Devblog: Security Update - Q1 2019

No idea if you have thought of this, but People in the game would like to see botters, etc. being punished, its the anonymity of your taking them down that is frustrating. I am sure there are good reasons for this but consider this.

Is there any way to get players involved?

Maybe once CCP is certain that a player is Botting. You (CCP) could make their ships stand out in some way so people could attack them? even in highsec? Maybe without them even knowing it? also make item/isk/plex locked and canā€™t be transferred (or pays out to the killers as bounty?)

I could list a whole page of possibilities - from minor to full features - but thatā€™s the general idea above. Make Bot hunting the new Bounty Hunting System? Maybe rewards to people who report and kill them? Some in-game nerf to people who support or harbor them? Make a game of it, lol


Yes you should take a hard look at whats available to alphas but instead of limiting content you should limit the tools they have at disposal

Perhaps CCP would care the share the statistics for the percentage use of Alpha vs Omega in Eve?

Maybe its time re-think the decision for Alphas to have access beyond Empire Cruisers hulls?

ā€œMaybe its time re-think the decision for Alphas to have access beyond Empire Cruisers hulls?ā€
Lol and you think this would go over well with alphas like me? No, if they cut access this much, it would not incentivize me to open up my wallet and pay. I would quit again, in a heartbeat, and put EVE back on the shelf until they sort themselves and their issues out.

Not allowing Alphas to run L4 security missions would be a very sad move. They are not huge money spinners but are reasonably entertaining. If you remove them you will push alphas out of the game entirely or towards other activities such as signature and anomaly running which are already very busy and would become more so. If you want to push alphas out, just make the alpha state time limited. Please be frank about what you are really trying to achieve here.

I played Eve from the early days for many years and then lapsed. The new alpha state brought me back to see what the experience was like for alphas and have been surprised at how good it has been. I also spend a lot of time on the Rookie Help channel helping people to get to grips with the game and understand how to fit their ships and tackle challenges effectively. Blocking me from L4 missions in high sec, while allowing equivalent activities elsewhere eg null-sec anomaly running, incursions, combat site running (highly croweded already) would probably drive me out of the game again.

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Not the fight against botting and/or RMT, but loosing my access to the higher level missions. Iā€™ve been playing for a couple of months now, and it took me a while to get my standing up to even get near the required level, and now I wonā€™t even get to play the L4ā€™s.

I do occasionally spend $ in the store, but an Omega subscription is too expensive for me. So this is a bummer for me.


What about getting people regularly HIC pointed in higher value anomalies by rats, so you canā€™t always warp out? Wouldnā€™t this reduce the bot (and AFK) problem by promoting hunters?

Also reconsidering the today 100% chance of rats switching targets to the hunter in case of PvP in the anomaly ā€¦

Thereā€™s nothing really to add at this stage.

Iā€™m reading it, but thereā€™s no promises can be made on when, how, who and what.

Once I have more information when weā€™re looked at how want to proceed, then weā€™ll talk more.

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Youā€™re wrong.

Itā€™s a combination of all these factors, INCLUDING ease of access to some of the things youā€™ve listed with alpha accounts.

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Whatā€™s wrong with idea to add CAPTCHA on mission acception and completion instead of banning alphas from L4 missions?

I have to say, as a poor guy on disability with a limited income, denying access to l4 missions will severely limit my ability to make iskā€¦ and thus make enough to pay for Omega status. Youā€™ll probably lose me from the gameā€¦ again! There has to be a way to authenticate ligit users so we still have a chance to get to Omegaā€¦;

i send some similar report to eve security onceā€¦nothing happend still all the astero bots all over the place.
but some of those killboards ( only astero losses 0 kills) are in fact real people. i killed some of those on my alt, and a some of them start convos , especially in provi , because asking " i thought nrds applies here? ". so yeah i agree its a menace, its like a swarm of locust clearing out regions, and im also sure 80% of those are bots. the rest maybe paid multiboxers ( reminds me of goldsellers/powerlevelers from china back in wow).

i doubt this will ever be controlledā€¦botting is just too easy , and also if banned, easy to replace.
especially the alpha vni bots. replaced instantly.
IP ban? easy to workaroundā€¦

and even if they look like bots, some are simple and plain semi afk multiboxing toons of people generating ā€œpassiveā€ income for the main charcater.

greed will kill this beautiful game.

Thatā€™s right. Keeping people who pay in space matters. How do you do that?

Well, part of it is you give them people to shoot. Another part is that you give even the people who donā€™t pay to play other things to pay for. SKINs etc. I know plenty of alphas whoā€™ve picked up SKINs for their Ospreys, Feroxes, etc. All of those got paid for with PLEX at some point. So someone paid CCP for that at some point, no different than the omegas who PLEX their accounts.

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Because people hate those stupid CAPTCHAs and will quickly get fed up with it and stop playing?

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Young Man right now a years sub if paid today is ONLY Ā£89:99 a bargain = Ā£7.50 a week.
A saving of Ā£29:89 ā€¦basically a free 3 monthsā€¦with instant access

For a Game Like Eve-online that is a bargainā€¦Fun 24/7 if you likeā€¦
I do L4s a lot & I pay, Alphas do not at the momentā€¦I also buy other items when I feel like itā€¦

Alphas can enjoy Eve without doing L4 or pay todayā€¦

Plus the skill queue on Alpha is terrible you really would enjoy being a Omega.
Then you can do so much more ,you know it makes senseā€¦

P.s There are selfless Alphas (who played before as Omega) who do contribute to Eve-online with there time supporting/helping newbies,dividing there time in help channelsā€¦


But without ISK from L4s there will be not enough funding for these activities in highsec

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How much ISK does sitting in a chat channel cost?

just dont live in highsec if u want to make iskies. or fly incursions in highsec. or look for ghostsites. or run combat sites and ded sites. missions are crap anyways isk/effort/time wise.
no idea why people run those, prolly for standings?
i also made the mistake to farm standings and run l4s till i was able to start l5sā€¦by that time i joined 0secā€¦and never even wasted a second on thinking about running l4 missions or similar again

I can say thatā€™s convenient to do some L4s during writing in newbie chat

uh-huh. Convenience != necessity, though.