Bottom line is this:
If you pay CCP for it then it’s OK.
If you buy it from someone else, it’s not OK.
CCP is just a business, they don’t care about you, they just care about profits.
Bottom line is this:
If you pay CCP for it then it’s OK.
If you buy it from someone else, it’s not OK.
CCP is just a business, they don’t care about you, they just care about profits.
removing lvl 4 missions from alpha’s in my opinon would be a diservice because most of the alpha’s i know are some kids who found a cool game and pop on to do some missions and are on the rind to lvl 4 missions . Also when i was an alpha and i just started missions were my bread and butter and it was my goal to get to lvl 4 missions and earn some isk to get my first battleship to do them in.
Want to stop botting and RMT? GET RID OF LOCAL in NS. We will kill them all off.
Thanks for being that transparent on this topic.
I also want to thank you for banning a lot of those null sec ratting bots. I know most people think that most bots dont get banned but as somone who activily hunts bots i know they have to create new accounts every few weeks or so.
But i also have some additions and maybe suggestions on that topic:
Considering a botting group renting around 10 systems from a big alliance. When those accounts get banned i guess you also remove the rent payed to the alliance from the alliance wallet. So why is the same group being allowed to rent the same systems each month if the profit for the alliance = 0? There could be of course some hidden payments which are very hard to track.
On the other hand the botting group would like to replace the banned accounts asap because they probably payed already for x days of the month.
So my questions are:
Personally i would suggest to implement a report botting corp feature, because it definitly is taking some time to report 80+ guys every other week. But i know thats probably not going to happen -.-
I would also suggest that alliances harboring and renting systems to botters should be punished more or maybe namecalled like: “alliance x had 50 bots in 2 corps being banned resulting into y amount of isk being removed from their wallet during the last 3 months”
This isn’t an “alpha” or “omega” problem, its an exploitation problem. A Rorqual bot fleet cannot be manned by alpha clones. Its not a pirate faction ship problem, most of the bots I have seen lately are in a T1 hauler. If a botter has a drive to exploit an in game mechanic they will use it.
CCP has access to the master spreadsheet so they should be able to sort “LP Gained” or “Ore Mined” and look at the accounts with numbers that would raise red flags. As far as level 4 missions for alphas, you could cap the LP or whatever is gained daily for alpha accounts and they could still enjoy and advance through that content. Alphas are already throttled in other ways, this would allow access to the content and prevent exploitation of missions.
The new activity tracker could be used to warn players if they are reaching numbers of ore mined or LP gained that will make them bot suspect. Just a thought.
Funny there’s no mention of the AFK camping bots that do it for months/years at a time with multiple characters, that can now be beefed up with skill injectors (great idea lol). #the reason why most go play other games. The issues described here is mostly a U problem not a player problem. Could care less about some mission lvl 4 botter.
i assume you talk about afk cloaky camping: why would you need a bot to do it? it doesnt require any input after logged in and cloaked up. (thats why its called afk)
if that is not what you meant i apologize
I kind of feel bad for the legit alphas that run missions. I don’t run missions, but it is a shame that botters can ruin the experience for so many people that are unable to become omega.
You don’t need a bot to run missions either, so not sure i understand your point. It’s what logs them back in while they’re at work, school, asleep, immediately after downtime, or immediately after a server crash. No it does not require much input never suggested it did, and probably much harder to detect, and yes any scrub can log in hit a cloak and go AFK for 7 months while their bot logs them in everyday.
alpha’s get pretty decent BS skills so lv4s are very doable with alpha skills. And they can fly frigs well enough to even do a few burner missions.
I am not a fan of CCP’s two factor authentication. They are assuming two things: 1. Everyone has a cell phone and 2. Everyone will give them their cell phone number. Wrong! I will not use it. There has to be a better way to establish a second level of security. Get to work on it CCP!
I used Google auth.
First: Look for Desktop alternatives to the Google Authenticator. It is, after all, simply implementing an industry-defined authentication standard.
Second: CCP never asked me for a phone number. I very much doubt they would be interested in yours.
Please put your energy into looking for alternatives of 2FA apps that work for you (without a phone), not into blaming CCP for offering this service to your account security.
Fly safe.
Why All level 4 and 5 missions? Shouldn’t new Alpha players have the ability to run level 4 security missions? Not sure I agree with this change as the may as well go to null sec and run anomalies anyway. The real problem is the mining and incursion botters. That is where the biggest impact is made to others game play and the market by shear volume.
Look,more made up numbers and a stealth nerf to legit alpha players
Wanna punish these exploiters? Banning is i think an easy way out. Let them play, but whatever they do, mine, rat etc. instead of full reward they would only get 0.1% earnings 99.9% will go directly to CONCORD. Like in some stand-alone games that really punishes cheaters. Heres an inspiration (credits to this video is not mine just a reference ^^).
same. I’d buy an RSA fob if they sold one for 2FA, though.
And keeping people who pay in space matters when you want to keep a game alive. Far too many 'Alpha-ists" seem to think that CCP is paid for by good wishes and unicorn farts.
And once again the “It should be free for me, someone else can pay to keep Eve alive” mentality rears its ugly head.
First of all, don’t invent quotes I never said and put words in my mouth. I never said that, nor is that what I believe. I think you misunderstand where I am coming from, so allow me to clarify. I do not think the game should be completely free or else I wouldn’t have a plan to get Omega status. If I wanted the game to be completely free then the need for Omega would stop me from being interested. It doesn’t, I don’t mind stuff being behind Omega. If a add my demand for buying PLEX with ISK to the game and thus the incentive for people to buy PLEX with cash to sell for ISK, I am still contributing. And maybe not just PLEX for omega, but perhaps the other things in the EVE store as well. I might even pay cash for PLEX if I feel it’s worth it. I don’t mind paying for new content, if it’s good, as a way to support a game. What I do not like, is having to maintain a subscription to maintain access to the things I otherwise permanently own. It is not a nice feeling to feel like I need to keep playing while subscribed to get my money’s worth, or that I can’t log in and see what I have regardless of my subscription status. I prefer to always have access and then, while I play, pick and choose what I want to buy and how I want to support the game, depending on how I feel. And in this case, how I feel is that I want to find the method that I most enjoy to cross from alpha to omega. If they put L4 security missions behind omega, then they are burning the bridge I would have most enjoyed crossing to omega.