So, did that game try to tack it on after the fact, or was the game designed from the get go to have it?
That’s the point, it was dumb to try to add a whole new thing to EVE, it wasn’t dumb for the makers of Battelfront to make a game from scratch with that kind of thing in mind.
I think it is a step backwards
Through Star Citizen comes a new game on the market in this genere. CCP should think about what they can even more. But here it is safe. When Star Citizen appears, EvE online is history for me.
The Grand vision wasn’t something CCP could do. People bought into that ‘grand vision’ when they should have been asking “what can CCP actually deliver”. This is why soooo many people find themselves disappointed with things (not just EVE), because they aren’t realistic about things.
I still marvel at how people see stuff at fanfest and then get mad when they stuff doesn’t materialize. This list is long and includes things like “treaties” and “sectional damage on ships”.
People would be happier is they didn’t believe that pie in the sky is a thing.
And “Battletech” is a pen and paper board game (“Mechwarrior” was the RPG that ‘fleshed out the lives of mech pilots’, people get confused because FASA decided to name the video games Mechwarrior as well). I started playing Battletech in 1986. Even now, people clamour for a 'World of Battletech" type game with drops ships and aerospace fighters and Elementals and whatever, it’s not been done because doing something like that right would be hard and probably unsatisfying.
Like what CCP is doing, the makers of battletech did the same thing, they made separate games for things. Though battletech had rules of combined arms stuff, if you wanted Aerospace stuff you played Aerotech, if you wanted infantry stuff you played Battletroops.
If we want an avatar game set in New Eden, I think the best way is for it to be a separate game, tacking stuff onto EVE just doesn’t work.
You will remove CQ as it is useless for a daily EVE gaming session ? Sound acceptable…
…but I guess I won’t see a comeback of the good old feature “Load Station Environment” who permitted to spare precious CPU/GPU resources (and so reduce temperatures) while just staying in the hangar, especialy with multiple accounts.
So, we have lost decent features because of a lack of development time on your side, and now you will remove a (useless) feature who probably caused the deletion of useful ones (and destroy few GPUs at his time), for the same reason.
It really feels a waste in all place. At least, restore a decent “hangar” experience now that you have time to spare… I want my option back !
What I’m “defending” is a focused game. Rather than the badly cobbled to gether frankenstein monstrosity WiS folks want to see.
A game that tries to do everything can’t do anything well. It’s better for EVE to be a great spaceship game rather than a mediocre game with Avatars.
try to think objectively for a second, even if that is hard. No offence intended to CCP (love them for making EVE), but CCP can’t balance capitals and sub-caps at the same time. Or high sec and low sec. Or wormhole space and high sec at the same time. WHOLE FEATURE SETS in EVE Online go without iteration for years (when was the last update to COSMOS, or Planetary Interaction). Hellfire, they couldn’t maintain EVE and make a vampire game at the same time, and when they did manage to launch an FPS game, it died.
I’m asking you WiS people, do you really think that CCP (the compant that struggles with all the things I mentioned in the last paragraph) was really capable of maintaining an EVE Online that has both spaceship/vehicle gameplay AND Avatar gameplay while maintaining any sort of quality at all.
Because if you do actually believe that it could ever work, well I’d also like to turn your attention to some prime ocean from property I’m trying to sell for a very low price in Arizona.
I get it, some of you think it would be cool or fun or ‘more immersive’ to have avatars to control. It’s not happening. CCP can’t really handle it, EVE is 100% NOT the right platform for it to be tacked on to (you see how they said maintaining the captain’s quarters took a lot of work, how much work would full Incarna take?), and you guys are going to have to just get over it at some point.
Yes because EVE is clearly thriving because of the focus on “core gameplay that is spaceships”. Average users has declined steadily over the past few years, despite this focus on excelllent space ship gaming experience. Even the “summer of rage” didn’t cause that much of a decline in player numbers. Incidentally the highest avg. concurrent users years, 2011-2013 were when the dream of avatar interaction was still alive and well. It generated interest into the game from people who normally wouldn’t play it.
Looking at eve-offline stats the unlimited trial (alpha clones) did bring some players back, but doesn’t look like many of them will stay - altough a bit too early to say, of course.
I’m sure EVE will linger on with the power of harcore fans for quite some time, but it really seems EVE’s glory days are well and truly past unless CCP can think of something to pull players from other games, something they’d be familiar with… Just saying.
Edit: Also, I’ve been against CCP’s petprojects for a long time, yet people seem to have no problem with CCP using its resources - most of which are likely drawn from EVE’s revenue, of past and future (loans) - to VR gimmicks, mobile games and others. Frankly though, maybe some day if CCP manages to create Angry Kuvakei mobile gaming will be what’s financing EVE…
So again, you think that CCP splitting it’s resources even more over the last few years, between spaceships and avatars, would have made things better?
I will never understand how some of you are not able to look at the reality of the situation. CCP couldn’t do it.
They wanted to.
Try tried.
They couldn’t.
If you don’t like a spaceship focused game, 14 years after it launched and 7 years after the “space simulator” experiment (ie Incarna) failed, why play it? If (as one poster said) It’s jsut spread sheets in space and this somehow annoys you, why stay? If you need spaceships and walking around why not play something like STO, or that Battlefront game someone linked a video too here?
I like what EVE is (not “what it could be”), and I like that it’s focused on spaceships so it makes sense that I’m here, but why are you? Why are you all wasting precious days of your life on a game that won’t be what you want and a company that can’t give you what you want?
Just asking out of curiosity, it’s your time to waste of course.
Good effin grief. I like EVE. I like its lore. I like spaceships. I like some of the people here, I have a community here I don’t have in other games. That’s why I’ve stayed this long and likely will stay until the last of my older friends leave.
So do I. I just also like what it could be. You seem to have incredible problems in understanding that people can like EVE as it is now, but also dream what it could be, like CCP once did. And I want EVE to grow, not wither away. One way for it to grow is to be more immersive, not less.
Wanting to encourage and support CCP, in working to pursue what used to be an ambitious vision for EVE Online and realise the game’s potential, is not a negative quality.
Some people may be content with their spaceships, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
However, some of us are also keen for CCP to understand that some of their customers are still excited by that early vision, and the idea that “nobody” wants avatar gameplay is not as accurate as some would have them believe.
Tell me, do you regard the PI also as “focused spaceship”? The space tamagochi that is just a friggin’ clickfest?
Or the people writing up the lore stuff?
What about invention and industry?
(Ok they build spaceships, but that could be done away with)
What about trade?
What about people running PVE content in highsec?
(there are a LOT of those people)
This part is ABSOLUTELY in the eye of the beholder… Your focus is… I don’t know just flying around… Our focus was a bit BIGGER. Your inability to honestly see this point worries me.
In its current state EVE is not extraordinary. ELITE does everything just as good. And there is no WiS in there, you should try it out, honestly.
What the effin’ does this have to do with strolling in some hangars where actually don’t have to balance anything???
[edit] Neither games mentioned were destined to die.
But DUST was killed off at birth by announcing it comes to PS3 amongst other things (with actual knowledge of PS4 being just around the corner), bad management decision or contractually obliges, your guess is as good as mine.
WoD was a victim of summer of rage - just as WiS -
[quote=“Jenn_aSide, post:408, topic:9940, full:true”]
I’m asking you WiS people, do you really think that CCP (the compant that struggles with all the things I mentioned in the last paragraph) was really capable of maintaining an EVE Online that has both spaceship/vehicle gameplay AND Avatar gameplay while maintaining any sort of quality at all.[/quote]
Uhmm. Yes. They are/were perfectly capable of Maintaining EVE and DUST at the same time. They developed EVE, DUST, World of Darkness at the same time. Also they currently have the resources to develop Valkyre and Gunjack at the same time while running EVE…
All they need is commitment, which they do NOT have.
wut? And you are the one doubting our sanity and our logic… lol … just … lol
You seriously belive ALL that has been written there at face value? Granted neither you nor I see into CCP’s daily dealings right now. But I think they have NOT committed a lot of resources to a Balcony with a view that hasn’t been altered in any way… oh… since its inception.
Think about it - logically, I know it is hard - for a second. Have you seen ANY really big change over the years to CQ? No. What resources do you need to maintain something that is unchanging? Not much.
It is not like they’ve remodelled the CQs every other year or so.
The whole article is just corporate excuse speak for : "look people, we have this thing that we really just want to forget about, so we just pull some graphs, slap some half-decent excuse on top of it and call it a day, 'kay? "
I understand your desire for a focused game. I have that same desire. The difference is where we will draw the line.
While I understand your position you somehow give me the impression that you are hell bent on spaceships and nothing else and my views and that of the others on this page are - in your eyes - something either laughable or something to be purged clean.
That - frankly - makes you not the best partner for a civilized argument.
I can hardly believe that players are to blame, CCP had big problems with managing few games development, mainly WOD because of bad management. Maybe it would be different if CCP would not buy White Wolf. Maybe those bad managers would be more visible working in Iceland and breaking up EVE, so someone would get rid of them fast.
The problem with ‘aspiration’ is that it’s unrealistic, and naive.
Of the people commenting to this point, I’m the one that’s pretty happy here. I was happy when CCP scrapped those incarna and EVA plans, and them getting rid of the last vestiges of that BS ‘vision’ (that i’ve heard unrealistic pie-in-the-sky types drone on and on about since I started playing in 2007) makes me happier still.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m sorry you all are sad but at the same time I don’t have much sympathy, an objective analysis of what CCP is, how they have behaved over the years and the environment they have to work with (mainly the fact that EVE Online is a cobbled together and old game that isn’t easy to modify) would have let you know that buying into some ‘vision’ was a mistake.
What CCP did wasn’t a scam, it was overly wishful thinking. And like them many of you fell for it/bought in to it. But the realities of the situation dictated the outcome, and here we are, with a Spaceship only game that suits a certain niche style of player. And no, PI and the market UI doesn’t make it not a spaceship game lol.
If you all are looking for hope, you should be talking to CCP about making more games in the EVE/New Eden Universe. Something with Avatar play but that is not necessarily a shooter. I’d buy into that, an avatar based MMO style game set in New Eden.
But it’s just not going to happen in EVE itself. You all would be happier if you could accept that.
You love this now, don’t you? Preaching down from your immaginary high castle?
[quote=“Jenn_aSide, post:417, topic:9940, full:true”]
What CCP did wasn’t a scam, it was overly wishful thinking.[/quote]Who said it was a scam? Lol.
Well, I think I’ve waited long enough. 7 Years is a long time. My finger was already over the unsubscribe button. I will be playing, just not paying with MY money for this “spaceship only” game…
How is that for hope?
As for you sunshine, I love how you pretend to look all “I’ve know / expected this all along” I was expecting this move too, but this was not the issue, yet you always bring it up.
Why remove it? I still don’t get it. Why remove any game features? Why not just leave it alone? Its perfectly fine the way it is. You do not have to update it, if you do not want to. I fail to grasp the logic.
Ongoing maintenance for captain’s quarters currently takes around 2-3 sprints, or 4-6 weeks of development work each year for Team Trilambda, the art team in house here at CCP Iceland.
… also compounded whenever the team works on improvements to the visuals inside station hangars, as this work also needs to be pushed through into captain’s quarters, …
… we can see that the development time involved in maintaining the current state of the feature is significantly disproportionate to the number of pilots using the feature.
EVE still needs a future beyond being spreadsheets in space for neckbeards in a tiny freak niche, if it is to have any future at all.
So far CCP’s strategy is to move on greener pastures (probably with the same skill and talent as every attempt prior) as EVE slowly ages and fades into meaninglessness. There is no greater or better EVE in the making; just an aging game quietly fading while patrons sit comfortably in their dusty couches and talk about the good old days.
I’ve listened to a couple podcasts about the removal of the CQ. Most recently was the massively podcast. They basically say that CCP has stopped caring about EVE.
They also raised the issue of compensation for clothing purchases saying that still being able to view your character in a preview screen is a cop out by CCP.
They are still removing value from your in game purchases.