Devblog: Vexor Navy Issue and Alpha Clone Drone Skill Changes

Because Botting VNIs are a MASSIVE issue, heck semi active VNI is similar to a botted VNI. I semi actively run one, in addition to my other PVE ship/ It just races around some anchor at 1200+ M/S pretty much invulnerable and printing isk. Being able to do that 15 hours a day is pretty game breaking.

This one screws me and I am ok with it, as long as I can my local back. Besides being more dangerous it is just effing annoying. Can not drag intruder into intel, do not see me alliance members when the enter system. Have to open fleet/corp chat to warp to other character/corp mate.

Guys, your argumentation for VNI changes and alpha clone skills seems ridiculous.
You do not fight with bots, you fight with normal players.
You say: “Yes, there are bots. Therefore, we will cut down this ship, and limit the skills of the alpha clone.”
You know, you better fight the RMT and the bots, directly.
At the moment you are creating the appearance of fighting with bots. Those. If you pay a subscription, there will be no limitations in skills, in ships, and accordingly in botting will not be?

Ребята, ваши аргументы в пользу изменений VNI и навыков альфа-клонирования кажутся нелепыми.
Вы не боретесь с ботами, вы боретесь с нормальными игроками.
Вы говорите: «Да, есть боты. Поэтому мы будем сокращать этот корабль и ограничивать навыки альфа-клона ».
Знаете, вам лучше сражаться с RMT и ботами напрямую.

It’s ok to get cheated if it’s not for too much.


So many more important issues than this non-issue.

Thats sexeh as f**k.
Now, improve medium AC please.

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Nice “anti-botting efforts” … when I grow up, I wanna give solutions to problems the way you do guys …

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I’m really upset about the drone change. You are punishing legit players. Why not just ban bot players?
I’ve just spent a lot on money training my Medium Drone and Drone interfacing. And now you take it away. At least give me back the SP so I can use it on something useful. Your other suggestions don’t compute.


I’m super salty about the loss of drone bandwidth. The merits of Gallente and drones just became weaker. I understand the need to combat bots but solving it with nerfs really bites


Again why is it that people think that alpha has to equate to FREE, also you do not to “similar” dps. Try going from a tech 2 medium drone to mid tier faction drones. Also that was YOUR choice to move from Omega to Alpha and lose your skills. YOU made the decision to lose your skills they were not taken from you.


It has nothing to do with “getting easier cash” in eve and It has nothing to do with how much isk they cost it has to do with the fact that there is a possibly that people have spent out of game cash on something only for it to be taken from them. I do not go to your house and take money out of your wallet now do I?


Because ALPHA IS Free though. :stuck_out_tongue: You literally don’t pay for it - kinda the definition of Free really.

And where in my post did you think I was complaining? I’m perfectly happy in my current position so no qualms. I haven’t LOST anything and neither has anyone in the face of these changes.

As for DPs change… amounts to naff all as far as I’m concerned for the active player…

You do seem rather angry about it though…

They spend out of game cash to get an advantage (in this case time) in game… so said advantage was removed… suck it up and move on.

Given that said out of game cash equivalent is easy to achieve in game that is their prerogative to spend it…

I’ve wasted two ■■■■■■■ weeks training drone skills because those skills supposed to be usable for all life but now those SP are trash and i’ll not have any compensation for it in my alpha account.

CCP, your balance sucks, the Bot-Rats will pick a cheaper boat to continue farming everytime you NERF a ship and “we” the real players now are forced to buy de Dominix and risk more isk to farm.

Some players wasted real money to train those skills including me and ¿What is your solution? ¿Tell me I have to buy more plex to buy more Alpha Skill Injectors? ¿An what about my time and isk spended? now my 160m isk VNI is totally trash for PVE, thanks.


You “wasted real money” training those skills as an Alpha when you could just have “wasted real money” upgrading to Omega clone status and just use them regularly. ???


Have in consideration some players don´t have the money to pay Omega status for two or more accounts, they keep one in Omega status and the others in Alpha upgrading them with microtransactions. Think beyond, not superficially.


These tears are so damn delicious!!!

But instead of spending money on microtransactions… why not spend the money on Omega status? Since they’re different clone states, you can’t even have both of them logged in at the same time, so what’s the use there?


If your playing for free yes you can suck it up and goes home crying but some of the complain here are valid.

If someone paid real cash via skill injector this become an issue .

If someone paid for something shouldn’t then be allowed to use whatever that is paid for and yes refund out of the question.


Man, some of you are so easy to upset…damn…

“Aw man, now it’s a challenge”…“taking may ball and going home”…Ruh-ruh-ruh-RAGEQUIT!