Devblog: Vexor Navy Issue and Alpha Clone Drone Skill Changes

Still waiting on CCP to chime in and contribute their thoughts and ideas.

some of the thoughts expressed by players are very valid. Sleeper AIs, stasis towers etc.

CCP you there ?

On a side note, anyone know of another game like Eve that I can check out? sandbox, build, explore, PVP, PVE, solo, group/ teams…
Not walking away, just window shopping is all. NO its not because of Alpha clone or VNI changes. Need to stretch my legs for a bit is all, been at this game for 10 years… And no bitch , you can’t has my stuff!
so, anyone know of another game like Eve that I can check out?


A friend who used to play EVE recommends Elite: Dangerous. He really likes the ship physics.

Be interesting to get micro-transaction sales figures from CCP for Alpha accounts. They don’t pay subscription, but can still buy plex for EVE Store items- like Daily Alpha Skill Injectors- and/or market transactions.

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IDK but if you find one, make sure is not CCP involved XD

too bad you sound full of ■■■■, why dont you go back to your alt and post with it instead.

[Rewriting for clarity now that kids aren’t needing things]

I’m an alpha, who actually had a Steam Card in my hand to up to Omega. I logged in and saw this post. I’ve now decided to stop playing EVE would be best.

The rational goes as follows:
-Alpha pilots are currently cannon fodder, as we can’t fully skill up, use any T2 ship (including those that have neither bubbles nor cloak), and are still learning the game. Additionally, certain items that have unique ship restrictions and make hige differences in pvp outcomes (like assault damage controls) to lowly alphas give the impression that EVE is simply Pay to Win.

-Drones are, by far, the most ubiquitous secondary weapon system across the span of ships found in EVE. The nerfs basically make type 2 light and medium drones unreachable, which were of marginal value to bots, take a long time for an alpha to skill into, and provide a significant amount of PvP equalization. Most drone types are already restricted from alphas for afk purposes (no mining, no salvage [which many players don’t bother with anyway], no ewar except web, and no sentry drones.

-If someone was abusing drones in alpha bots for damage purposes, these nerfs do nothing, as more accounts with more lower skilled drones swill bring DPS back to0 original values (and more quickly since less skills needed, and with reduced cost of the drones). As such, I don’t see how this will improve the problem CCP has communicated to us.

-There are no other weapon systems suitable as a secondary in realistic use. Any free high slot is usually fitted with more primary weapons, as few if any Alpha ships have bonuses for more than one weapon type (other than Sunesis, Gnosis, and Praxis).

-Alphas are not getting those (considerable) skill points back and thus the cap of 5mil skill points is that much more confining. I will note the current Week o Skills is not going to offset that loss.

-To add the VNI drone restrictions are coming in at the same time is just disheartening. As that’s currently the most reliable way of making money for my Alpha in a nullsec corp (there aren’t more than 2 anomalies in much of corp occupied nullsec, and a corp member is likely to collapse that wormhole you ventured into while you are exploring).
This is a considerable double whammy, as the closest thing an Alpha can get to a competitive ship is a Navy or Pirate ship (which aren’t cheap for our reduced money-making abilities). To me, there is now such a barrier to playing (and losing ships with) fleets that I don’t see how to continue along that line of game play without going bankrupt.

I emplore CCP to ask Smedly (DayBreak Games CEO and EVE Player) how bad the imbalances in Planetside (MMO similar to CCP’s Dust) affected their player community, and how that anger-fest resulted in SoE / DBG’s significant effort that went into balance into Planetside 2, I should also mention that Planetside started as subscription, then went restricted free, and Planetside 2 is totally free with paid for optional upgrade paths. To me EVE / CCP is in the late days of Planetside–caring more about squeezing money out of an old title rather than look at the fundamental group-think in the company (and possibly loss of develo-er talent) that is steadily breaking the game mechanics.


Sounds no worse than you ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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Not gonna bother to read the rest, quite frankly. See you later!

Or you could, yknow, stop free-loading.

Just a thought.

I hate this discussion. Do you can buy weapons, ships, modules/whatever only with cash? NO! You can buy everything with ISK. Maybe you are too young, but there was a time, when every MMO had to be paid for. So is Eve Online. You want a great game running in one persistent world? Get an omega clone and support CCP! But stop mimimi 'bout pay to win!!! FFS

Have you ever thought about the impact alpha clones have on the economy in Eve Online? Go play anything else please

Why would someone spend money (real or not) on something they feel they can’t win at? It’s like going “I know your disappointed by this, but if you spend money that will magically change”.

In fact, I’ll be someone is using that line in a Jita scam right now.

I do appreciate this and the other comments since my last post. It gives me a good meter on how much new players are welcomed.

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I just wish the deactivated skills would not count towards the Alpha skill point limit. You could lower the total SP limit, but count only Alpha allowed skills towards the limit. It would be more fair, if you need to do more Alpha skill adjustments later.


Because winning is about personal goals

There are plenty of goals you can accomplish with an Alpha.

It just seems you set your goals a bit high.

You are nerfing VNI just because bots were ratting with alpha account in this ship. Instead of banning bots and those who manage them, with this nerf you demostrate that CCP don’t care about bots as long as they pay omega. Chinese botters already destroyed a server and if you think you are going to get they stop botting with this nerf you are very wrong. Every time that GMs allow botters in a MMO game that’s the end of that game. It’s up to you guys, you couldn’t be taking worst decisions to your business.

Don’t have a doubt they don’t need “bigger budget” on banning bots, they are clearly allowing bots. Our alliance reported dozens of them to CCP and they didn’t move a finger, all of them still ratting until the blackout came. CCP don’t want to remove bots, with this nerf they just want bots pay omega but as is being already said that’s completely stupid because botters will just switch to the next cheapest alpha ship able to run anoms in nullsec.

After this update so I have left some rigs on vni and after they take away slots from it my staff just disappear from vni and even don’t have rigs what was on vni in items hangar they just gone somewhere…

Here it’s pay to win.

Suddenly it’s not pay to win.
And yes, you are right. An omega account is not a win button. Eve Online is so much about experience, information, organisation, … but experience, experience, and again experience.
Even the omega account is a full experience and essential for server upkeep costs and further development. But feel free to play anything else.

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Guys, CCP: what you are doing is not right, I am against the changes of (VNI and Apha Clone Drone Skill) this would be a headshot to an Alpha accounts.
I’m sure this is not to eliminate the Bots:


Although I have been very annoyed at the fact that VNI has become almost the only choice of affordable semi afk ratting in null sec, the fact remains that EVE is once again about removing stuff with no added value to replace the loss.

If the problem that this change trying to address is boting how that will reduce it when using a bot is as easy as double clicking a desktop icon to launch an application that will basically play the game for you.

People should feel lucky that there is no seriously active interest into boting because if there was then most likely we would see the utilization of AI and then you would forget about you “God given” ability to spot bots as a human being because AI can fool human perception extremely easy. Not to exclude the fact that true AI (AI is used in gaming for too many things that are not AI) bots can vastly outplay not the average player but top of the top of pro players, not only in skill but also in psychological warfare too as DOTA 2 pro players found the hard way when OpenAI bots unleashed on them.

So my question is how this will stop a person from using a bot, when using a bot is by the first second generating isk with zero effort from the player. All the botter has to do is just use more bots.

The only true way to fight an AI bot is with a superior AI bot. Because nerfing VNI for Aplhas will only result into hysterical laughing of 0s and 1s.

EVE is a great game , I love so many things about it but let’s be sincere.

EVE would not exist without afk multibox gameplay and bots. These two are the heart of the game.

“EVE would not exist without afk multibox gameplay and bots. These two are the heart of the game.”

Horse crap… it not only will survive, but it will also be much much better for it. I’m hoping the VNI is just the beginning of a wholesale effort to reduce high profitable or game-changing semi-afk or fully afk activities— from mining to cloaky camping. Go ahead and play the game–but really play.