Directly addess Aiko Danuja comments about ganking

I’m just thinking this is hella expensive to do without breaking rules that already exist.

25-100 ships in a gank by one person means that person is paying for 25-100 omega subscriptions, either in PLEX or in real money and paying for 25-100 ships (and at least an average of half the ship’s fit, assuming they can recover it all) per attempt.

If anyone is willing to part with all that to blow up a ship of mine, fine with me. I consider the victory pyrrhic since I would have inflicted the greater financial loss just by existing.

Oh if you don’t know me by now
You will never never never know me
No you wont
Oh yeah.

Sing it everybody…….

Oh if you dont know me by now………

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Yep, 50 alts would equal around $750 usd and 100 alts is equal to around $1500 usd per month.
Maybe there are people running that many but I don’t think they are ganking with them. I would also really love to see the hardware they are doing it on, it’s got to be amazing!

You rotten bugger! Now I’m going to have that song stuck in my head all day!
What is the term for that?

You got me good, I hope someone RickRolls you soon

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Yeah its all a bit bananas. If you can kill a ship with 5 ships why use 25? Every ship that engages is lost to concord and hence is expense. Gankers arnt stupid. Even if they were doing it purely for salt they wouldn’t be burning more isk than they need to. If nothing else they tend to be efficient.

Hence why I’m always sceptical when it comes to claims about 25+ multi boxed fleet.

But i guess big numbers sound good in a story. Even if they do expose it as being a bit silly.


In that case it’s a multiboxing problem, not ganking problem.

And I do agree multiboxing should be hardlocked per single real player by CCP, but that is a path it has sadly never dared to touch, because, well, there’s obviously real money at stake …

The server’s population would also be cut by at least a half … :rofl:

I guess I’m confused on what it is exactly the OP wants. Botting is already against the rules. Delaying CONCORD is already against the rules. Running lots of Alpha accounts in a ganking OP (or in any other instance) is already against the rules. Any of these things they could report to CCP. Remove these things from the discussion and what does that leave us with?

Oh i think this one is a pretty clear cut case of “i will not be happy till all PVP is in its own instanced server away from everything i want to do in the game. I don’t care about anyone else’s gameplay or how the game will be adversely effected. Just give me the stuff”

It’s like if Drac and Cilla reproduced and fed the baby crack

Just the fact you resort to insults shows you are wrong.

A false representation, i am talking about the current state ganking with mass number of ships. Falsely representing what i am saying is not going to get to the heart of this matter. It is all ganker group think at this point.

You do know what i want. I want the exploiters to receive the required bans.

I would like it that people stop falsely claiming they don’t understand the issue.

Read number 1.

It literally says mass numbers of ships is a concord exploit.

Never said anyone was stupid. I am just vigorously arguing my point. Exploiting to delay concord is a bannable offence. All these words that you generate after that is to cause a smoke screen in an obvious exploit.

I have seen a live stream of someone using 30 ships. Not only is it easy it made me want to quit this game. How can someone be competitive with that?

I completely agree that exploiters should banned. I just haven’t seen evidence of an exploit yet.

So if you are being ganked by one man multiboxers controlling between 25 and 100 pilots presumably you can provide me with links to zkill so i can have a look?

Okay, I’ll engage with you as if you are a sincere poster for one more post.

No I do not call anyone who disagrees with me a troll. However, I have begun to suspect you as such for two main reasons:

  • Utterly preposterous claims- Your examples include things like asserting that Eve is not a PvP game, or that a three and a half year old player flying a 2 billion isk ship is “newish.”
  • Denying compelling evidence- For example, you assert that mechanics are not indicative of developer intent, and demand a quote. And then once provided with a quote of Falcon saying that ganking is an intended part of the game, you insist that he was speaking only of ganking with a single ship, and not with multiple ships -a claim based upon absolutely nothing.

Moreover, you check off several boxes on articles explaining how to identify trolls:

  • generally low level of activity, with sudden spurts of interaction
  • restarting topics
  • use of argumentative fallacies- i.e. sweeping generalizations- gankers are sociopaths
  • accusing others of being biased or using flawed logic
  • the use of an attention-seeking gimmick- calling out Aiko Danuja by name, even though neither her nor Safety has even been on any recent ganks against you or your corpmates.

Of course, all of this is only circumstantial evidence, because there are actually sincere people who do obstinately believe in ridiculous things, and who do exhibit other qualities of trolls. I mean, that’s why trolls are so effective at getting people to engage with them -it’s because it’s difficult to distinguish them from sincere idiots. Case in point, even though there are plenty of trolls who like to posture as flat-earthers, that doesn’t change the fact that there are still people who sincerely believe. So, the question is, how do you tell them apart? Well, I know ISD’s make judgement calls all the time when it comes to closing threads, but at the end of the day, I don’t think you can know for certain that someone is a troll without them admitting to it.

So now I find myself asking how to deal with you -especially since I don’t even know whether or not you are actually a troll. Moreover, even if you are a troll, you’re doing an excellent job of undermining a position that I disagree with (and, at least some people are having fun with you). On the other hand, it doesn’t matter how ridiculous your beliefs are, or how weak your arguments are, there is still the possibility that you can actually convince others to sincerely believe.

Meh. I’m atting the ISD’s. Let them decide.
@ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode @ISD_Bahamut @ISD_Buldath @ISD_Golem

What you posted is from 2015

Yet in 2021
After listening to their feedback we have decided not to implement the policy update mentioned above. There will be no changes to how support are policing CONCORD interaction and that ‘pulling’ CONCORD or defensive spawning of CONCORD is currently permitted but we reserve the right to change this at a future date.

So, looks like at this time. the “exploit” is allowed. Complaining about it on the forums without showing proof just ends up with what we have here.

Am I to understand that your position is that no more than one vessel may attack another vessel in high security space?

That is the thin end of the wedge to a very brittle assertion.

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 (gcide)
Hornstone Horn"stone`, n. (Min.)
A siliceous stone, a variety of quartz, closely resembling
flint, but more brittle; – called also chert.
[1913 Webster]

There is or was one guy in Uedama multiboxing 20+ ships. Yes is true.
I saw it with my own “eyes” on my own ship. All with the same name. The guy even used to stream and people insist he wasn’t using any dubious software and that he plays legit. And to repeat myself… He claims and many people claim he did it the legit way.

After Jesus story… Ofc this is the next BS story ever told.

Anywyay. It was “my” fault.

They are not going to help you, i believe they have already looked at this forum and what has been said, they want to see how this plays out. Regular players are being silenced by the exploits of the gankers. You pushed it too far. We represent a large part of the economy and we will be heard.