Devblog: Preparing For The Future – Retirement Of Captain’s Quarters & Twitch Integration

Agreed. CCP has no intentions or desire to implement WIS. They haven’t made a move towards it in almost 7 years…they certainly have no plans to do it now…or in the future imo. Tbh, they should should just say they don’t plan to do it instead of leading along the players who hang on to the hope that some day they will actually do it (not that I am one of those, though it would be interesting).

There are many things in the game that need to be fixed that haven’t even been touched in years…if at all. Here we are on our 2nd (since I’ve been playing) “readjustment” of t3’s. yet the things that have actually been broken have been ignored…all you vets know what I’m talking about. but eh…CCP will do what CCP does. I do agree that removing the captain’s is a good idea…I haven’t used it in years…but that’s only because it’s a useless prison you can’t escape and there is 0 avatar interaction. it is what it is…or should I say…it was what it was. :smirk:


I’ll also add why is it CCP feels they are improving the game by removing features? I’d think your announcements would be better served if you first announced the new features that will replace something CCP is wanting to remove.

CCP should just look at CQ as a cosmetic feature and nothing more that would be developed further. Much like skins and char clothing are cosmetic features, not really adding to game play but its a matter of quality.

I’d be interested in knowing what is the percentage of players that buys clothing or skins from NES. If it’s just as low as using the CQ then one could argue to get rid of that as well because it uses up dev resources. Yet CCP keeps it because its a matter of quality that does somehow add to the game.


It was probably time this feature was retired. To be honest, it was never important to me. But it really had no hope when released. They basically shut down all development on ships and game play to implement the ability to walk around in a room. And this alone melted many GPU’s. To be fair, the level of detail of the avatar was awesome. But that wasn’t why people played Eve. Sure, if CCP could add WiS without ignoring the game people were actually paying for… that would be awesome. But that appeared to be impossible.

And it is probably best we don’t even think about the attempts to monetize the avatar development. That was a even a bigger horror story.

I do hope CCP does not stop thinking big. I just hope they have a few folks dedicated to reality.

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I buy clothes etc…though I haven’t for quite a while because there’s been nothing new in some time that’s worthwhile. Skins, not so much. You have a better chance of someone seeing the outfit you’re wearing than the color of the ship they’re exploding. But…it’s a cash cow for CCP…so they’ll keep it as long as they deem it’s lucrative.


That’s an idea. Make the CQ somehow a cash cow, where players can purchase items from the NES that they can fit their quarters with or even features.


I’m sure CCP could find a way. CCP, imo wasted, a lot of time and resources on things like dust and valkyrie all while neglecting the core game. Dust has gone the way of the Dodo…Valkyries still has some viability, though limited, and not for much longer imo. All the time they spent on the failed ventures could have been spent focusing on EVE and we wouldn’t be having these discussions. That’s just my opinion…though I’m sure many would agree…especially those who’ve been around long enough to remember all the promises that never came to fruition.


The core gameplay idea is getting more people undocked in space. We could very well let people flaunt space barbie content while cutting out the Captain’s Quarters and Walking ‘in’ Stations with, get this, holograms.

Anchor an animated hologram of yourself on a citadel and BOOM! you have walking ‘on’ stations.


I disagree. Then why have in-game games like project discovery? A player would be a fool to engage in such activities undocked.


Huh? What else do you do while mining then?

CQs are a part of the core game!


LOL…this did make me giggle though. :thinking:

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BTW, about the Twitch implementation, it is worth to remember (IMO) that it was a pet project of some developer(s), wich was obviosuly pitched succesfully to decission makers despite it was sub-par compared to 3rd party tools and really didn’t served a role.

If you look closely at what gets implemented in EVE, you’ll notice many of these “pet projects” being developed in a grassrooots fashion, just because someone wants to feed his ego/ beef up his resume with a pet project and manages to have it greenlighted.


Holograms or bust. CCP, I want to live again in a world with giant virtual women.


What irony?

Read the dev blog and tell me which feature will be turned off after 5 minutes…

That is actually a really good point - surprsingly many people used it despite its flaws and the fact that there was nothing to do there.


False. They lost at least 2.

WiS people are in a perpetual state of denial about it, and will forever refuse to understand why it was a bad idea to begin with. I know nothing can change that, but it’s always painful to watch.

I love CCP because they made my favorite game, but i’ve never once been unrealistic about what they are capable of. It’s always been evident (at least to some of us) that tacking on some avatar stuff in a way that didn’t impact what EVE is (a spaceSHIP game) just wasn’t possible.

I said so when ‘ambulation’ was announced, I said to one poster “these are the same guys who can’t patch the game without breaking a dozen things which is why everyone says ‘set along skill on patch day’ and YOU somehow think they can make this monumental change to the game work…”

CCP is just finally nailing the coffin closed on their “era of over-reach” and i’m glad for it.


Yes. This. And also the most times a single player/character pushed the button.
I know I’ve kept regularly pushing that button…hoping the atmosphere was finally ready for capsuleer consumption.
And also in the hopes that it would let CCP know that I still wanted to open that door.


Pardon my memes but: That’s where you’re wrong kiddo.
EVE is a game about friendships, not spaceships.


I wanna be a Space Anchor Barbie hologram, sitting on the top of my ship.


Then perhaps some dancing…