Devblog: Vexor Navy Issue and Alpha Clone Drone Skill Changes

All or nothing. :roll_eyes:

Very “smart”.

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Well their idea’s have worked for the most part, I’ve spent $120 my first month because of how much I enjoyed the game but with how badly this is being handled they won’t end up ever seeing another dime. And knowing that they’ll just lock whatever alpha skills you paid for behind a paywall on a whim makes you not want to invest into the game further.


you know your argument sounds a lot like a situation i once saw in a friends corp…

She had a pilot that would not listen, kept using squishy ships and stuff like that and losing them…
She had hoped he would be better once in an Orca…but AFK and harvest drones dont mix.
She ended up blowing up his orca and podding the poor sod herself one day before kicking the guy since he could not really conform to corporation rules.

You sound a bit like that poor sod.

You know, your inability to follow simple arguments and respond with civility reminds me of a corp mate’s senile grandad.

The poor old codger couldn’t follow conversations, would completely miss the point, and in frustration would lash out with insults.

She hoped he’d be able to live at home until he died, but he became a danger to himself and others.

His incontinence was the final straw, what with ruining a new couch and them having to replace all that carpet… :poop:

The family finally packed him off to an old folks home and he mercifully passed on shortly thereafter.

You sound a bit like that poor sod.



Copy paste skills: B+

Ability to engage in logical debate: F



I get the fact that bot accounts need to be controlled and eliminated but this is not the way to go about doing it. If you get rid of the VNI as the go to ship that people use to farm anomalies in null-sec, they will just find something else. They will then move on to another ship when you decide to change the next one and so on. If you want to get rid of bot accounts then come up with a different way to counter these accounts. This community is losing its fan base as it is and it will continue to do so because of changes like this.

If you don’t want alpha accounts then just get rid of them all together. The game was honestly better before alpha accounts even existed. If people pay to have an account that does nothing but farm anomalies then more power to them and there shouldn’t be a complaint at all about bot farming.

Taking away skills that people like me have worked hard for and need to be effective is upsetting, especially if trying to defend myself in null-sec against would be attackers. Especially when it comes to drones and the skills it takes to fly them. I have had so many kills in null-sec on my other accounts because of drones and the damage they can put out. If the aim is to make more people convert from alpha to omega, then I refer to my previous statement of…“just get rid of the alpha”. Free to play accounts have hurt every gaming community I know of, this one is no different.

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I would argue in Contention that Free to Play has actually helped more games than it has hurt them.

Runescape being the biggest one to come to mind. Though eve can’t quite take the same approach they’re using a similar tactic. Though Runescape started out free and then added a membership option.

World of Warcraft’s free to play option is a joke in comparison however. Which hasn’t helped or hurt the game.

EVE has seen more pilots active due to the addition of the Alpha state namely because there are people that wouldn’t be able to play any other way.

I do agree that all these Alpha Changes are destroying the game slowly, for the Alpha clones, but some need to be done for Obvious Reasons.

The VNI I think was hit too hard. It’s no better than a vexor at this point, and honestly it should be. I feel it should keep a 100mw bandwidth for drones instead of dropping it to that of a normal vexor.

Alpha’s were able to farm level 4’s and farm burner missions thus removing any reason for them to plex their accounts and they could just rake in the isk. Removing the option for level 4’s was a good move. Especially adding in the fact that Alpha’s can now fly any racial ship of their choosing and retain skill points they had from Omega States.

Alpha’s should be in a nice spot for being able to enjoy the game but not the full benefits of the game. Just like Runescape has certain skills and areas that are locked for members only. Alphas should be in that spot that they can eventually earn the isk for omega but it shouldn’t be so easy that they make as much.

The VNI changes are for botters mainly and to offset the ISK/Hr income that people make while just sitting afk. There’s little risk and a decent reward. I think that trying to turn nullsec players into a little bit more active instead of passive is a better option in all fairness.

Good dozen of existing customers lost just for one announcement.
BUT! Not just customers, TRUST!
And number of players online will decrease even faster, then till now…
Hex & Rens are dead, Dixie - almost the same, Amarr going down bit slower, but still, and CCP fights last existing and potential customers using all, they have…
Such a nice view to bright eve future… xD
So, are you going to spend a single penny 4 that?

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If they were Alpha characters playing for free, are they really “customers lost”? :thinking:

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If you are going to cut DPS on heavy drones, can you add speed to them? They are slow as tanks, and now they will be without DPS. Is it possible to simply remove the automatic attack of drones and make it only by pressing a key after locking a target into the sight? I think this can help solve the problem with bots, if the problem is really in them.

I’d say good riddance. Hopefully it would finally spark some creativity, not just throwing those pesky VNI’s and gila’s everywhere.

Well, “omegas”, if you do not know, what you are paying for, there’s explanation in a simple words: for your own skill training time, + ~ 5 - 10% for service. Ones, who have brain, will understand all consequences, Ones, who doesn’t - sorry, not today.
Classic example - new triglavian’s. You want to drive one - pay for skill trainig time, ships + wep systems. And so on.
That`s the true reason, why skill reset never be introduced.
Skill training time is main CCP product, you buy. Alpha’s, when buy skill injectors, do the same, just in smaller amounts…
So, what was the difference, what made you better then alpha’s?

I’m not the one crying and throwing a hissy fit about CCP making a change that’s better for the game. :slight_smile:

Will see after some time, what`s better 4 game…
Time is the best judge.


There is a simple solution for this type of “problem” - make omega locked skill levels/SP not count toward 5mil Alpha training limit. Problem solved. I also wish for (bonus/bought) unallocated SP to not count toward that (Alpha 5m) limit as well.


You can make a change that’s better for the game while still giving customers what they payed for.


In addition to these changes to the VNI, I would suggest removing warp core stabilizers from the Alpha usable module list.

In Fact - Given how overpowered they are as a game mechanic, I would also suggest that they be changed from being a passive module to active, and if fitted prevent drones from being set to aggressive.

Gal, I feel your pain.

But no.

When I am Omega, I pay for all sorts of stuff that will be ‘gone’ as soon as I stop paying my subscription.
It’s part of the deal I sign up for, or more relevant to your post, what I actually have paid for.
Given the nature of this game, and/or it’s business model, it must be absolutely clear to anybody (and that includes any dedicated alpha who pays for stuff) that anything you buy is subject to change.

Personally I don’t see why alpha’s should be entitled to any ‘reimbursement’ for a change in game/skill mechanics while omega’s don’t.

Just think of it as ‘limited warranty’ (which is on anything you buy, anywhere), and don’t fret: things decay.
Anything does, and that includes yours truly. :skull:


I am fine with the changes of the Vexor. I thought about buing one, but I will delay that decision until after the final changes.

On the other hand I completly disagree with the changes of alpha drone handling. I just recently started playing Eve and I am really enthusiastic about it. I dont even have to check it on testserver, because it is exactly the skilllevel I have on life server. From start on I was fine with paying Omega from time to time even with real cash, and falling back to Alpha then, but this kind of change makes me sure that I will not pay Omega at all. Im fine with Alpha being inferior to Omega and even with massiv commercial drawbacks for Alphas. Cutting of the skills of a single playergroup, just to force them to pay borders to blackmail in my eyes (sorry, a bit hard in translation, but it should make my point clear). I had this kind of cuts in two other online games and I stopped playing both completely.

Cutting a player group is bad, make omega more attractive, thats how to get players.


Remember when we didn’t have omega clones and alpha clones was the 14 day free trial? I do.

The way I stand on the matter is they expanded the trial system to allow non-paying plays to still have an effect on the universe in the game, however from what I can see it a difficult balancing act to keep the Alpha clones still playable, but make Omega way more appealing…Instead of using arguments that no one cares about. 'REE YOU JUST HATE ALPHAS." why don’t people play out the changes to see the damage and to see if the VNI can still be used to grind rats.