Devblog: Spring Balance Update Incoming!

Yeah, congratulations. Too much consumption, not enough exercise, you’re getting gastric bypass surgery. Or at least the band.

(Warning, lighter hearted and tongue in cheek post ahead so read at your own risk)
Summary of my understanding of some opinions expressed in the thread so far:

~ The things that most eve players want are bad. We should trust in the people who do most of their eve interactions outside of the game client to decide what is best for the health of the game. The people who get home from work, log on and play the game inside the client should relax.

~CCP has got this. If we lacked faith before, it should be restored.

~CCP hasn’t done anything wrong. The game isn’t broken or massively imbalanced in any way, that is in fact not the cause of this much anticipated balance pass.

~Look at the MER, everything is explained but the game is not broken.

~ Eve is dying.

~No imbalance has been caused by pushing alliances into singular regions of space. This balance pass isn’t about changing the numbers of ships in nullsec making isk. The design goal wasn’t related to how many people are making isk, just how much is actually made and how safe it is.

~People have no credibility talking on the eve forums if they haven’t posted before, haven’t posted with their mains and won’t keep repeating their points on demand. Repeating the same words over and over is good. It is ok to change the words and meaning of someones statement and make assumptions instead of asking for clarification.

~The Mittani made a deal with CCP to have the rorqual buffed to help the Goonswarm alliance rebuild quickly. (My favourite. )

~ It’s never too late.

~ Too little too late.

~It is ok for CCP to introduce admitedly OP ships and not fix them for years. It is greedy and dumb for us to be annoyed by this, and we should have seen it coming.

~People who are upset just want to pay to win. Eve is a pvp game. Ships dying helps the game but we don’t want to discourage you too much from flying the nerfed ships because small gang pvpers are going to resub to hunt you.

~Plex prices will quickly drop due to this balance pass.

~Plex prices will rise due to this balance pass.

~Remember risk versus reward isn’t everything. Nor is investment costs v rewards. These ships will still be the best ships. It isn’t necessary for you to feel good about your investment and if you quit, there are plenty of people who who will take your stuff.

~ Players who join nullsec alliances to engage in nullsec gameplay are risk averse, super special snowflakes.

~This balance pass will help fix the fact that people are making too much isk in nullsec and ignoring other isk streams, like mission running.

~Olmeca Gold has made an excellent feedback post on reddit. ( My second favourite.)
Opinions are like buttholes aren’t they? Or something like that. ( I almost typed onions then!)

Lots of edits because my typing is pretty bad. Even worse than my posting. It’s ok to laugh at ourslves now and then.


Can I have my SP back that I’ve put into FAX es? :frowning:


the most necessary thing is to raise the cost of capital (more details for the construction)
Rorqual - 4-5kkk
Dreadnought - 3-4kkk
Carrier - 3-4kkk
Super-carrier - 25-30kkk
Nerfit mining of ore and ice - very bad
3 ‘Excavator’ * in “wetu mobile” - very bad
The cost of Dreadnought is 1.5kkk, and the farm in wh is 700kk-1kkk per hour.
It is necessary to raise the cost of the capital fleet, and not to nerf it.

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Even if we did that we still have far too many of them in the game and one side is much stronger than all the others. Their strong capital fleets made them too good at home defense and the pvpers are not getting enough kills.

(Not that most of the game didn’t already look down on ratters and miners but look what happened to the alliance that welcomed them)

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Quick question for Gila pilots more experienced than I am -

While I agree Gila needed a nerf, isn’t halving the drone bonus a little too much? Here’s how I’ve always thought about it -

2 medium size drones + 500% bonus = 12 medium sized drones in offense / defense. Halving that now yields 6 medium sized drones, along with the remaining missile DPS. (I’ve never achieved a fit where the missile portion of a Gila’s DPS felt like a significant percentage.)

Doesn’t this make the Gila a little too mediocre for a faction ship? I had always thought dropping the drone bonus to somewhere in the 300-400% range is what would be appropriate; 250% seems a LITTLE too much - or am I just naive?

Again, only been flying her for about a year, so looking to the opinions of more experienced pilots. Thanks!

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Reducing drone hp bonus by 50% (250% normal), you will still be dishing out the drone dps at 500%

Just means less afk and botting use, more hands on the keyboard drone operation.


I don’t mean buy plex with isk…how is that gonna give you isk?? i mean buy plex with real money and sell the plex for isk Son…

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Reducing income…if you know a bit of economy will not lower the inflation it will only push it up…its like any other country’s economy…the more money people make the better the economy my CSM friend…you want inflation reduced in the game…just cut some zeros lets say what was before 1 bil cut it down to 1 thousand and change the currency from ISK to lets say GWC(Galaxy Wide Currency)…or NEC(New Eden Currency) and bobs your uncle,problem solved…just don’t cut people’s salaries cuz they gonna get pissed off…and thats how revolutions and riots start…I promise you that if all big allainces got together and protested against CCP’s income cut downs and nerfs by getting all members not to log in anymore…its not gonna be pretty for CCP

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That’s not how this works. That’s not how any of this works.

So you are saying that the more isk people make the higher the inflation…and that’s because…

After investing significant time into training (and money also) I am two weeks away from flying my first rorqual. I feel cheated.


Because increasing the money supply creates inflation. More isk means people can afford more expensive things, so the sellers increase their prices, prices go up, and the cycle continues. This is how inflation works IRL, too.

More money supply = inflation.

Oh wow - that’s my bad eyesight. Sorry - thought it was a DPS and health reduction; apparently sounds like it’s just a health reduction. I like it - more active management.


Thats not how it works in real life… because of the competition prices go down

Plex seems to be the only eve asset effected by inflation. I’m not an economist though.

That’s exactly how it works in real life. That’s why you pay more for a chocolate bar today than you did twenty years ago.

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with all do respect thats not inflation…in Norway they pay more for a bread than they did 20 years ago but they don’t have inflation.

Its still worth it for me.
It makes my fleet of hulks much more awesome then they normally are. And this change is buffing boosts so its only a good thing from my point of view.

If the value of the local currency gets weaker then you need more of such currency to buy the the same thing and that is inflation. So if bread prices go up because of something to do with the bread market then that is not inflation but if if it goes up due to weakening currency then that is inflation.
No part of the world is free of inflation to some degree. Its just how things are done these days.

So inflation in game is really based on the value of the isk. NPC prices really have nothing to do with measure inflation as they are fixed by CCP. but plex prices can be an indicator of inflation.