May be it need more coding to detect “bot suspects” and make some CAPTCHA-like exercises instead of accusing every L4 mission alpha runner of botting and RMT?
Why make any change with acceleration gates? How about just making anomalies not show up on overview when alphas warp into system that is null? They’re still there but they don’t show up for them.
Need for alphas to always scan with probes may be solution
I actually got a couple of friends who’s amassed the isk to plex their account again from running level 4 missions in alpha state.
But it was intended long time as almost every PLEX is bought for cash by other players except some single PLEXes seen as rewards for previous seasonal events. Making such amount of ISK from L3 mission is too much Korean grinding style
“After investigating further, the decision has been made to place all level 4 and 5 missions behind the requirement to have Omega status, to assist the fight against RMT and botting.”
Easily explained role play wise: Level 4 and 5 contacts want to ensure a capsuleer is a committed pilot they can rely on. Omega state is a definite commitment versus the less committed Alpha.
And it would make them places where people can’t drop dreads on ratting carriers and supers, because they’d end up out at the acceleration gate. And we all know the same people complaining that you’re not doing anything about anoms now would then just be complaining that you’d made it safer, and accuse you of doing things to benefit us.
Still curious about what tools alliance leaders have to catch botting renters, though.
What an excellent idea! Just put a CAPTCHA to accept missions! That would stop botters from using L4 missions way better than just making it a bit more expensive putting it behind Omega.
Or CCP could do the obvious thing and ban carriers and supers from anoms like they should have two years ago.
And CAPTCHA to complete missions too
Yeah, there’s a great idea, coming on the heels of dread and titan spawns in those anoms.
That’s clearly not going to happen. So work within the framework of what might, hmm?
Maybe with the higher anomalies you could ramp up the damage over time on Alphas. Limited enough so they can get in and see what they’re missing by not being Omega, but excessive enough that they can’t hang around to really start the thing.
I guess this might allow for too much interference in terms of starting/despawning the site?
Just a thought. It’s the looking what kind of speedboat I could have won which is making me think about a resub.
I think that it better to show higher anomalies to alphas only as signatures that need to be scanned with probes
I’ve killed those dread and titan spawns with subcaps. Maybe, just maybe, those high end anoms weren’t intended to be solo content.
The game slowly dying from ISK inflation? Because that’s what’s happening right now and carriers and supers are to blame for it. CCP just needs to get the fortitude to actually tackle the issue.
No they aren’t. ISK inflation’s been an accelerating problem for years, and the CPI on production mats shows very little movement—which there’d be, if inflation was really spiking. The problem isn’t the carriers and supers, it’s the lack of sinks. Right now there’s very little reason to risk the expensive stuff. There’s very little reason to fight. And that’s not going to change with some tweaks to anomalies.
It’s the way things tend to go: as people get established, they start valuing security over excitement. CCP needs to seriously destabilize things in a way that doesn’t feel like they’re telling the people who’ve spent a decade or more working for stuff ‘screw you and all your hard work’.
R.I.P. Alpha Clones
turns just to trial
But it always meant to be trial. Just with unlimited time
They all have warning programs that ping whenever hostiles comes into any of the nearby locals anways, so it wouldnt affect it that much sadly.
Also it would prevent capitals from ratting, which would be an even more massive benefit from it.
Very good, really thanks you boys!
It’d make them safer, really. It’s a lot easier to miss one cloaked cynobomber come into your anom system than a while fleet of 'em.