Devblog: Preparing For The Future – Retirement Of Captain’s Quarters & Twitch Integration

Wait, how many players use Null sec? Is it still looking like this?:

And they are breaking the game by making a ton of ISK and inflating prices for the rest.

Why are all the development resources wasted for such a limited number of players?
Remove null and the rest of unused space! :psyccp:


Actually, why even have space in the game? Why waste development time on making all this empty space prettier? Remove space! :psyccp:


A sad day for this game. Another shattered dream.


I would rather see it isolated from the rest of eve the cess pit that is most wouldn’t even notice.

Jokes aside, we have EVE voice nobody uses. And they dont plan to remove that, and it was actually breaking the game. There was bug when you had it turned on the client was working very sluggish.


I thin Art team wil be now producing more SKINs and means of making the spaceships look cooler, when everybody is playing zoomed out. SKINs are selling good for PLEX.
64 bit client is for what? Hi def textures they gave up on introducing because everybody plays zoomed out?


Fbook won major avatar gameplay community out there.
2007 was the time of social network pioneers.
EVE is similar, but in detail something else. CQ has no interaction or any random rewards for being there. It does utilise many of F’s traits in other gameplay areas however. (see killmails)
Thanx for focusing devtime on EVE’s strengths!

Idea: include a like button for killmails.

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A like and a dislike. See how it will go. :fastparrot:


I know there are other, potentially better, ways to stream, but it’s just ironic how this was announced on the very same day I had the idea to use the integrated twitch service. :laughing:

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I realize it’s a completely different toolchain, but how a game like Mass Effect could have you walk through a station that was full of moving things (ok, all of them but you were NPC) with the graphics load, even at full detail, still far less than what I got with CQ, is a question that maybe is worth looking into.


And those foookin clouds in space, burning my GPU’s one after another. Two GPUs gone to waste, and every time there was EVE running on computer while it happened. Coincidence? :confusedparrot:

GPUs are expensive now because everyone is mining cryptocurrencies, even in shops where they sell GPUs. :scream:


While the captain’s quarters were a bit of a disappointment, perhaps they could be replaced by something else? I was pumped to see the ability to walk around… until I discovered how clumsy the walking controls were and how little the cq added to the game… and then they were only on certain stations. Out in null, where everyone has deployed their own platforms (ie: Raitarus) that suggest by the size of them that they could have cq’s but didn’t also made it difficult to use something you didn’t even have 90% of the time.

And all I wanted was the ability to dance on a table with a lampshade on my head while in a bar with my corp & alliance mates… was that so much to ask?


Not really going to miss seeing either go away. At least the customabilty of our characters will be unchanged.

But like someone else mentioned: could you also get rid of the in hanger billboards? At least give us the option to turn them off?


If you believe this is going to stop those who want WiS, I have a bridge in Brooklyn you might want to buy.


This please! Thank you!

Also on the CQ, if is sad to see it go, its very understandable why it’s going away.

I didn’t use it much personally. Last time I used it was so Erika could have a proper time-out because she was bad one day; killed an innocent miner in lowsec. I told her to stand in the corner, so I loaded up CQ and made her stand there in a corner for a whole 5 minutes! #truestory #toughlove


EVE Online, the game where less and less players have less and less things left to do. Surely it makes sense in somebody’s mind.

Retiring the CQ doesn’t even hurt at this point. As I’ve said many times, CCP deserves to burn in hell for Incarna, so nothing they do, ever, will make their position any worse.


CDessies Added. -don’t give a fck.
Logifrigs Added. -don’t give a f
New Sov system Added. -don’t give a fck.
Supers Revamped. -don’t give a f
Carriers Revamped. -don’t give a fck.
Doomsdays revamped. -don’t give a f
Citadels Added. -don’t give a fck.
ECs added. -don’t give a f
Moon mining to come. -don’t give a f*ck.

See a pattern? Could you guess how much money have I given to CCP in the last year?


You are always advertising us player of being something special, being immortal capsuleers. Trying to build up an emotional argument to bind us together with that game. You are important! You are a capsuleer! You make a difference! *lol*
All that starts with your birth as capsuleer, with your avatar. That’s you! Your first step into this world, your first emotional connection with it.

We don’t play Knight Rider in Space, people don’t identify themself as ships. They don’t play “I’m Caty the Catalyst, build to free New Eden from the evil Ventures”. We are capsule pilots and our ships are our tools. Both belong together for a healthy game experience. And yes people do value things different. And also yes there are always things which have to be fixed. But no matter how much of in-game content you take away in favour of fixing something - the same people who are arguing today that the game is broken, it needs to be fixed, will still do the same next year. That’s something like education, you can never spend enough money for that.

I like my CQ and I will miss it. I like it to walk the short path to my room, around my glass table while looking at the holograph of my most favourite ship, sitting down and watch some adds on my TV while slurping my Quafe. Scrolling through the market and looking for what will be my next most favourite ship.

I always wanted to sneak in on an Amarr station, to grab some of the shiny golden statues just to put them into my CQ. Or using the ladder to slide down to my capsule, putting my clothes off and “jump” into it. Ready for new adventures.

Taking the CQs away, just makes this game for some player duller. And for the rest, I doubt that the freed ressources will have any noticable impact.


finaly the perpetual “lets fix wis” bs discussions will finaly stop apearing all over the place and the questions during fanfest that waste a question will stop being asked. thank you ccp it means alot that the silly concept has gone

Whole null is a silly concept. Especially being able to get such ratting and mining ticks.