Devblog: Preparing For The Future – Retirement Of Captain’s Quarters & Twitch Integration

Now actually make some good relevant game mechanics around it, that aren’t just ‘a worse way to do this thing’ or ‘If I do this via WiS interface I get magic bonuses’.
Space bars are a waste of development time if they are simply a vanity item. Right now WiS is simply a vanity item, to be worth the development time they would have to spend on it it needs to be substantial game play in some way, and not one suggestion over the years has met the bar of both substantial & consistent without becoming compulsory for a particular area of gameplay.

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Vanity items are the core of every MT scheme. Things owned just to show off never go out of fashion and they cause no balance issues. Just look at SKINs… if you ever bother to zoom in.

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Sure, but vanity items have to have sufficient uptake vs their development cost, and that uptake has to be larger than a game feature since it’s only for vanity. Given the 3rd party middleware for the CQ they would have had to rip it out regardless, and therefore you are talking the 6-8 months development cost for a pure vanity item that almost no-one is currently using, simply to maintain feature parity. That’s not additional features, just parity. And Clothes can still be viewed, heck to view other peoples clothes has zero change here.

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All of you Anti-WiS people seriously need to do some research and stop posting incorrect statements like it’s the god’s honest truth.

CCP from the very start envisioned Eve Online as a Virtual Reality Science Fiction Space Simulation game complete with Atmospheric Flight, Landing On Planets and Avatar Ambulation. CCP had already been working on those and many other ideas before they introduced them to the playerbase. The majority of the playerbase accepted those ideas enthusiastically and waited patiently for CCP to turn those dreams into reality.

Obviously CCP tried and failed to deliver what they had promised. Due to a small group of very vocal short-sighted ill tempered ‘spaceships only’ enthusiasts, CCP had a knee jerk reaction and shelved that dream. However they were still intent on turning that dream into a reality sometime in the future.

Unfortunately each time that topic came up it was met with constant negative reactions from the small but very vocal Anti-WiS group of players who turned that topic into a sore spot, thus making CCP gun-shy and shelving it again. With the internal restructuring and downsizing of their company, it seems to me CCP’s ‘Future Vision’ has changed and they now want to remove the embarrassing reminder of that failure.

So all you Anti-WiS players can now relax, there’s no need to keep posting incorrect statements in an attempt to stop WiS content from being added to the game. You won the war, now go away and be happy that you stopped a company from becoming a successful innovator within the gaming world.



By the way, CCP tossed out 5 years of Ambulation work that was first presented in 2007 due to developing their Carbon Technology for the 2010 release of the new Character Creation. Plus in 2008 they announced plans to start work on Dust 514 and World of Darkness using the same Carbon Technology. Definitely a bad business decision to spread out their resources like that.

Because of the new Carbon Technology CCP had to rewrite Avatar Ambulation from the ground up again, which they probably did a few times before the Incarna Expansion was actually released. That’s why the first Captains Quarters was only Minmatar. Also it’s no secret that in order to placate the playerbase, Incarna was rushed out incomplete and filled with bugs.

For those who want to cite WiS as the reason for the infamous 2011 ‘Summer Of Rage’, it wasn’t the addition of Avatars or WiS to the game that caused it. Previous in-game problems combined with resulting events right after Incarna deployment is what turned that expansion into “The straw that broke the Camel’s back”. The issues listed below in no particular order is what caused the in-game riot’s resulting in unwarranted ill-will towards WiS.

  1. CCP ignoring ‘The 1001 Papercuts’ thread - large list of broken game mechanics and unfinished content since 2003.
  2. Numerous expansions constantly being rushed out half finished, untested and bugged breaking existing content.
  3. CCP introducing NEX Store and MT - selling overpriced items for real money bypassing player market and production.
  4. Threat of ‘Gold Ammo’ and ‘Gold Ships’ enabling ‘Pay to Win’ exploitation.
  5. CCP dividing their development resources to work on 3 different projects at the same time.
  6. The leaked ‘Fearless Newsletter’ memo titled “Greed Is Good”.
  7. CCP statement of Eve Online being viewed as the Golden Goose.
  8. 3rd party Developers being demanded to pay real money to CCP for providing free Eve Online applications to players.
  9. CCP failure to keep and maintain their promise of “Commitment to Excellence”.
  10. Showing players ‘The Door’ and removing player option of choice, forcing player participation in Captains Quarters.
  11. CCP attempting to diffuse the situation with excessive thread locking and banned accounts.
  12. Lack of communication from CCP resulting in poor Public Relations due to ignoring the player base.
  13. CCP releasing poorly written un-optimized code in a major expansion resulting in various client side issues.
  14. Hilmar’s statement - “Watch what they do, not what they say.”

Hilmar’s statement became the rally cry for the riot’s and incited the mass un-subs. Those un-subs, combined with a large loan payment being due, forced CCP into downsizing their company and shelving WiS development in order to refocus resources on fixing various issues in Eve.

The next few expansions were mostly ‘Fix-it’ patches which appeased the playerbase, then CCP once again tried revisiting WIS / Avatar Ambulation with the intention of incorporating it into exploration. CCP even asked the playerbase for meaningful game content suggestions and they received a lot of ideas.

Now I’m not talking about doing Emotes while dancing in a bar. I’m talking about doing FPS solo / team arena matches, or all out free for all shoot em up action, or wearing a suicide Terrorist bomb vest that explodes when next to a bunch of other Avatars, or Breaking & Entering another players Captains Quarters to steal and or destroy their personal assets including jump clones, or infiltrating stations that are locked down by NPC’s and clearing them out deck by deck in order to unlock the stations docking bay. There were even ideas for new Agents hiding in mazes located in lower levels of stations offering Contraband Smuggling missions. Believe me there was no shortage of ideas given to CCP.

Now CCP did manage to prototype an Avatar Exploration scenario but couldn’t get more than a couple of Avatars to work in it. Course as usual the playerbase couldn’t agree on basic game mechanics governing Avatar game content and got into a few forum flame wars. Since ‘The Summer Of Rage’ was still a sore subject, CCP ended up shelving the project … again.

So here we are now years later, CCP has decided to remove Captains Quarters and has no plans of working on Avatar game play content. Years of resources are now going to waste. All you Anti-WiS players can feel free to rejoice now. Hell, you’ve been dead-set against it from the very start, go ahead and gloat about it if it makes you feel better. Just stop presenting incorrect statements as factual truth.



Oh, you can bet we are rejoicing, as we tend to do when unrealistic people (who for some insane reason think they represent some kind of silent majority, Demichael Crimson is sounding more like Dinsdale every post) finally hip to the fact that they are unrealistic.

As I said, I’d pay for a “World of New Eden” with Avatars in it, it would be cool and if built from scratch with avatars in mind, it would probably see the light of day. What was unrealistic (read STUPID) was to think that CCP could tack on a whole new set of games (Avatar stuff, atmospheric flight, the DUST/EVE link stuff etc) unto the bones of a game that THEY can’t even figure out code-wise.

CCP is following the successful example of the makers of World of tanks, SEPERATE games that appeal to various types of games, instead of trying to once again kill EVE online by making into something it isn’t and can’t be.

But hey, lets not let the WiS Fanatics of EVE down by showing them how delusional they were to think that this could actually happen. If people drank the Kool-Aid CCP sold 15 years ago about some all-in-one-place virtual space paradise (the same kool aid the Star Citizen guy is selling btw), it is no one’s fault but their own that they swallowed it.

Somebody should inform you that your attempts to be a Tippia clone is a complete and utter fail.

With each reply you’ve posted in the Eve Online forums, you’ve portrayed yourself more and more as an immature pitiful little brat who’s filled with anger and resentment. Your constant berating of others with vile sarcastic remarks in an attempt to boost your own ego is typical behavior for someone lacking self-esteem.

Normally I’d feel sorry for you but right now, seriously ROTFLMFAO …



Hmm anyway i liked the idea of a room to put all that dusty stuff you get at events and stuff, like bookshelf for reports and books ,sort of a trophy room to put all that stuff that sits in a hanger collects dust, closet for clothes for all the apparell collectors, would be interesting to see what others think could have been added, i did see someone mention somewhere to design ship skins, if that feature got added the hanger space could look cooler


PCU numbers say something else for few years already.


Yeah, the introduction and implementation of the Rubicon Plan has had a measurable impact, which just happens to be of a different sign than the road to Incarna.


I’m wondering why CCP doesn’t simply creates a free to play browser game within the EVE universe. - Eve stripped down to the basic features for those who just wanna chose a ship to shoot at stuff.

  • Mining reduced to one kind of ore, which only can be sold for isk directly
  • No Production
  • No Trading, only to and from NPCs
  • No planetary interactions
  • Players still can attack anyone at any time
  • No Concord
  • Different rooms/systems with different security levels for more ore but also harder rats
  • No skills, the more you play, the more stuff you can use
  • SKIN shop
  • Effect shop (pimp your weapons with additional shiny visuals)
  • Form fleets for additional mining, defense, or attack bonuses
    and so on…

A simple game, where you start doing some mining or ratting, maybe one or two missions. After 30 minutes you buy with the reward (ISK) your catalyst, equip it and have your fun. Shoot the enemy, loot it, sell it, get a bigger ship.
Also people can get bonuses for loggin in every day. A free frigate of your choice, some shiny faction modules or just ISK

If that’s what the majority of EVE players want, why not putting the ressources in that, with eye-popping graphics and of course that SKIN-shop, instead of crippeling the main game?

CCP can build “what the players want” from scratch. This game would be significant less complex therefore takes way less ressources to maintain. It can be build from scratch with the newest available technologies, without any ballast but the experiences from the main game. - Being less “complex” should also gain a lot more customers, who can’t follow a tutorial for more than five minutes or don’t have a life to waste, building something up, what then get fixed by CCP.

Easy money.


Jenn, Jeannie, you are just here to stir up some ■■■■ now, aren’t you?

I’d suggest you do something with your life other than trolling this thread.


A[quote=“DeMichael_Crimson, post:388, topic:9940, full:true”]

  1. CCP ignoring ‘The 1001 Papercuts’ thread - large list of broken game mechanics and unfinished content since 2003.
  2. Numerous expansions constantly being rushed out half finished, untested and bugged breaking existing content.
  3. CCP introducing NEX Store and MT - selling overpriced items for real money bypassing player market and production.
  4. Threat of ‘Gold Ammo’ and ‘Gold Ships’ enabling ‘Pay to Win’ exploitation.
  5. CCP dividing their development resources to work on 3 different projects at the same time.
  6. The leaked ‘Fearless Newsletter’ memo titled “Greed Is Good”.
  7. CCP statement of Eve Online being viewed as the Golden Goose.
  8. 3rd party Developers being demanded to pay real money to CCP for providing free Eve Online applications to players.
  9. CCP failure to keep and maintain their promise of “Commitment to Excellence”.
  10. Showing players ‘The Door’ and removing player option of choice, forcing player participation in Captains Quarters.
  11. CCP attempting to diffuse the situation with excessive thread locking and banned accounts.
  12. Lack of communication from CCP resulting in poor Public Relations due to ignoring the player base.
  13. CCP releasing poorly written un-optimized code in a major expansion resulting in various client side issues.
  14. Hilmar’s statement - “Watch what they do, not what they say.”


And don’t forget that bypassing of CSM or downright ignoring them, then flying out Mittens to do some desperate damage control.


This “players have spoken , EVE is about spaceships” line is utter nonsense. From the enthusiastic reception of the initial prototype to the absurd amount of suggestions and ideas players have made of the forums you can’t claim that nobody wants it.

Players are going to have to accept that EVE no longer aspires to be the ultimate sci fi simulator.


SO now the PCU are down because WiS is a failure and getting canned?

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It just shows how we are rejoicing. EVE players.


I’m not stirring up anything, as I’m not the one posting about how bad CCP is because they are removing useless stuff.

I’ve had these kinds of discussions with these kinds of people for the last 17 years of online gaming and I’m not kidding about that length of time.

Right out of the box people were begging for “elemental infantry” in Mechwarrior IV Vengeance, or screaming “why just HERCs and Tanks in Starsiege, why can’t we have Tribes-like armored infantry too!” or avatar gameplay in X-Wing v tie Fighter so they could get out of a fight and lightsabre duel someone on a Star Destroyer, or infantry to ‘flesh out the game’ in World of Tanks.

Literally every single vehicle based game I’ve ever played has had some lunatic fringe that wants some kind of unnecessary and unrealistic avatar based gameplay that almost no one else wants and the developers can’t deliver.

Most games and MMOs are ‘avatar’ based, why not play those instead of begging for the few vehicle games to also be avatar games?

Yep, never been done before.


Funny you mention Mechwarrior in your analogy. The original mechwarrior was an expansion to a vehicle fighting game (Battletech) which flushed out the lives of the mech pilots and included game play for the pilot on foot.

The reality is EVE was build as a sci-fi sandbox. The vision was to include and grow beyond just spaceships. This was why DUST was integrated into EVE. This is why the fiction novels included pilots and capsules interacting on a personal level, not just ship battles in space.

And really, why is that a bad vision? It allows both space ships and more to be within the same game. It opens EVE to more players because it starts to offer more than just spreadsheets in Space.

Again, I get CCP’s logic. I think we all do. We are just disappointed that the grand vision seems to be dying. Why is that so hard to understand? Why can’t we want eve to be more encompassing than just space ships? Why is that so bad?


[quote=“Jenn_aSide, post:400, topic:9940, full:true”]
You are extrapolating your own views onto others and you are not even realizing it and then act if a saint has been hassled and you are all huffed up as “how could have this happened, oh the humanities!”.
That is some grade A troll right there!

But for the sake of argument I’m going to take these seriously and reply to you, let me help you.

First: let us leave out MW4 out of the picture for now, I liked that game too but it throws off totally.

So then, off we go, quoting you

I can understand that from your point of view it is useless, and the current iteration WAS useless (but more on this later).

But: do you think Scam Citizen wanted avatar interaction because it is a gimmick? Or that CCP wanted it as a gimmick? Spending years in development limbo? Paying lot of cash for developers trying to realise these?

No, they both know that unless people can socialise, they will find less and less appeal in a game.

Currently the game is nothing more than a glorified chat program with the occasional excel spreadsheet in between. That attracts only a special kind of people and only so much from them too.

People who interact with each other on a daily basis are more likely to stay, more likely to spend real money, and are more likely to do free advertising FOR the game in their neighborhood of friends and family.

As for the removing.
Most of us (myself included) pointed out the illogical reasoning on the metrics. That is what infuriated me in the first place.
I, myself is actually surprised that the number is that high (like the second you enter a citadel it’ll default to station view, lack of features, etc.). I thought it was less than .005%.

I feel sorry for you, but maybe - just maybe - they are not the ones on the wrong side of the fence… just a hint.

“Lunatic” guess those lunatics like , I don’t know play with avatars? Love immersion in a different universe?

I kind of find it hilarious that in your view a game is either this or that, but cannot be both an avatar game and a vehicle game at the same time.
(cough the whole bloody Battlefield series cough Titanfall cough etc. *Mass Effect cough HALO (some parts) cough)

Literally Dozens of games out there, merging avatars with machines. Even on the shooting department. On the story-driven department. You name it, there is one game out there that has got it.

Also, your argument about MW4 and WoT is kind of dodgy at best because those games didn’t set out to be “simulations”.
By CCP’s own definition, that was the goal they’ve set themselves, to be a world simulation similar to that of what Scam Citizen aspires to be.

It is actually you who is kind of defending your wery own, cherry picked features list in this game. And you want absolutely nothing to do with avatars. Because in your mind, there is a BOX called “avatar games” and a BOX called “vehicle games”. And you tucked EVE in there, and the boxes don’t touch or mix. Ever.