People saying that they want deeper immersion into their virtual characters, are actually saying they want to escape their lives and they want it so badly, that they need a character they can project themselves into, because the game as a whole and a spaceship doesn’t properly help them escape from their actual real life personas.

What they say, is : I WANNA BE SOMEONE ELSE!!

The removal of the CQ is an interesting decision. I have my doubts that nothing will come to replace it, because people who run away from reality are people who bring money on the table. Whales are whales for reasons and the free2play crowd usually is all about escaping into virtual realities where they can pretend to be heros or whatnot. And then waste money on imaginary bragging rights and “items of identification” like apparel or skins.


Now don’t get me wrong. Yoj probably think I oppose it all, but actually I’m just observing and analysing.

I do also see the enormous potential lf milking such people, but i honestly rather not have CCP do that. For your own good, mostly, because this game already can be so immersive (if not played like a carebear), that people with latent mental health issues will lose it.

And let’s be :point_right::ok_hand:ing real here, escapists HAVE issues of varying degrees, be it mentally, socially or otherwise. Do you really think it’s good to give an even more immersive plattform to people who potentially lose their minds and go nuts? Remember that this game is already incredible immersive, providing a social reality unlike any other game.

In retrospect, though, do I believe that the game would have been better off with a WiS, where all the whales could be happily spending money without making the rest of the game suffer. Or maybe that’s just wishful thinking, because CCP obviously anticipated and prepared the (former) population for the upcoming Eternal September.


You say that as if it was a good thing. You’re not the center of humanity. Have you considered that, despite your self centered wish for “more realism” (try not playing solo?), that there are others who will suffer from increased escapism? That such plattforms have no other goal than to get you hooked, to milk money out of you, without any care for potential mental health problems for hundreds?

No, you didn’t. All you see is MEMEME, WANTWANTWANT.


Yeah, like I wrote in the first sentence…wouldn’t.

Too much psychobabble ■■■■■■■■ from people no better than anyone else, while they carry on as though they are somehow above the rest of the community.

It’s just a thread about the devblog and it’s implications. It doesn’t have to be anything more then that.

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And here I thought gaming in general is escapism…

But thanks for inventing thousands of people who you don’t even know mental illnesses just because they care about something more than you do.


Ignorance is Strength!

I will totally admit defeat to your abi.ity to write angry posts containing simple minded one- or two-liners, because as you say, apparently I’m just like you. Curse you, education and thoughtfulness!

Relax, you react like EVE would make some great crime and like walking would cause mass addiction. Look at the numbers of players in game now. Definitely not addicting.
There is a lot of games without walking that are more addicting and damaging, like real hardcore addiction causing.


That’s correct. Thank you for being smarter than others, who got triggered and reduced to a state where they can only write one-liners. You’re right, there’s far worse cancer out there, but there’s always a worse cancer, so ignoring the lesser cancers doesn’t do anyone a favour.

Also: unlike some other folks i’m superchill. :grin:

I react properly, though not with the necessary detail. The issues exist, are real, and are definitely a problem.

Well said, I passionately agree.

New Eden is a massive galaxy but, now there is no longer a place for people like us to live in it. Both literally and figuratively. Spinning spaceships and spreadsheets were never what drew me in, It was the lore and my desire to be a part of it–even if that place was effectively a broom closet.

Alas, Eve has long become the the bombastic generator of outrageous tales of thousands of ‘real-world’ dollars worth of internet spaceships being blown up and the recounting of the drama and intrigue that preceded the outlandish affairs. No, Eve has extinguished the pilot light on it’s own, intricate and (at times) painfully meticulous lore is favor of the player-driven, emergent, ‘sandbox’ narrative–AKA the Lord of the Flies PVP deathmatch that keeps the lights on at CCP. Eve has always been a city owned by it’s players and this is what those whom have taken ownership have elected to do with it and to such a degree that there is room for little else. This is their Eve, not yours or mine.

Perhaps this is why this news comes as bittersweet to me–A world that I have loved and cherished for many years has finally become inaccessible to me (much like one storied airlock gate) but, I can find solace in resignation of that hope and finally move on. I may have been served an eviction notice but, with a bit of spin; it’s a ticket affording me the freedom to be any place else.

It is indeed a sad loss but, not a surprising one. I mourn not for the loss of CQs, as truly and unarguably they have absolutely no place in this game today. However, I will lament for the game where they did have one.


You seem to be overly concerned with the dark side young padavan.


I see your point. It’s more a “consider and think about what others don’t, or can’t” even, or especially, when it goes against echo chambers. I have no doubt that there’s a lot of sane people around (who mostly don’t post), but those are not who i talked about.

it’s the ones who potentially run into problems without them even realizing. And those who get triggered, because fhat means my words resonated with them, and when they can’t articulate actual counter-points, then i’m inclined to believe that they’re a part of the group of those with “potential”.

And to not see like i’m one sided: Business wise it’d be smart to offer escapists and actual role-players a figure and ACTUAL ENVIRONMENT they can escape into. In the end they’re a part of CCPs target audience and shouldn’t be left out. Lots of whales!

Here comes the moneeeyyyyy, moneymoneymoneymoneyyyy. :slight_smile:

Roleplaying is not a good environment to milk whales. Roleplayers generally derive enjoyment from other things than destroying their opponents, they would not have many roleplayers to roleplay with around them if they would act like that. And CQ doesnt have tools of destruction. WIS as imagined by CCP originally was not meant to have tools of destruction anyway. Everything they wanted to monetize was already monetized with avatars, and that is probably not a big factor comparing to other things you can buy like ISK for PVP with PLEX. They will not remove clothing, only CQ.

Personally I could run around CQ naked, roleplaying. CCP would not get a lot of money from that, only some logs full of NSFW.


I don’t understand why you come up with a connection between destruction and milking whales.

Whales are all abojt keeping stuff, not about losi g stuff.

Would you explain the thought behind that?

Whales by definition are people who enjoy winning and are willing to give money to have advantage over the other player. These are sctually PVP kind of whales. Winning in a game with PvP means destruction of opponents.

Of course I dont think that rolaplayers cant be whales that enjoy PvP. Only CQ and originally WIS was not a great place to do both at the same time.

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Whales by definition are people who enjoy winning and are willing to give money to have advantage over the other player.

Ah, thank you. That’s accurate depending on the game. In WoT you’re a whale when you buy gold ammo or camo that gives you advantages. In other games you’re a whale when you buy the expensive mount. in EVE you’re a whale when you buy skins, apparel and injectors. And PLEX, of course.

All of these above have in common that it’s about the ego.

it’s always about identification and status. People buy gold ammo to beat others, because it makes them feel better about themselves (aka more winning equals more gratification equals “i am better than you poor scrub”)

A mount is a status symbol. “I bought this with real money, look at what i can afford, you poor scrubs. and now i’m faster, too”

Skins, injectors and apparel go the same direction. People don’t necessarily need characters to identify with something. Skins are all about “my ship is so pretty now”; a self-created extension of their personalities, where the stuff one buys defines the one who buys it. (just like in real life). A big car “obviously” means big money and capability, etc. (which is, in reality, compensation of perceived inadequacies). Again, status symbols, obviously not perceived as such by those who buy them.

injectors are about instant gratification, aka “I WANT THIS QUICKLY NAO”. I don’t think the “I CAN AFFORD THIS, YOU CAN’T, YOU SCRUB” plays much of a factor here. Except of course for those who desire massive space richness as status symbol.

And apparel is the cherry on top of avatar based gameplay. People who identify with their characters (contrary to actual roleplayers) are actually a huge market. “Vanity items” exist for a reason and not out of coincidence.

People with crappy lives who want to feel better about themselves, by diving into an existence they actually prefer, instead of trying to improve their real one. And the worst part about this is that these people often have the most money to spare, because they’re lonely. These are the Big Ones who spend literally thousands on video games.

To sum up this lengthy post for the lesser gifted:

A whale is anyone with the right psychological profile. Someone who is willing to spend money on crap for whatever reason, as long as he does it. As#nd as nothing indicates that people realize that long as people don’t learn how they’re being exploited People need to learn that there is more behind their silly wantsies and that modern marketting is aiming for their instincts and feelings of inadequacies, MAKING them desire the crap they buy in the first place.

Whole markets emerged from this, and or shifted towards these people, and CCP went the same route. Of course I oppose this, because from a humane POV it’s a nightmare, but business wise it’s a great way for CCP to make big cash.

Modern science, ■■■■■! (that’s a saying, not an attack at you)

Not really, that is too generalized to have any value.

CQ and clothing is more like this:

All of them look pretty, and all are different. There is no better or worse. When two people meet that have both the same or different clothes, both clothes are pretty, who is winning? No one. But they all anjoy good looks.

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