Devblog: Security Update - Q1 2019

You can do exploration, it pay’s 5x to 10x more for the time.

Valuable exploration is only outside of highsec

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Which alpha’s can do easily in an alpha available ship.

what if you find exploration boring


You can still do incursion’s which is pve on drug’s, you can speed run 3’s you can market trade, you can ninja salvage, you can pvp and loot their corpse you can haul courier contract’s, its endless.


Alpha cannot do exploration outside of highsec. Alpha only can become easy prey during attempt to do it as can’t cloak


Why would an exploration ship need a cloak? It only makes it easier its still plenty possible.

to get there without blowing up.


annnd the death of aplha clones and the free to play model


There is a trick :] if you click on the gate your about to jump through and go info it will tell you if there is a camp on the other side :] not many people know this.

Also with a 3mil isk ship you can make about 100mil an hour with alpha skill’s, which means you can die a lot and still make plenty :] getting blown up is part of eve and should not be a barrier which prevent’s you from doing thing’s.

Also by doing this you can buy a plex with isk and then you don’t have to worry about being an alpha anymore.

yup instead of going after the botters themselves theyll just punish anyone who doesnt play for the game or spend isk to buy plex


Post 12 To clarify for Alphas states "Every lvl 4/5 mission will require Omega Status regardless of category.

Which would be who, exactly?

:roll_eyes: that’s why I’m looting billions from HS exploration sites… oh sweet summer child as Falcon wrote…
If you want to grind for plex, L4 missions are not the best way to do it now.

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Still, there is nothing about anomalies at all, and bots dont care about IP bans and the rest is already nothing new…

Crimewatch is of no use in null or even low sec, bots are PvP aware already.

I see that the only few ways CCP could really improve is to change ratting mechanics or fundamental anti botting additions to client and launcher.

A) No, there is nothing about anomalies. Focusing on this manifestation of botting or that manifestation only gets you incomplete, piecemeal solutions that time has shown do not work to address the deeper problem. So why would I suggest them? Anomalies are a symptom. You alleviate symptoms sometimes, but you treat the disease.

B) Crimewatch includes the bounty system. Actively incentivizing bot-hunting puts more pressure on the bots.

C) Have you been paying attention to the live events? I don’t mean nonsense like the Guardians Gala. I mean the actually live events, like the Drifter fleets that attacked three player citadels in Semiki last week? Welcome to a test case of afrikanized NPC AIs on a wider scale. Make all the rats into responsive, reactive opponents, and botting gets a lot harder. And CCP’s already doing that.

They are most reliable and risk-averse way to make ISK in highsec

I actually hope you guys will reconsider the level 4 ban for alphas, as I do know it will actually hurt some players I know who at times funds their plex by running level 4’s and have had to do them in alpha state at times.
(also, I dont really like to admit this, but I do at times use my alpha to run level 4’s in a gnosis just because, well i guess i like to torment myself. Granted, this was before the praxis, so i guess its way easier now then it utsed to be).

Also, you cant really call it f2p when you take away so many options from the game, and yet you do nothing to hurt the real issue, which is farming bots in 0,0. Not as you self said, the low hanging fruit in high sec. Now if you guys managed to ban/get rid of most bots in 0,0 and mission running in high sec then turned into an issue, then I would agree to this move.
But at the moment it seems your doing this in hopes of satifying people, but without really digging into the real issue (again, 0,0 bots in gilas, navy vexors and even capitals)
Ban caps from anoms would be a bloody good start to fixing some of the inflation in this game, and while your at it, look at rorquals, cause they are overpowered and overtanked.

Oh, and can i dream that you will at some point do something about caps against sub caps?


Still nowhere near as much profit as anoms in 0,0, and in many cases high sec is more risky then 0,0

This is number 1 Problem in eve right now, let me high-lite it again:

“risk-averse” “RISK-AVERSE” “RISK-AVERSE”

Why do people fear death? Embrace it, be one with eve, live gloriously! die gloriously!