Did CCP secretly nerf Emerging Conduit as of today?

The design intent behind these sites when they were originally introduced was to provide a taste of Invasion content to those that aren’t necessarily able to take part in Invasions proper, namely aimed at newer players, the hope being that they would team up and tackle the content together.
This meant creating a piece of content that was widely available and easy to access, hence the 1 min respawn and HS-wide distribution.
These goals were satisfied but I will be the first to admit that I did not anticipate the subsequent snowballing of botting and min-maxing that started to happen over December and January.
The numbers that we started to see in that period became cause for great concern and a decision was made to space out their respawn timer more and tweak the survey database drop rate.
I understand that people have issue with this but given how the consumption of this content evolved past the initial goal satisfaction, they were a huge problem.