That’s a good point, I’m going to remove my response to her.
Show me I am wrong?
I can tell you now in over a year I have yet to have a run in with CODE. I have spent the last 9 months IN high sec mostly doing FW and WH diving. When I am not running missions in High sec.
You made the assumption that CODE and other corps like them are everywhere, simply not true.
You made the assumption that you cant play without being podded by some suicide ganker. It is a tactic, a tactic that is easily overcome by just being alert.
Then you assume that I am taking a swing at you, and again I am not… if I were you would know it. Fact is I dont think this game is for you.
Logging in last night after several months away, it hit me how many things I wanted to try in game that really require a sub and a good null outfit that are active when you are. That is understandable when it comes to industry, but still a disappointment. I will say that it is nice that the racial restrictions on ship skills were lifted for Alphas, since now I can get into exploration without having to use the Imicus. Gross.
As far as ganking, it helps to think of spacetime as a unified whole. The ship you’re flying has already succumbed to entropy, you just haven’t yet reached that moment in time.
All that flailing at the keyboard and you didn’t manage to say a single thing to counter the argument there there is a lack of incentive for AG forces, or that gankers risk next to nothing yet have the potential for tremendous profits while preying on non-combatants and the newbish.
It doesn’t matter if the gameplay is “emergent” or not. If there is a lack of equity, there is the perception of a problem, especially for “emergent” gameplay that practically provides a safe space for your typical griefers and sociopaths, and that makes EVE look like ■■■■ and not worth playing for way too many people. And frghter ganking isn’t the only way suicide ganking can be profitable. Do try to think before you post, it is getting ridiculous.
I’m sure that even snowflakes like you can see the writing on the wall, as suicide ganking is stronger than ever now with throw away alpha accounts. Your safe space, yet predatory playstyle breaks the balance of fairness and risk vs reward. The game would more than likely benefit from added rewards and options for vigilantes and revenge seekers, but by all means, continue to object to the obvious. Your desperate, heavy mental gymnastics are amusing.
Likewise I’m very disappointed in the things they have not fixed… Some of these mechanics are just flat out bad… I just came back after being gone for 5 years. Was hoping for better than this… Still no 4k support? Dafuq? Text is tiny… People still have a bajillion alts and cloaky camp, while AFK for months or years at a time, just to annoy people… And this is allowed? This is a “Valid” mechanic? lol… AFK camping is ■■■■■■■■ and it needs to end…
Ok, I tried. There is really no point in talking to you.
Tanks for sharing your impotent tears anyway. You know there are ag who manage to do what you seam to have trouble even thinking possible. Maybe learn how to play before you blame the game for your shortcomings.
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