Patch was released on Wednesday…
That’s correct.
They never sorted the thing with the lights clipping through the character before being properly ocluded. Probably was a case of CCP reinventing the wheel as a irregular polygon aka doing in house something trivial in a completely new and barely functional way, rather than just do what everybody else in the industry does.
You mean using a totally external engine that they would have to pay for, for a tiny portion of the game, which would mean you would have to load two engines to play EVE vastly increasing the bloat, and meaning that items in one engine might not look the same in the in space character viewer or ships visible from the CQ due to duplication of every asset possible to see from each view?
Yeah can’t imagine why they came up with something new.
And people are focused too much on that 3% figure. I might not be a Dev but I imagine the process went something like this. “Hey, this feature costs us massive time, and doesn’t actually do anything for the game, and we can’t develop it further without doing it all over from scratch, lets see if many people use it. Oh hey, only 3% use it on top of all these other issues”
Face it, it added too little (read: about nothing) in exchange for too much effort included. Just think, creating and managing an environment one can realistically walk in and interact with requires an engine which is wildly different than what you need when displaying things out in space. Meaning, with the CQ they actually had sort of a different game frankenstein-ed on to EvE, one that was never finished.
Maybe someone could create sort of 3D environment for EvE characters. Limited communication with EvE account data is possible. So for example a terminal where one can send and receive mails, check on PI status or such is possible. And maybe it could act as a lobby/meeting place for socializing. Not sure if CCP would crack down on such an effort if it only uses what is available in the EvE API.
With my assumption of “we’ll never see suchlike in EvE, they’ve given up on this venue” they might have stopped caring if there’ll be an emerging community driven project or not as it wouldn’t encroach on their claimed turf anymore.
A community driven project wouldn’t see anywhere near the uptake, I’m sure not letting an external site have all the information needed to say what clothes my character is wearing for a start. And loading up a totally separate program defeats the whole point of having avatar gameplay as an intergrated part of EVE to start with as well.
I mean, I’d love to see it have a come back, but I understand the reason it went and can’t come up with a compelling reason for good avatar gameplay inside EVE that isn’t just a make work slap on top of our ship jobs.
Please equal the time/manpower effort to manage CQ against the loss of paying players. Can you really compare these? If I had to guess, I’m certainly not alone with both my assessment and my constriction.
There’s a problem right there though.
It’s just a guess. Nothing more than fiction. Certainly not anything you can make any particular claim around, since your guess just happens to be one that aligns with your opinion.
You can either quantify it or you cant. None of us can unfortunately. Only CCP can make an attempt at that and even then, they probably don’t have the data to make a reasonable attempt.
Judging by response, this was not deffinitely a good thing tho. I will be not surprised if someone satisfaction levels will get even lower, low levels can cause them to abandon the game. Posting on forums will not definitely stop tho. You dont need the game installed, or to pay CCP anything.
Not to many ways to show my dislike for this decision, so I decided to stop training 90 characters this week as a small protest. Those characters have been training for over a year. Thats over half a million plex I have used in the last 12 months.
Yeah, the right price for my current enjoyment of Eve is zero point zero euros.
And CCP still owe me 81 euros from the last time I trusted their offers.
Not upset by this at all. Hopefully it will comeback with some revisions and the associated ground combat elements from DUST… and yes bring back DUST, correctly this time please.
Neither of those things is ever going to happen.
I suggest you research before sounding silly. A PC shooter with it’s roots in Dust 514 is already in development and has been for a couple of years. It’s likely to be years more before we see it of course, with how long development actually takes on games.
Saying that it’s not likely we will ever see it as an integrated part of the EVE client since it wouldn’t make sense alongside the capsuleer lore why we would bother getting out of our ships in person and engaging in FPS combat.
Some kind of station gameplay is the only place WiS would make sense, but it needs to be practical gameplay that doesn’t just make it tedious to do a particular activity but makes sense we would do it that way. And more than just having a drink and cybering.
I resume a tendency towards more depth and seamless social interaction besides PvE / PvP action. By the way … The idea of players created items, clothing and interior design etc. is not new. Just take a look in the direction of Second Live. So Why not make New Eden a richer and hopefully populated space?
Because of…
“But, avatars would add…”
“But, female players…”
“EVE could live…”
Serious? Seams if you would pay for each flat game if it just contains loads of “SPACESHIPSSSSSSSSSSS!!!” because they are so PRECIOUSSSSSS!!!
humm… Why do I just feel like suddenly talking to a well-known movie character?
Well, just ask the “EVE is a spaceships game” crowd, with CCP in lead of them. Also ask them why their precious spaceshipssss game is going south since they focused on spaceshipsss and explosionssss and backburned everything else.
So far, we’re in the “low end prognosis” I made in june 2013:
Low end prognosis: EVE fades away as the endogamy of existing gameplay being expanded to retain the same niche players already enjoying the game kills any chance to atract new kinds of players and draw fresh blood. The continued development drives long time players away at a constant pace as each of them gets the wrong side of a change and is dealt the final blow. Beyond a certain point, the game becomes demographically unsustainable and dies.
Death by meh, there we go!