Did you donate to a player cause?


I am looking to speak with people regarding any causes they donated to, related to EvE online, to players, or to corps or alliances–whether in the past or present. I’m only particularly interested in hear from people who donated IRL money, artwork, or other means.

For example, things such as,
-Donating IRL money to someone who lost theirs (or a family members’) home.
-Donating art to be sold in a shop to benefit their corp or alliance.
-Handed over other goods not listed.

These interviews will be used for a written piece. Please EvE-Mail me in game and I will be happy to set up an interview with you. Thank you. :slight_smile:

(Please do not post in this thread or link any current or on-going causes or request for donation. Ta.)

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You should rephrase and ask who donated to ‘PLEX 4 Good’


This is just a courtesy bump I am still collecting information. :slight_smile:

This is just a courtesy bump I am still collecting information. :slight_smile:

This is just a courtesy bump I am still collecting information. :blush:

This is just a courtesy bump I am still collecting information. :blush:

There is someone whom I had and did my best at the time , that Pilots name is Duru666

Still here. I very much like to hear from you if any of the conditions above fit you. Thanks. :slight_smile:

Still here. I very much like to hear from you if any of the conditions above fit you. Thanks. :slight_smile:


I am no longer accepting anymore messages on this topic as there is a new focus on RMT that needs my attention.

Thank you to whomever dropped some interesting information to me-- my brother and I greatly appreciated it.

Sometines I will randomly give 50 to 100 mil ISK to players.

In real life, I have given out bottlea of water to a pimp and hos girls, or drug addict asking for money or just because I could.

I have also handed out money to homeless people on the road.

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Same though new pilots max would be just 5 million isk only.

@Iceacid_Frostpacker hands out a billion ISK on a monthly basis to a certain homeless princess. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:

There is a reason why, only that only Aiko knows.

We all know, she needs a new castle… every month. :blush:

No I haven’t donated to any player cause. I don’t know what causes those would be anyway and isk and PLEX are game money. I only donate cash and never online.
Since in our so-called society men in need can go flock themselves, I donate exclusively to Homeless Men’s shelters.

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