Hi all,
I have been unable to play for just shy of 3 years. My computer broke and was abruptly unable to log in. I was living in null sec space at the time and never had the chance to manually move my assets to safety. I have been receiving emails about rejoining the game and so I began to look into it since I finally got a new gaming computer. Upon returning about 90% of my game assets are in asset safety wraps. The estimated total fees to retrieve these are 30+ billion. I don’t feel this is a good mechanic for retaining players because in my current situation I would have to spend the next year working for what I already own.
From what I remember from the time Asset Safety was implemented in 2015 the fee was put in place in order to prevent people from moving items over long distances with no risk and with clear intentions to abuse the system to say avoid using a jump freighter for logistics. This is the kind of thing I thought the asset safety fee was for. Just like how neural remaps work with a 1 year timer. I think the asset safety fee should be waved or greatly reduced after a set amount of time. It will prevent people from abusing asset safety to move things with out risk but won’t punish and prevent returning players from rejoining New Eden.
@Nevyn_Auscent I would not rather lose my stuff but prior to citadels you didn’t have to worry about leaving the game and coming back. This is a situation I was forced into and I am clearly not intending to abuse the asset safety system like in the example I put in the OP.
“From what I remember from the time Asset Safety was implemented in 2015 the fee was put in place in order to prevent people from moving items over long distances with no risk and with clear intentions to abuse the system to say avoid using a jump freighter for logistics.”
@Nevyn_Auscent I disagree, you could at least sell off the stuff without a fee. And if you were there when you left you could come back and undock and evac. Also the previously undockable ships you didn’t have to pay 20 bill to get back. You could log in when safe and evac.