Devblog: Security Update - Q1 2019

It seems to me that CCP only wants the block the Trader-Versions of Lvl-4-Missions to combat botters. Taking away lvl-4-combat-missions to combat botters would make no sense at all. Lvl-4-missions are incredibly complicated. What structure to hit? What container to scoop? Where to deliver what? Shoot what? Only take gates and leave NPCs alone? And for alpha-accounts they are also INCREDIBLY hard. I doubt a bot can run all lvl-4 combat missions.

WTH does “sweet summer child” mean? What does that have to do with a discussion about Botters? If I am going to get the “Jessica Price” treatment I can spend my time and money on another platform.

Remember that CCP Falcon follows the Joffrey way of ruling:

“Everyone is mine to torment”.

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It’s a comment from George R Martin, Script Writer from Game Of Throne’s to JK Rowling about her comment on it being hard to kill off character’s. In this context it’s referring to your naivety about gila’s :]

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It means you have lived during a time of fair weather and plenty (and no, it’s a few hundred years older than George Martin, even during his Wild Cards days), and have not seen true hardship. I believe Falcon’s meaning in this case is that you don’t see the dangers of Gilas because you have not seen the potential for a single pirate vessel to overshadow literally every other ship in its class in all roles (ie: the Machariels Online phase from a couple of years ago).


Its only possible when acceleration gate allow supercapitals. The permissions can vary.

But propose something else, if you dare speak against null entities. I always see you advocating for null entities status quo and I would like to see how you would want to see that null botting problem resolved.

I didn’t refer to him inventing it, just turning it into a meme :] and hence the reason everyone uses it now.

I know what botting is, but I can’t figure out what RMT is, have played since 2007, first I’ve heard of it. Probably because I’ve been off game for a while.

Thank you, I made it to half way through book three. I just see limiting people from piloting Gila’s etc… as gun control in a war to fight crime. Crime is still going to happen no matter what weapons criminals have access to. They will just use a knife to do the crime if you take away the gun. Taking away a Gila is not going to stop botters. Just shift the means by which they bot.


L4 security missions aren’t very hard for fully skilled alpha with manual ship steering but challenging enough

The problem with drone ship’s in general is that its possible to rat afk, Gila has the advantage that their drones are so tanky that the npc’s cant kill them, so even more afk xD Removing the gila is 1 step in a direction to make it harder for bot’s to make money, but yes the better approach would be nerf the gila’s drone hp bonus and give it some other bonus in conjunction with making all pve rat’s stronger and smarter. To the point where it would be to hard to code a bot to run site’s as they require good tactic’s which are dependent on the situation and not predetermined.

RMT = Real Money Transactions. Selling plex on Ebay etc…

Gila don’t overshadow some other navy and pirate cruisers for variety of roles


I see three very simple ways to deal with null botting issues:

  1. CCP has the data, and presumably, some coders. IP Ban the bots already. Name & Shame. IDGAF who they’re part of.
  2. Take the money away from the alliance wallets, so bills etc come due and might not get paid if the problem is that bad.
  3. When you ban someone for botting, don’t just ban that account. Ban all their accounts, immediately, and destroy their assets. Any structures in space, immediately send to their hull timer so non-bots have time to get their crap out.

Hell, 4: Fix crimewatch, and in the process, make bot-hunting a bounty-able scenario.

Edit: as a point, CCP is already doing (1) other than the name-and-shame, and already doing (2) as well, I’m sure. That seems to be why the warning is there in the blog.

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I didn’t say they do. I just said that seems to be the thrust of Falcon’s position.

This is tedious and you can’t keep up with the amount of bots with this platform, AMEN BROTHER!!!

sigh… thanks, I knew that… (head slap)

Mission NPCs can kill Gila’s drones easily if you don’t pay enough attention to them.
Also Gila is very vulnerable to web/scram NPCs on L4 missions so it’s impossible to do them AFK


Interesting even with drone ehp rig’s + the 25% shield hp implant and max skills? The shield regen stat should be pretty insane.

I’m not to familier with missions tbh, only anom’s, ded’s, unrated site’s and so on.

is it just courier or all level 4 and 5 because then that just makes aplha not worth playing at all i mean i know its the free to play but still levels 3s are worth nothing and you cant really mine in a venture